They got into the bus and sat in the last seat like they planned. Ram sat near the window of the bus as he loved to sit there. The bus started moving.

They were travelling for a long time so Balu got hungry. He took the snacks from his bag and started eating.While Tharma, Sadid , Nakul fell asleep. Nakul slept on Sadid's lap,while Sadid slept on Tharma's Sadid's head as he was also sleeping.

Ram was watching everything outside the bus.When the bus came to stop in a bus stop, he saw a son and mother at the road side who were showing their love for each other.

Ram's eyes were still on the boy and the mother. Balu noticed this.Tharma also woke up when the bus was stopped as he is always a light sleeper.

Balu and Tharma were watching Ram and the boy and the mother. They knew that Ram always wanted to have a family. Except his friends ,he had only one person who was none other than Leela. She is no more a family member for Ram. They could feel the pain that Ram was feeling as they all are Orphans.

As the bus started moving from the bus stop, Ram has to turn his head to watch the mom and son.After few seconds , he couldn't see them so he just turned his head straight. Tharma's palm touched Ram's hand saying "Don't worry, everything will be alright."

Eventhough Tharma is not a person who speaks a lot,he will when his friends are in need of advise. Balu couldn't say anything but he wanted to comfort Ram so he gave his snacks to Ram asking him to eat.

Ram refused the snacks and turned his head towards the window to continue his staring Balu also didn't compell him. Tharma saw Sadid and Nakul sleeping. They were cute while sleeping,especially Nakul.

Balu also watched them and said "Nakul can be quite only when he sleeps."Tharma just nodded his head with a smile in his eyes watching Nakul.

But they missed to notice Ram who remembered something.He saw 'A lot of little boys and their parents. There he was little and was crying hardly.He saw some shattered clothes.'

He immediately shooked his head and tried to focus his mind on another thing. After some time, they arrived near the amusement park. Tharma woke up Nakul and Sadid.

They woke up with a sleepy face and the bus stopped. Now they are standing in front of the amusement park. Nakul's face turned pale. Nakul and Sadid washed their faces by buying some water bottle as they don't want to feel sleepy.

They entered into the amusement park.They waited at the ticket counter in a queue to buy tickets.

After they got their tickets, they entered inside.When they entered inside, they saw a large free fall tower.

Nakul gulped his saliva in fear. While others were excited.Balu teased Nakul "Are you afraid?". Nakul lied "No, I am not afraid."But everyone could see him that he was afraid.

When they entered the free fall tower.They sat on their seat. As the seats were arranged in a round shape around the tower no one could see others. The seats were slightly raising step by step.

Now they are in the top of the tower. When Nakul looked down, his eyes widened with fear. After few seconds, the seats fell from the height with high speed. Nakul closed his eyes tightly in fear. It repeated for two to three times and finally ended.

Balu was waiting to tease Nakul but Nakul acted like he was not disturbed.So Balu couldn't tease Nakul. They went to the next ride skipping some rides which were for kids.

They went to octopus ride which ended quickly. They went to trampoline which was quite funny as Ram didn't jump on it instead stood simply on it. Sadid made Ram jump on it by holding his hand. While Tharma ,Balu , Nakul made a challenge as who will jump higher. That competition turned funny play as the three were continuously jumping and falling on each other.

Finally they all held their hands forming a circle and jumped. There was a little smile on Ram's face as he watched and played with his funny friends.

They went to pirata. It is nothing but a big ship hanging in air which goes back and front that almost touches the sky. Tharma instructed Ram, Sadid , Nakul to sit on the left corner of the hanging ship. While Tharma and Balu sat on the right corner. Tharma took his phone and recorded the incident.

After completing the ride , Tharma opened the recorded video. In the video, there was a movie song playing in the ship and Sadid was enjoying the ride by singing it. Ram smiled frequently and Nakul at the corner closed his eyes tightly and having his hands holding Ram's arm and screaming loudly whenever the ship goes up.

Everyone laughed at Nakul's reaction and Balu teased by saying "I think you said you are not afraid."Finally Nakul accepted the truth and said"Yeah." After that they went to other rides and took selfies near the artificial river present there. They also rode the Carousal as if they never rode on it before.

In the mini 3D theatre, they enjoyed the space journey. They played bumper car where they crashed each other's cars. Balu does not want to get up from the bumper car although it was over as he loved that very much.Then the staff asked him to leave but Balu got into a fight saying "we paid for the ticket. we didn't come here for free.I will..."Before this fight could turn into a big fight Sadid solved it by apologizing to the staff.

Finally Balu came out and this was time for Nakul to tease Balu so he teased as much as he wanted to. They continued their rides. They did small party at the disco present there. They laughed at Sadid's dance as he was not a good dancer.

Now they went to the ride named crazy bull where the fake bull was dancing roughly that made the people who were sitting on to fall. Luckily they never fell down. They also did a ride the cable car and it took twenty minutes to complete.

Nakul and Sadid sat in one cable car while Balu and Ram sat on the other. Tharma sat with a stranger.Nakul and Sadid discussed about the places where they saw Ram's smile.When they saw girls coming from the cable car on the opposite rope , Nakul showed himself as a world renowned playboy. Sadid felt a little embarrassed at his behavior.

Balu was still complaining about the staff they met in the bumper car. Ram didn't speak but listened to his complaints calmly. Tharma was silently enjoying the view.

When they completed the ride, Nakul looked at Tharma and said with an irritating look in his eyes "I am jealous of you."They all knew he was talking about the girl who sat next to Tharma. They didn't care about his jealousy and continued walking.

They entered fun house, mirror house and horror house. When they were inside the horror house Nakul frequently shouted in fear of ghosts. Balu didn't tease him instead felt Nakul was funny.

Then,they reached a kart where they had a race with each other. Ram didn't pay attention as he was not in the mood to race and came last. Nakul and Balu came first. Sadid came second and Tharma came third.

This time Nakul and Balu became a team to tease Sadid saying "Sadid, Don't call yourself a police. How will you catch a theif if you drive this slow?" They even did high five while laughing.

As it was already noon, they felt hungry after so many rides. They ate at a Restaurant that was present inside the amusement park. They did boating and played Archery in which Tharma was great as he was a good sportsman in his school and college.

Then they changed their dress and went to swimming pool and relaxed a little bit. There was a artificial waterfalls in which they splashed water on each other and enjoyed themselves. They went to wave pool where waves appeared one by one like sea waves.

It is the only place that Nakul loves in the amusement park as he could see a lot of girls there. Nakul left his friends and went near the young girls. Nakul's friends watched him and was shocked after few minutes.

They saw Nakul trying to flatter girls. After few seconds, Nakul was surrounded by lot of girls. Nakul's friends were shocked of what he would have said that made the girls fall on him.Then they lost their interest and continued enjoying themselves in the wave pool.

After few minutes, they went out of the wave pool. At first they stuggled a lot to make Nakul come out of the pool as the girls were not leaving him. Finally the girls left him after hearing his words "I need to go babies. I will be back soon."

They almost done riding all the rides except the giant wheel and the big Roller coaster, balance weight. Nakul's good mood turned into bad mood after seeing the giant wheel and Roller coaster. Nakul tried to divert his friends mind by saying "Let's go to balance weight. I think that will be interesting."

They went to the balance and waited in the queue. Balu said with irritation "Can't you see the long queue waiting to ride? Let's go to giant wheel." Nakul replied quickly"Let's let's just wait.I am sure,it will be worth the wait."

When Balu was about to yell, Ram stopped him saying "I think he is afraid of going to giant wheel." Balu, Sadid and Tharma were shocked as they heard Ram speaking after a long time. Balu's anger was gone in a second and now he said with a smile "Oh! Then...that's fine"

Finally they came to the end of the queue. The staff instructed "One of you should sit in one side and the rest should sit in the other side. We will add weight to balance it." They all nodded their head and the staff then asked "Who is going to sit alone?" They all pointed Balu even Ram who pointed his finger at him.

They all knew that Balu was somewhat fat compared to others. Balu sat on one side and the other four sat on other side. Balu was down on the ground while the other four were slightly up from the ground. The staff added the weight and balanced it.

Nakul teased Balu saying "The staff almost had a back pain to balance it."Balu didn't speak anything as he waited to tease him in the Roller coaster and the giant wheel.

They went to the giant wheel. When they were about to sit, Nakul acted like he had a terrible stomach ache. Everyone of them knew, he was acting as he was afraid of the ride. Balu said strictly" If you didn't come to this ride ,then you must come to the next ride without any complaints" Nakul accepted as he thought 'Let's agree to this for now and do something in the next ride."

Ram said "I will stay with Nakul." Nakul frowned "Why?". Ram replied "Just to spent time with you."They were all shocked at Ram's words for saying that he wants to spend time with Nakul as he hardly spoke since morning and they agreed because their motive is to make Ram happy.

The ride began and they enjoyed their rides. Ram and Nakul sat near the giant wheel. Nakul started speaking by asking "How was your wound now?Is it painful?".Ram said with a smile"It's fine." Nakul was shocked by his smile as he thought his favorite Ram is now back.

Ram and Nakul spoke with each other and now Ram is in a happy mood.

They went near the roller coaster where they watched the roller coaster moving with high speed. Nakul who was watching with widened eyes immediately ran from there saying "Mommy" which made Ram laugh hard. Others who were watching the Roller coaster in amazement turned to the sound of laughter and saw Ram. Finally they got succeeded in their plan of making Ram happy.

They compelled Nakul and made him sit with Ram. Nakul screamed all the way on the Roller coaster by hugging Ram's hands. Other friends who were sitting back to them heard Nakul's scream "whooaaaaa..Omg...whoaa"

He even screamed "please...stop this... let me...down"The ride was over and they all laughed while Nakul was quite exhausted after screaming a lot.

It was their time to leave.They took a bus and went to their home. They ordered food and ate. Ram spoke about the ride he enjoyed while eating. They were happy because he spoke a little more than yesterday.

After the dinner, Ram took his motorbike and was about to leave but stopped by Sadid " Where are you going?".Ram answered "To my house." Tharma said "stay here tonight." Ram didn't respond. Nakul came out of the home and asked him to stay with them forever. Ram then replied " My office is near that house."Balu asked worriedly "can you stay here at least for tonight?"

Ram replied "I can't. If I stay here tonight then tommorow I won't be able to go to the office on time." They don't know what to say next. Ram bid bye and went to his house. His friends waved their hands like a family the same way when the child goes to school.