u.a upcoming events

u.a upcoming events:

readers thoughts: we weren't able to go to school yesterday because of the villain attack on u.s.j, i was actually happy because i needed a break from all the trouble that happened lately. so today we get to go back to school...... so right now i'm walking to school with todoroki, i already told ochako about this she said it was fine

time skip to train ride..............

y/n: shoto what do you think were going to do today

todoroki: it doesn't really matter what we are doing

y/n: (i pout) hey it does matter, you'll never know what your going to do

todoroki: exactly, just go with your day

y/n: i wonder what you did yesterday it seems to have no effect on you

todoroki: it did have an effect on me. even the day before

y/n: (i blush remembering that day) you didn't have to mention that (slightly hitting his shoulder)

todoroki: (chuckled) but it's the truth so i have all rights to share my own opinions

y/n: i'm not telling you to not share your opinions, it's just that day makes me get flustered easily after you know what happened

todoroki: (smirks) i know that's why i mentioned that day

y/n: shoto that's not nice

todoroki: but it's nice teasing you

time skip to heading to classroom..........


third person pov: y/n and todoroki arrive slightly early to class so there's only a few students not to also mention momo

readers pov:

y/n: i can't believe we arrived a little bit early to class, not that there's a problem with that

todoroki: it's actually nice being early then you don't have to here any of our classmates voices and it's really calming

y/n: maybe i might have time to sleep

todoroki: really, it's only 7:40 and you want to sleep again

y/n: yes shoto, sleep is important

todoroki: not in all situations if it relates to your quirk

y/n: right, but mine doesn't i just feel tired it's been a while since i slept well other than yesterday because i was able to relax

third person pov: y/n and todoroki walk into the classroom (holding each others hands) and greeted by a few of their classmates that were a bit early then went to their seats. once y/n and todoroki sat down they were greeted by momo......

readers pov:

momo: good morning y/n and todoroki-kun

y/n: oh, good morning momo

todoroki: good morning yaoyorozu

momo: you guys arrived early, y/n i didn't expect you to come early normally i would see todoroki

y/n: since i live by shoto's house i decided to go to school with him (a small blush was on your cheeks)

momo: oh ok

momo thoughts: when y/n was answering my question i noticed that she called todoroki by his first name, did something happen between them he also responded to my greeting when he normally ignores them. now that i think of it y/n and todoroki spend time with each other a lot, are they dating (i frown a little bit in curiosity) maybe i'm just overthinking this....

time skip to the rest of the class arriving including aizawa............


third person pov: the other students of class 1a arrive, then they start talking among themselves about the u.s.j incident....

mineta: we were on tv

toru: yeah, we look so cool fighting villains

ochako: i'm happy that everyone's ok and the villains are locked up

kirishima: what we did was really manly

readers pov:

y/n: shoto

todoroki: hm

y/n: i think our classmates should be thinking deeply into these types of situations, not admiring the danger that occured what if something unexpected happened

todoroki: not really, y/n they have a reason to be amazed that we were on tv. i guess it's just you thinking too negatively about the attack

y/n: i'm not thinking negatively it's just that we should be more careful because the league of villains are out their trying to find a way to kill all might and i have a feeling their going to direct their attacks towards us.....

todoroki thoughts: once y/n said that it made more sense on why she said that... she's worried about her friends

todoroki: don't worry y/n just enjoy that victory we had in u.s.j with everyone else. ochako seems happy about the fight

y/n: yeah because she's always happy and supportive about situations even if there good or bad ones. but i'll try to feel good

third person pov: the students were interrupted by the door opening revealing mr. aizawa with a bandage covering his face leaving them in surprise......

kaminari: wow, he really is a pro. he still comes to school when he's still injured

y/n: mr. aizawa never gives up does he

ochako: how is he able to come to school still

kirishima: he's so manly, taking risk

(then izuku asks why aizawa's in class when he's injured badly....)

izuku: mr. aizawa why are you at school if your badly injured

mr. aizawa: my injuries are irrelevant and something important is approaching that will help you become heros

y/n: i wonder what it could be (thinking out loud while the class was silent)

third person: y/n catches the attention of aizawa without realizing it

mr. aizawa: kim as you are wondering (once aizawa said that y/n hides her face in embarrassment for thinking loud)... it is the u.a sports festival

kaminari: isn't it too early to have the sports festival when we just got back after a villain attack

third person pov: the class agreed with kaminari that the sports festival was coming way too soon

mr. aizawa: the sports festival is way too important to cancel, the sports festival is the most-viewed event in the world and a major opportunity for u.a students to get scouted into professional hero agencies

readers pov:

readers thoughts: maybe i should start preparing myself a little early for the event who knows what i'm up against.....

time skip to lunch........


third person thoughts: the students continued the rest of the class talking about the sports festival and also focusing on there current studies. until it was finally lunch time everyone got up from their seats to get ready for lunch, y/n was getting her bento out of her bag ..... the almost quiet chatter was broken by a loud outburst. y/n turned that direction to only see ochako with her game face then she starts shouting...

ochako: i'll do my best during the sports festival

continuing readers thoughts: then i noticed some of our classmates are surprised of her certain outburst

third person pov: y/n walks over to ochako

y/n: ochako-chan you must really excited

ochako: oh y/n, i'm very excited. what about you

y/n: i wouldn't choose excited as a way of describing how i feel about the sports festival but i'll describe it as a way in saying i need to train and give it my all

izuku: i would describe it like that too

y/n: but i didn't say it wouldn't be exciting, it might be an interesting experience

lida: well thats why were all here to give it our all

y/n: well, we better leave before we miss lunch

ochako: i almost forgot about that

skip time to izuku asking ochako why she became a hero............


third person pov: ever since the sudden outburst ochako had in class, midoriya wondered why she wanted to be a hero that's until he finally asked.....

izuku: ochako why did you want to be a hero

lida: yeah, i've been meaning to ask you this as well

readers thoughts: i could tell that ochako was a little surprised at the outcome, then she answered the question awkwardly

ochako: well.....i became a hero for the money

ochako pov:

ochako: well.....i became a hero for the money..... (trailing off a bit because of the tension)

ochako thoughts: then i noticed that deku and lida stared at me in shock then i looked at y/n who gave me a reassuring smile that she will help me explain since it's already awkward

readers pov:

y/n: the reason why ochako becoming a hero for money is to help her parents, they're having some financial issues and i think it's a really good thing while shes striving to be a hero

readers thoughts: i look back at ochako who was giving me a small grin then she went up and hugged me and whispered.....

ochako: thank you y/n-chan, that was really helpful

y/n: no problem. were best friends aren't we

third person pov: once ochako and y/n pull away from their hug they noticed that lida and izuku were smiling in awe and inspiration. then lida says.......

lida: uraraka-san i think that's an amazing thing to do

izuku: yeah ochako. that's one way of being a hero

(ochako blushes at the praise she receives from her friends........)

continuing third person pov: then lida asked y/n why she became a hero

lida: kim-san why did you become a hero

readers pov:

lida: kim-san why did you become a hero

third person pov: now it was ochako turn to look at y/n with a reassuring smile...

y/n: (i sigh) i became a hero for my mom, she was never really the happiest girl ever since she was with my father (i say deeply).... but i told her that i'll become a hero for her so she knows that someone really important to her is her number one hero and that i'll never give up because i love her a lot.....

continue third person thought: y/n didn't notice a tear fell from her eyes, but her friends did...... which is sometimes never a good sign

lida: kim-san are you crying....

y/n: uhm... yeah it's just emotional for me because i care for my mother a lot (with a small smile) ochako knows how much i care about her since we were six.

izuku: you want to be a hero not only because it's your dream but because you care for your mother. that's also another way of being a hero you wish to be

ochako: i agree with deku

lida: same here. we all have our reasons

third person pov: as the four friends were walking until all might appeared and asked izuku to join him for lunch..... not only did they see this but also todoroki

all might: young midoriya may you please join me for lunch

readers pov:

readers thoughts: all might asked midoriya to have lunch with him for some apparent reason. while i was looking around i saw todoroki behind a corner listening then he mouths me to be quite, i just nodded in response so no one notices....

todoroki thoughts: i was on my way to lunch until i heard voices they belonged to y/n, lida, ochako, and midoriya. i then heard all mights voice, so i walked towards their direction and hid behind a corner to get a better view of the situation. i then hear all might tell midoriya to join him for lunch, i wonder why... then i saw y/n look towards my direction then i mouthed her to be quiet then she nodded in understanding......

third person pov: after all might told midoriya to join him for lunch y/n told ochako and lida that she needs to get something from class and they both left. the truth was that y/n needed ochako and lida away so she could see todoroki to see if he had any suspicions since he was eavesdropping....... once ochako and lida were out of site y/n went to todoroki

readers pov:

y/n: shoto.... you can come out now

todoroki thoughts: once y/n said that i came out of the corner i was using to listen to what they were saying

todoroki: ok (i respond casually)

y/n: shoto why were you eavesdropping

todoroki: my curiosity took control over me

y/n: that's reasonable. so did mine

todoroki: i thought i was the only one who sensed something wrong about the way all might asked him to join him for lunch

y/n: yeah, i think all mights going to talk to izuku about the upcoming sports festival and controlling his quirk

todoroki: (nods then speaks) anyway about midoriya quirk don't you think it's like all mights

y/n: actually it kinda is. but the question is if he haves it how did he get access to it

todoroki: you have a point

y/n: (i sigh) this is so confusing. let's just go to lunch to get our minds off of this topic plus my bento getting cold not that i have a problem with it

third person pov: y/n grabs todoroki hand and then walks straight to the lunch room, right now her priority is to eat lunch then continue with her day

time skip to end of the day............


readers thoughts: i was already done packing my stuff and about to head out of the door with the other students until ochako opened the door revealing u.a students from other classes

readers pov:

y/n: why are they even here, shouldn't they be going home (i whisper to myself)

lida: what business do you guys have with class 1a

mineta: we can't get out (yell). what'd you come for, anyways

third person pov: bakugo responded to mineta question by saying......

bakugou: their scouting out the enemy small, fry. we're the ones who made it out of the villains' attack, they probably want to check us out before the sports festival.

(bakugou is in front of the home room door right now.........)

bakugou: there's no point in doing stuff like that. (yells the last part) move out of my ways extras

third person pov: once bakugou said that lida, ochako, and izuku told him to stop calling people extras. then the students in the crowd started talking among themselves..... until a student from the crowd spoke up. the student from the crowd declared war against class 1a because he plans on taking their place in the hero course. then a student from class 1b says....

tetsutetsu: i wanted to see the students that defeated real villains, not a bunch of spoiled brats

continuing third person pov: once tetsutetsu stated that most of the students from class 1a are worried that bakugou ruined their reputation and caused all the other students to hate them.....

readers pov:

readers thoughts: i can't believe the other students from the other courses think were spoiled brats

third person pov: once the students that were outside their classroom left bakugou speaks up again.....

bakugou: it doesn't matter as long as i beat them at the sports festival

izuku pov:

izuku thoughts: i noticed kacchan ambitions and recalls of lida, kim, and ochako as well. i'm ashamed of doubting my own convictions and i'll decide to devote myself to train for the next few days until the day of the sports festival...

time skip to y/n and todoroki outside the school talking.......


readers pov:

y/n: so uhm... shoto how do you feel about the upcoming sports festival

(while walking to station...........)

third person pov: todoroki gives y/n his full attention, he was also thinking about the festival

todoroki: (he sighs) i have a feeling that my father will be watching me and would expect me to use my left side

reader thoughts: i give todoroki a weak smile. i know how he feels about his father from the other day, this makes me regret asking....

third person pov: y/n was cut off from her thoughts when todoroki grabbed her hand then he spoke

todoroki: it's ok y/n you just wanted to know how i feel from my prospective (with a small smile)

y/n: thank you shoto

todoroki: you don't need to thank me, i'm the one who should be thanking you

readers thoughts: i stopped walking because of what todoroki said what did he mean by him thanking me.

third person pov: todoroki noticed this and spoke up.....

todoroki: y/n what i mean by that is the fact you never gave up on me, when i didn't need your help or even when i was cold towards you during our first few encounters. you kept on trying your best to get close to me because you felt the need and eventually you were able to, then we became friends. being friends with you is the best thing that happened

continuing third person pov: once todoroki finished speaking he turned around to face y/n only to see her with dark red blush and a few tears about to fall from her eyes all this because she didn't notice the huge impact she made on todoroki

readers pov:

readers thoughts: once todoroki said that i felt my face heat up a lot, this made me realize how much i effected todoroki life. was i that important to him, then i felt tears forcing to come out my eyes. right now todoroki in front of me what should i do right now. i did the thing that was right on my mind hug him...

todoroki thoughts: as y/n and i stared at each other not knowing what to do, then i felt y/n hug me. she then said....

y/n: i'm glad to hear that i made an impact on your life shoto. just remember that i'll always be there for you

continuing todoroki thoughts: once she said that the same warm feeling came back again. what is this feeling, is it .....love. do i like y/n (i slightly blush at that thought)

third person pov: y/n and todoroki are still in the same position good thing they weren't in a crowded area, a few minutes later they pull away then they continue their way to the train station......

time skip to train ride..................


third person pov: as y/n and todoroki make take their seats in the train, they're both lost in thought of their relationship as friends. that moment of silence was cut off by y/n...

y/n: so shoto do you plan on training when you get back home (trying to change the subject to loosen the awkward tension)

todoroki: i'm not sure it depends

y/n: oh ok.... i plan on training when i get back so i could get a head start of preparing for the festival. plus my mother will be home she might be able to show me some cool tricks (i smile at the thought of my mother)

third person pov: once y/n and todoroki arrive at the train station (for home) they both tell each other goodbye, then head separate ways preparing for the sports festival coming in two weeks which means both students need to train hard....