u.a sports festival pt.1

u.a sports festival pt.1:

third person pov: the students of u.a high or more specifically class 1a have been training for two weeks preparing for the sports festival and today the day has finally come for that day....

readers pov:

readers thoughts: today is the day of the sports festival. i'm really excited yet nervous the good thing is that i trained really hard for two weeks plus my mother going to be their supporting me. but the thing i worry about are my creations (my summoning) my mother's sister and my grandmother can do them but i struggle to do them, it's like a lack of concentration when i actually try. my mother would say i try too much or just go with the flow, but someday i hope i can master it.

y/m: y/n let's go (mother yells from downstairs)

y/n: i'll be there in two minutes (yell back)

continue reader thoughts: did i really space out that much (while i grab my bag then head downstairs to meet my mother)

y/m: (looks your direction) y/n you grew up so much i remember you being a girl with a special wish and here you are about to make it come true. i'll be there supporting you, it doesn't matter if you win as long as you give it your all and strive to be the hero you wish to be (she finished almost tearing up but trying to keep composure)

readers pov:

readers thoughts: my mother so supportive, then i'll win with a heart of a hero

y/n: (i hug my mother) thank you for always supporting me

y/m: no problem now let's go (quickly pulling away) wouldn't want you being late

time skip to your mother dropping you off to school...................


third person pov: once y/n arrived at school she went straight towards her class not wanting to miss a single detail given about the event. when y/n makes it to class she spotted her classmates talking among themselves about the sports festival, once the students see her they greet her good morning. not to also mention midoriya, ochako, and lida were already there..........

lida: good morning kim-san

y/n: oh hi lida-kun, it seems like the whole class is excited for the sports festival (while walking over to her seat)

(ochako joins in.........)

ochako: yeah, everyone's going to give it their all

kaminari: i'm totally going to win

readers thoughts: i smile at my classmates they're really excited, they must've trained really hard if almost everyone in class arrived early. my goal in this event is to win and also make sure i give it my all or in other words try to reach plus ultra...

third person pov: once y/n made it to her seat she greeted todoroki

y/n: good morning shoto

todoroki thoughts: i was lost in thought thinking about midoriya quirk and how similar it is to all might then my thoughts were cut off by y/n voice...

y/n: good morning shoto

todoroki: oh.... good morning y/n

readers pov:

todoroki: oh.... good morning y/n

readers thoughts: i noticed that todoroki-kun looked lost in thought, like he was intensively thinking about something. so i decided to ask him what he's thinking about

y/n: shoto what are you thinking about

todoroki: i'm thinking about nothing and i'm fine

todoroki thoughts: i didn't mean to sound rude but i just needed time to myself

y/n: ok

third person pov: y/n didn't want to disturb todoroki anymore because he looked like he wasn't in a good mood today, not to also mention he had a cold expression when i was talking to him. so i'll give him some space before the sports festival begins....

(time skip to class 1a in waiting room.........)

readers thoughts: i just finished putting on my p.e uniform for the festival and i'm in the waiting room waiting with my classmates until the sports festival begins. i'm currently talking to ochako about the sports festival until lida comes inside the waiting room saying....

lida: it's almost time for the sports festival, so i suggest you guys be ready because their about to call us to the entrance

readers pov:

y/n: the sports festival is going to start already

ochako: yeah, at least i'm ready what about you y/n

y/n: i'm ready

third person pov: once lida announced to the class that the sports festival will begin soon todoroki walks up to izuku catching the attention of his classmates including y/n. then he says....

todoroki: looking at things objectively, i think i'm stronger than you

izuku: huh, yeah (he was surprised)

todoroki: but all might has his eye on you, doesn't he. but i'm going to beat you

(todoroki starts walking away.......)

izuku: todoroki i don't know what you mean by your going to beat me

(midoriya outcome makes todoroki stop walking away........)

continuing izuku: of course your better than me, of course your most capable than most people. but i can't afford to fall behind, but i'll be going for everything i have too

todoroki: yeah

third person pov: then todoroki walks away from the waiting room

readers thoughts: todoroki, i think this is what todoroki was thinking about during class. ever since the all might incident, he's been suspicious of midoriya. he isn't the only one i'm going to find out what midoriya hiding sooner or later because bakugo said that he was quirkless, it's also true that all might is looking out for him. does this mean all might has something to do with midoriya quirk

third person pov: after y/n finished processing the situation that happened between midoriya and todoroki. it was already time to go to the freshmen stage of the festival....

time skip to freshmen stage when midnight asks for the class representative............


readers thoughts: as we exit the waiting room to the freshmen stage i noticed that there were a lot of people that were going to be watching us. then midnight announces that bakugou is the class representative and he will lead the pledge.....

y/n: i think this isn't going to turn out good

mina: yeah, especially when it's bakugou

izuku: it's kacchan but how

y/n: uhm guys (i say nervously)

(everyone turns toward y/n's direction......)

ochako: what is it y/n

y/n: you see i'm actually supposed to be the representative not bakugou, i actually refused because i dislike being the center of attention. since bakugou scored the second best score he was able to take my place.... (i trail off a bit)

kirishima: kim that isn't manly

sero: now bakugou going to ruin our reputation even more than he already has

y/n: sorry...

izuku: it's ok plus that is a big responsibility to take in, i would've done the same for example when i let lida be the class representative

mina: yeah, if i were in your place i would do that too

y/n: ok, now let's listen to what bakugou has to say, that will ruin our reputation even more

continue readers thoughts: as midnight called for bakugou to come to the stage he said.....

bakugou: i pledge-- that i'll be number one.

third person pov: after bakugou said that everyone started insulting class 1a and class 1a response to this was that say they knew he would say such a thing

readers pov:

y/n: i knew it

mina: now we have to suffer hate from the other students of u.a high

kirishima: that's not even cool

ochako: it's bakugou fault that were going to be the most hated class in u.a

y/n: it already happened at least we're not like him

third person pov: then bakugou speaks up again after lida says .....

lida: why are you doing something so disgraceful

bakugou: at least become a nice bouncy step for me to jump off of

(then tetsutetsu yells at bakugou........)

tetsutetsu: how overconfident can you get, i'll crush you. (yell)

izuku thoughts: once kacchan said that it wasn't just confidence it was because he's driving himself into a corner. but bringing the rest of the class along with him

readers pov:

y/n: (i sigh) bakugou....

third person thoughts: midnight explains to the students that they'll be doing an obstacle race four kilometers around the stadium. it's not long before the students rush to the track were the race is held.....

readers pov:

readers thoughts: were about to start the race in about five minutes, so i used this time to go talk to todoroki. when i spotted him i tapped his shoulder and said

y/n: shoto i wanted to wish you goodluck

todoroki: thank you y/n

y/n: no problem, i also wanted to tell you that i won't be holding back in this race because i'm going to beat you

third person pov: todoroki was amused by y/n's outcome

todoroki: ok, i don't plan on holding back too, i also plan on beating you in this race

y/n: well i better get to my starting point the race is going to begin

third person pov: after that y/n walks to her starting point and then gets ready for present mic to announce the students to start ......

time skip to the race..........


readers pov:

present mic: the first game is an obstacle race (yell) now then let's begin (yell)

readers thoughts: were surrounded by the robots from the entrance exam-

third person pov: y/n thoughts were cut off by todoroki freezing a giant robot causing it to fall down creating fog

continue readers thoughts: so todoroki was serious, now it's my turn to show off. unlike the rest of the students some are afraid. right now i was running and getting ready to activate my sword and create a glyph to launch me into the air, once i made it there i was launched in the air when i was close to the ground i used my glyph to land safely. following behind me were some of my classmates, since i wanted to win i created a path using my glyph to make me move faster so nobody would catch up..... that thought didn't last long until i saw bakugou using explosions to pass me. i needed a plan so the other students don't win, so i did the most meanest thing anyone could possibly do.... stop there movement.

third person pov: y/n turned around and pointed her sword towards the directions of the other students then lifted two fingers to make them go off the ground then she started creating a big wall of ice so nobody could pass. after that she continued running now that some of the contestants weren't able to move due to her quirk..... the good thing about this is she's able to weaken her target by this move. then present mic began to speak due to y/n's attack.....

present mic: wow y/n kim serious about winning, she pausing almost half of the contestants in her current area, they also seem to be losing energy do to the struggle. what surprises does this student obtain, the students better stay away from her (yell)

y/n: great now my plans out, at least i can do more than that

third person pov: what y/n didn't notice that mineta was gaining on her including yaoyorozu, then mineta began to speak to gain her attention....

mineta: kim y/n now that i'm behind you i can finish you off (yell)

y/n: huh- (that was until she felt one of mineta balls hit her back)

readers thoughts: this pervert he stuck one of his balls on my p.e shirt i can't allow him to stick anymore so i decided to..... take of my shirt at least i'm wearing a sports bra.

third person pov: once y/n took off her shirt she turned around and used one of her platforms to knock mineta out of sight, which took a dangerous turn because one of the robots came and punched him in the face...

y/n: that took a terrible turn, yet a deserving one

readers pov:

readers thoughts: all thanks to mineta i'm falling behind because momo just passed me and i also spot izuku but he won't be a problem. now i have to think of another plan i hope momo knows who she's up against because i'm not holding back

momo thoughts: i noticed that y/n was distracted by mineta so i used this chance to pass her i think she noticed. now i have to be careful because i recall present mic saying something about pausing i think that's part of her glyph, so i decided to make roller skates to make me move faster....

readers pov:

y/n: roller skates....

readers thoughts: hm... that gives me an idea, maybe i should freeze momo roller skates then trap her in an ice cage. she might suspect me to do the same thing i did to the other contestants

third person pov: y/n continued running she knew she could just past her but that would result to her having to deal with another competitor again....

readers pov:

y/n: finally (whispers to herself because she's close to momo again)

third person pov: y/n waste no time and freezes momo path which ends up freezing her roller skates making her stuck in place

momo thoughts: i was in the middle of skating until i saw a path of ice form the only people that had ice would either be y/n or todoroki, todoroki was in the lead with bakugou and that means y/n caught up to me. i lost focus when i felt myself not moving, i turn around only to see y/n smirking then she says...

y/n: better luck next time yaoyorozu

(then y/n passes momo....)

time skip to the minefield.......


readers pov:

readers thoughts: i managed to make it towards todoroki and bakugou they didn't seem to notice me because it seemed like they were fighting to get to the finish line. so i have to try my best to not make myself invisible for my plan to work, i also saw midoriya it seems like he's planning something i think i know what he's doing. right now were in the minefield and this is the path we use to make it to the finish the race, i'm not really having trouble besides the others who are stepping on bombs. bakugou isn't having any problems well because this zone is made for his quirk, in the minefield i'm using my fire to activate some of the bombs to slow down more people and it's actually working.

third person pov: as y/n uses her fire to set off bombs she was able to make out of the field including todoroki and bakugou still not aware of y/n's presence until present mic announces.....

present mic: todoroki and bakugou are fighting for the finish while kim is following behind them making matters even worse than the current situation their in (yell)

continue third person: todoroki and bakugou turned around to take a glance and spotted y/n, then bakugou shouted....

bakugou: now i have to deal with kim fucking y/n

y/n: seriously (frustrated)

readers pov:

readers thoughts: present mic just doesn't know when to shut up.......

third person pov: y/n then created a glyph that can make her move faster, which makes her get closer to todoroki and bakugou (right behind). what the three didn't expect midoriya to be flying over them.....

izuku thoughts: i was in the minefield and i saw y/n, todoroki, and kacchan heading to the finish line i couldn't let them win. i needed the perfect plan since i was in the minefield i decided to collect bombs so i could use them to fly towards the finish line. once i was done i took the piece of metal from the robot todoroki destroyed and jumped on it causing an explosion to be heard.........

present mic: was that explosion on purpose, no wait that's midoriya flying through the air using a part of metal from the robots (yell)

readers pov:

readers thoughts: i was running until i heard a loud explosion, i didn't want to stop and look where it's coming from unlike todoroki and bakugou did. they didn't even notice me pass by which is good, then i heard present mic say- more like yell....

present mic: was that explosion on purpose, no wait that's midoriya flying through the air using a part of metal from the robots (yell)

y/n: i knew he would plan something like that, he so predictable unlike me (i say while midoriya flys over me)

continue readers thoughts: but i can't let him win

third person pov: once todoroki and bakugou began rushing towards the finish line again they spotted y/n a head of them....

bakugou: how did kim get a head of us

(good thing y/n heard so she quickly responded..........)

y/n: you were distracted so i used that to my advantage (yell due to distance)

continuing third person pov: right now y/n, bakugou, todoroki, and midoriya are almost close to the finish line (midoriya in the air figuring out a landing strategy). todoroki is blocking bakugou explosion while y/n trying to pass them, while todoroki and bakugou are fighting y/n notices midoriya coming down with the same a piece of metal and about to hit them. little did the three of them know that their in for a surprise.....

readers thoughts: i saw midoriya getting ready to hit todoroki, bakugou, and i so i quickly move out the way so i don't get hit, this movement causes bakugou and todoroki to be caught in the explosion while i created a shield of ice blocking it and then i continued running. i can't let midoriya win so i worked my plan into action.....

third person pov: y/n activated her sword then lifted two fingers toward midoriya direction then turned them towards bakugou and todoroki, once this movement happened bakugou, midoriya, and todoroki including some of the students in both directions stopped moving. once y/n did this she removed her fingers and made her sword disappear then she looked at everyone she paused and said....

everyone's thoughts: why can't i move

y/n: guess i win, don't move or you'll lose energy (she waves at them and runs to the finish line)

present mic: that's a change in this race i expected midoriya to win, so that means kim going to be the winner. i always knew that girl had potential (yell)

time skip to finish line.........


readers thoughts: right now i ran through the finish line and i saw everyone cheering for me i was so surprised since all attention was on me, so i used this time to let the rest of the students move again....

present mic: kim y/n is the winner (yell)

present mic pov:

present mic: you have amazing students aizawa

aizawa: kim isn't doing this to win but she's doing this to achieve her dream of being a hero which i find interesting. she's also doing a great job on gaining an audience she might have the most votes depending on what score she gets

present mic: she's determined. not only her but all of your students

aizawa: (nods)

time skip to students passing finish line...........


third person thoughts: once the students all arrived at the finish line the winners were y/n in first place, midoriya in second, todoroki in third, and bakugou in fourth.

readers pov:

reader thoughts: once everyone was here i wanted to look for todoroki, there i saw him coming towards me

todoroki: i didn't expect you to win i assumed midoriya made it, then you paused everyone in the race to make it to the finish line. i'm surprised but congratulations on winning y/n but your winning streak won't last forever because i'm going to beat you

y/n: you could've congratulated me before you went into the non-important stuff shoto

todoroki: then that would mean letting you off easy

y/n: no it wouldn't... wait are you saying this because i beat you in the race. shoto that's not even the real deal

todoroki: y/n i only said that because i plan on trying harder and i could've done better

y/n: (you put your hand on his shoulder) shoto you did really good, plus you got into third place before bakugou. so you should be proud of yourself for the meantime (i say with a reassuring smile)

todoroki: thank you y/n

y/n: (smile) your welcome shoto

todoroki: but i plan on beating you this time

y/n: good luck with that

time skip to midnight announcing the second event.......


third person pov: midnight explains the cavalry battle the second event of the sports festival. this match is for only the top forty contestants