Ram stayed at a bar for whole night and went to his house at morning. Seetha was getting ready for college saw Ram entering in. She welcomed him with a cute smile on her face.Ram didn't respond and just went inside his room by slamming the door loudly.

Seetha was shocked seeing his expressionless face and closed her ears with her hands when Ram slammed the door loudly. She thought that he might had some problems that's why he is like this.

Seetha continued to do her routine and went near the Lord Ganesha and prayed but she can't pray peacefully as her mind was constantly thinking about Ram. She thought ' Whether he had dinner and breakfast or not?'.

Somewhat , she finally completed her prayers and went near Ram's room. She thought to knock the door but she was afraid as she don't know what response she was going to get. After few seconds ,she knocked the door , Ram opened the door and looked straight at her eyes.

Seetha said hesitantly "...um...Did you ate... breakfast?". Ram nodded his head slightly. Then Seetha requested with a smile "I cooked lunch and it is in the refrigerator. please eat that when you are hungry."

Ram didn't speak anything but closed the door which was like giving a slap in Seetha's face. Seetha was stunned infront of the door for a minute and gasped in amazement. She thought 'He is really in a very bad mood.'

She didn't pay much attention to that thing as she was busy in going to her college. She took her local train and after few minutes she reached her college. There she attended many classes which were taken by the foreign professors as 'MASEO ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE' is a famous college.

She can't able to understand most of the classes as the foreign professor's English were quite difficult to understand. During interval, Seetha went to her only favorite place in the college with her friends. It was canteen. She had a great time there.

When their classes were done , they started leaving the college. Seetha met few boys infront of her block. They looked like Seniors of Seetha. They were bullying the first year students.

They stopped Seetha and asked her to say a good joke. Seetha's friends who came with her pleaded the boys to leave them but the boys didn't let them go. Seetha didn't say anything instead was thinking about a good joke.

Seetha said in excitement and asked "Shall I say ?" One of the boy who looks like rich saw her face and ordered her to say.She asked "Why did the man name his dogs Rolex and Timex?".One of the boy said "because he doesn't know other names."

Seetha had a face like he was correct and the boy looked bravely but it was ended when Seetha said "Wrong". She said "Because they were watch dogs." After that she started laughing and even made high five with her friends who were laughing.

The boy who looked like rich asked with a smile in his face "One more joke?" Then Seetha thought for a moment. Now, She asked at the boy who asked one more joke " How do mountains see?". That boy thought for a moment and said "I don't know."

Seetha said "The answer is...". She paused for a moment and said "If you want the answer then let us go."

Other boys laughed at her as they know their friend Tarok won't accept anyone's condition as he was the one who puts conditions to others. Yes his name is Tarok.

Tarok thought deeply for a moment and said "Ok." His friends were shocked from his reply. Tarok asked "Now say how do mountains see?" Seetha answered with laughter "They peak." Seetha again laughed with her friends. While Tarok smiled at Seetha. Then he let them go.

Seetha went out of the college and went to do her part time job. Tarok didn't bully others after she left. His friends noticed that and also noticed that he was smiling again and again thinking about something.

Tarok's friend asked him "Why are you smiling?". Tarok replied "I don't know but that girl is interesting." Tarok's friend said "Don't say that you are fallen in love at first sight."

Tarok answered "I don't know." Tarok's friends started making fun of him and left the college.


Ram went to his office. He didn't respond to anyone who wished him Good morning. Ram sat on his place . He opened his computer and started working. After few minutes, he shut down the computer and went outside of his office.

It was not even more than one hour. He was standing outside of his office. He took his ID card away from his neck and throwed it away as he felt that the ID card was a hanging rope tightened at his neck. He took his motorbike and went to a bar. He bought a lot of drinks and drank a lot.

He went outside of the bar and then again came to his office. When he was going to park his motorbike in the parking area , he fell down with his motorbike as he was drunken.

Some people ran towards him and helped him to get up. They asked him something but he can't hear anything. He went straight into his office but he was not steady. He made a lot of things in the corridor to fall down.

He went to his place. He sat on the floor instead of sitting on his chair. The lady who was sitting next to Ram's place stood up shockingly and was going to help Ram to stand up but stopped when Ram shouted loudly "am...lovee...Leeeelaaa..."

His Manager came out of his Cabin hearing some loud noise and saw Ram who was sitting on the floor. He went near Ram . Ram saw him and said in a drunken tone "Hel...Hellloo sirrr." Manager noticed that he was drunken as his shirt was filled with sweat and he was not speaking properly plus he also smelled too bad because of excess alcohol.The manager shouted at him angrily "What are you doing?".

Ram looked at him for a second and laughed "haha...I amm dyyiing...Leeeelaaa left me...". Manager understood that he was not fine mentally. That's why he was drunken but personal and official issues should not be connected. So he asked Ram "Where is your phone?".

Ram didn't respond instead fell down on the floor. One of Ram's colleague who is also friend of Ram at office took Ram's phone from his shirt pocket and gave it to Manager.

Manager dialed the contact named Sadid and when he answered the call, Manager told the situation and asked him to come to the office.

Sadid came to his office in a rush and entered the manager room. There the Manager shouted angrily "I don't know what is Ram's problem? No matter how big it is, What Ram did today was wrong."

Sadid said "I am sorry for what he did .". The Manager calmed down himself and said "No I don't want your sorry. I want Ram to work properly. What he did does not affect himself alone. It also affect the other employee's works."

The Manager again paused for a second and said with a concern " I know he was an orphan and he have only friends and you are one of them.I thought to call you as you are the only person I know among Ram's friends and it seemed that you can advise him. So I called you. Please advise him. It should not happen next time."

Sadid pleased him to forgive Ram and promised him that it won't happen again. Sadid met Ram's Manager when their company needed police help. That's how Sadid and Ram's Manager met each other.

He wanted to see Ram so he asked him where Ram is now and when the Manager told that he was at the men's toilet, Sadid rushed to men's toilet.

There he was vomiting and one of his colleague friend was helping him to get vomited. Sadid thanked the colleague and told why Ram was like that as they had already met for several times. The colleague friend advised Sadid to take care of Ram and left. Sadid helped Ram to walk by holding him firmly.

Sadid made Ram sit on the police jeep from which Sadid came to Ram's office and asked the Constable to take Ram's motorbike to Ram's house. Sadid dropped him at their house as he felt leaving Ram at Ram's house may make him feel alone.

Sadid said to Nakul in a hurry " Take care of Ram." Then Sadid rushed to police station as he was busy in his work. So Nakul can't able to ask anything about Ram and his condition.

Nakul didn't went out as he had no meeting today with his girlfriends. He made Ram sit on the bed and went to kitchen to take water and give it to Ram.

He gave water to Ram and also made Curd rice as it is the best cure for a hangover , especially if you've been throwing up. While the rice will form a soft cushion in your stomach, the curd will give you some relief from all that acidity.

Nakul don't know to cook but he knows curd rice makes hangover because he experienced that when he was drunken and making curd rice is not a difficult thing.

Nakul saw Ram got hang overed and spoke with him. He didn't advise him as he is always the strong supporter of Ram . After few minutes, Nakul went inside to see Ram.

Ram was not there. He searched Ram all over the house. After he found Ram was not at home, he went out of the house and searched for Ram. Nakul can't find Ram. So he dialed Ram. Ram didn't attend the call.

Nakul called Sadid in panic. Sadid also got panicked and dialed Ram for several times. He didn't answer the calls. Sadid called his friends and told them to search Ram except Lisa because she didn't attend the call.

Tharma searched Ram at clubs.

Balu searched Ram with his PA at the streets of Maseo city. Sadid rushed his policie Jeep towards all the corner of the city and tried to track Ram's number but it got switched off near their house . Nakul searched Ram near their house.

They even went to Leela's house but he was not there too. Balu shouted at Leela " You are the reason for this. If anything happens to him. I won't leave you easily." Balu didn't spoke much with Leela as he was busy in searching Ram. Leela felt sad and even shed tears after Balu went. She didn't do anything as she dont want to see Ram and make him sad again. She prayed to God that nothing should happen to Ram.

Lisa saw Sadid's missed call later as she was busy in doing operation. She called back and came to Know that Ram was missing.

When Lisa heard this, she dialed Seetha and asked her "Whether Ram is at house?"

Seetha replied " I am not at house. I am at a cafe as I am doing part time job here." Lisa replied "Ok". Seetha asked worriedly " Any problem?"

Lisa said "He went missing. He was drunken. So we are afraid." Seetha was shocked and want to ask more why he was drunken but she also felt the situation is danger so she said to Lisa "I will go to house now and check whether he is there or not."

Lisa first refused as she will handle that but at last accepted after Seetha's compulsion. Seetha went to her boss and asked permission for few hours. Her boss scolded her "You are working at second day of your job and you want to leave already."

Seetha pleaded her and explained the situation. Eventhough her boss didn't like that but let her go by scolding "I can't understand this younger generation. They are always creating problems."

Seetha didn't pay attention to her boss's scolding and rushed to her house. Ram was not at house. She informed Lisa that he was not at the house.

Lisa thanked her and rushed to search him at the places where Ram visits frequently. Seetha waited for his return but she was unable to simply wait. So she asked her neighbour to inform her when Ram comes by dialing her number through mobile.

Seetha searched Ram without any idea. Everyone was searching Ram. It was already evening. Everyone was tired. Tharma was sitting outside a bar. Lisa was sitting at a stone bench near a fountain in a park with her legs paining heavily.

Nakul was asking his girlfriends "I sent a photo of my friend to your mobile. Please call me if you see him anywhere."by sitting on a road side pavement.

Sadid was sitting inside the Jeep at a corner of a busy street thinking "It's also my mistake. I should have stayed with him instead of going to Police station."

Balu and his PA were standing quietly on a street to get relaxed after their long search. Seetha felt too tired of searching Ram and don't know exactly where to search him.

The evening was passing quickly and everyone started Searching Ram again with hope that they can find Ram.