Nakul requested Sadid to arrest Tarok as they have the evidence now. Balu said " As I said earlier, I knew his father personally. If Tarok was arrested, at next minute, he would be released from the prison because of his father's wealth."

Sadid said " Exactly! Tath's why I can't arrest him." Nakul asked doubtfully " What we want is Lisa to be saved, right? Why are you worrying about his punishment?"

Balu answered angrily " Don't you want the kidnapper of our Lisa to be seviourly punished?" Nakul understood what he was saying and didn't fight with him.

After few seconds,he asked worriedly " Then how can we save Lisa?" Sadid answered his question sadly " I don't know what to do. Let's just think something wisely."

Everyone were seriously thinking to get some idea. Finally, Nakul screamed happily " Ah! I got an idea." Everyone curiously asked "What is it?"

He answered happily by pointing his index finger at Balu "It's Balu."

Everyone turned to Balu's side at the same time. Balu was suprisingly asked a single word " Me?"

Nakul started explaining by saying "As Balu said he knew his dad very well, let him explain what we found to Tarok's dad."

Balu got extremely raged and shouted " Don't you even have a centimetre sized brain? How would he punish his own son?"

Nakul almost got scoldings from everyone for his worst idea. After few seconds, Balu screamed happily " Ah! I got an idea." Everyone asked the same question again curiously " What is it?"

This time, Balu answered by pointing his index finger at Seetha "It's Seetha." Everyone turned to Seetha's side like before. Seetha asked the same single word suprisingly "Me?"

Now, Balu explained his idea by saying " As seetha said she knew Tarok, She can find where Lisa was by talking to him."

This time Riya got extremely raged and shouted " Don't you even have a millimetre sized brain? How can you expect him to say where Lisa was when he was the kidnapper?"

Tharma understood what Balu was saying so he explained clearly " You said Tarok loves Seetha. So we can expect him to say where Lisa was to Seetha but indirectly."

Riya quickly asked " Maybe we can find where Lisa was but how can we punish him?" Tharma again cleverly explained " We can't think about his punishment until we find where Lisa was."

Riya still not convinced yet. She shouted angrily again " What if he hurts Seetha too?" Balu answered her question in sarcastic tone "Don't over react. Nothing will happen to her. We will take care of it."

This made Riya furious. She shouted in rage " Yeah, I am over reacting because Seetha is my friend not yours. Tarok is not any ordinary man. He is the kidnapper. How will I stay quiet when you risk Seetha's li..."

Seetha interrupted by saying" Don't worry Riya. I will do anything for Lisa." Riya got up from the couch and grabbed Seetha's wrist angrily by saying " Are you out of your mind? Wh..."

Seetha interrupted again by saying "Won't you help me like this if I was in the place of Lisa?" She also removed Riya's grip form her hand slowly using other hand.

That question and that action from Seetha hurted Riya very badly as Seetha never listened to Riya's advise. She left her house by shouting " You never listened to me. I won't leave you and this guys easily if anything happens badly."

Seetha felt little hurt but she was used to Riya's scoldings so she diverted her mind by saying firmly "I will find where Lisa was indirectly from Tarok's mouth. Trust me."

Sadid cheered her and also thanked her. Everyone left the house after advising Ram and Seetha not to worry about Lisa. Seetha was going to enter her room for sleep but stopped by Ram.

He thanked her for helping them to find Lisa. She accepted it by smiling gently.He smiled back and was walking towards the door to leave the house.

This time, Seetha stopped him by advising " If you are leaving to get drunken, then don't care about Lisa. In this situation, Lisa is more important than alcohol."

This made Ram hurt. He turned to look at Seetha but saw nothing. He understood that she went inside her room after saying that. Ram stood there for a moment and realized that what Seetha said was right.

So he didn't visit bar tonight instead slept in his bedroom. After few minutes, She came out of the bedroom and stepped closer to Ram's room.

She kept her ear in his room's door and hear him snoring. She was happy for him that he didn't go to bar tonight. She jumped lightly in happiness. Yeah, She hurted Ram intentionally to stop him drinking.

She went near her favourite God's idol in hall and thanked him by saying " Thank you Ganesha. I wish he must follow this even after Lisa was found. Ah! Lisa! please help me to find her. Okay?"


The night ended sadly for Lisa, Lisa's friend and also for Riya. As usual, the sun risen with warm and bright sunlight. Seetha and Ram did their morning routine busily.

When Seetha was going to leave for college, she was stopped again by Ram like yesterday night. He thanked her again by saying "Thanks for the advice last night. What you have said is correct. I won't drink or smoke until we find Lisa."

Seetha again smiled at him and also patted his shoulder as an appreciation. Who is our Seetha? As Lisa said before, she is the person who can change anyone's mood at their hard situation.

Our naughty Seetha left after making him say all the best to her. She went to her college in half an hour. She always wanted to leave the class as she never understood what her foreign professor's were saying.

Their teachings were like a blabbering to her. Somehow she managed to listen all the classes. She visited Tarok's class to talk with him at interval but suprisingly, he was absent today.

So she met his friends and asked his phone number and address. At first they teased her by saying " Are you missing him so badly that made you ask his number and his address?"

But at last they gave his number and address. She didn't care about their teasing because she was used to that nowadays. She dialed his number but he didn't attend her call.

So she decided to visit his house as she didn't want to delay in finding Lisa. She reached his house within an hour by autorickshaw.

She payed for the autorickshaw and went to his house's main gate which made Seetha suprised as it was large like a palace's gate.

There were two watchmen there. They stopped her from entering in. They asked her to prove that she is Tarok's friend because they never saw any of his friends travelling in an autorickshaw.

Seetha dialed Tarok's number again to prove that she is his friend. Luckily Tarok attended her call now. Seetha told what happened and he asked her to put the call on loud speaker.

She did as he told. Tarok scolded the watchmen for not letting her in by saying " Do you want to get your salary or not? Let her in or else you will get out of this house forever."

After Seetha switched off the loud speaker, he apologized for not attending her call last time as he was asleep at that time. With that he ended the call.

Seetha felt bad. Sh didn't felt sad for he was sleeping when she called him but for the scold that the watchmen got.

So she apologized by saying " I am sorry. I didn't have any way to prove that I am his friend. I didn't expect him that he will scold you like this."

This made the watchmen doubtful as they never saw girl like her before entering this house.One of the watchman asked her doubtfully " Do you really know Tarok very well?"

Seetha answered " A little bit." That watchmen felt she was a good girl from her apology so he advised her " I have a daughter at your age. Just consider my advice as your father's. There were a lot of girls who came here only for his face and money but I think you are not one of them so I am advising you to stay away from him as much as possible."

This shocked Seetha even more. She asked shockingly " Did his mom or dad never scolded him for that?"

The concerned watchman answered with a smirk " He hide them in this house and no servants or securities dared to complain about him to his parents as they were extremely afraid of seeing Tarok's cruel side after that."

Seetha got more afraid of Tarok as she didn't want to see Lisa hurted by his cruel side. She entered in with the hope that she could find Lisa.

There was a big greeny garden between the main gate and his house. There were different colored roses, jasmine, Lily and hibiscus.

She also saw a lot of coconut trees, guava trees, custard apple trees and one big banyan tree which was circled by stone benches.

She also saw some basil plants, bushes and herbs where servants were watering it. There were also a lot of fountains in that eye catching garden.

Which shocked her most is a large golden statue at the center of the garden. The statue was an old man whose dressing style is very old than his face,wearing specs and holding a walking stick on his hand.

She stepped near the statue to find who he was. She read his bio which was written under his statue.


14.09.1864 - 15.09.1948.



Now, Seetha understood who he was. She touched the statue to check whether it was made of gold. Suddenly an alarm was heard all over the house.

All the Securities in that house circled her by pointing firearms towards her head. Tarok who was washing his face in his bathroom heard that alarm sound and rushed towards Pakalavan's statue.

Tarok saw one of the security who was head among them was enquiring Seetha by asking " Who are you?" Seeing Tarok, Seetha waved her hand towards him to save her.

She was scolded for waving her hand by the chief security as he shouted "If you dare to move an inch, I will shoot your head." Tarok collapsed the circle by explaining them that she is his friend.

Seetha felt relieved after Tarok's explaination. Then they walked inside the house. On their way, Tarok defined about the statute by saying " It is my great grandfather's golden statue. We have this so that our heirs won't forget him. We also fixed an alarm to notify if anyone tries to steal gold from this."

Seetha heard everything with a fake smile in her lips. She also felt a little akward for touching Pakalavan's statue and apologized for it. Tarok said with a smile " It's okay. You don't know anything about it."

Then they entered the hall after crossing the veranda. Seetha was shocked to see a big hall which can hold almost 100 people in it.

They sat on the couch which was there opposite to the LED TV. She saw a lot of decorative items and sofa table and some decorative plants too.

The whole hall's floor was covered with red carpet. The hall's interior designs were eye catching.Tarok order a servant to serve coffee and she did as per the order.

Seetha thanked the servant and sipped the first sip of the coffee. Even that taste remsembled their richness. Seetha enquired about his absence today at the college.

Tarok answered that he had some family things to do. Then she started her acting to find Lisa. Seetha said with a smile " I need a favour from you."

Tarok asked curiously " What is it?" She answered worriedly " I have a friend named Lisa who was gone missing after visiting my house yesterday night."

Tarok gulped in fear as he had the doubt whether she found him as a kidnapper or not. So he asked doubtfully " Did you find the kidnapper?"

Seetha continued her acting by saying " No, I didn't." This eased the tension that Tarok had. She somewhat managed to cry and said " I got a photo of Lisa being kidnapped and messages from the kidnapper which said he is loving her and he promised that he will take good care of her better than selfish people like us."

Tarok was thinking what to say so that Seetha will not doubt him. But Seetha started to speak first seeing his silence. She started her mind blowing acting by saying " I informed about this to Lisa's friends. There is a friend named Sadid who was a police to..."

Tarok interrupted her by asking fearfully " What did he say?" Seetha answered by acting angrily " He irresponsibly said that we can't do anything until it becomes one day from her kidnapping as he can't fire an FIR for that until it becomes one day from her kidnapping and we should simply wait without doing anything."

Tarok felt more relieved after hearing that Sadid didn't take any actions to find him. Now, Tarok acted by saying angrily "Does he ever considered Lisa as her friend? Who will act like that when their friend was gone missing?"

Seetha got raged and closed her fist to control her anger. Somehow She tried to act like she needed his help so she asked worriedly "Exactly! Tath's what I think. So I need your help in finding Lisa."

Tarok understood the reason for her visit now. But he was not that clever as author of this story (lol) as he don't know what Seetha was going to do.

Tarok accepted her request by saying " I will do what I can do. Trust me." Seetha was happy that he accepted to help her so it seems like he believed her acting.

So Seetha decided to move one step forward in her extraordinary acting by supporting him. She said " If I see the kidnapper, I would definitely support him and I won't say that he was the kidnapper to anyone."

Tarok asked curiously " Why?" Seetha answered with a smirk "What the kidnapper said is right? We are selfish. We didn't even know that there was a person who was loving her as we were busy in our own problems. I hope he won't hurt her. That is the reason why I want to support him."

Tarok felt extremely happy as he thought to himself ' You are the only person who understands me but I can't say the truth because I don't want to lose you. I love you like I do for Lisa. I also want you. So I can't say the truth.'

Seeing Tarok silence, Seetha understood that he was not going to say where Lisa was right now. So she bid bye to him and left the hall after thanking him for accepting to help her.

She was extremely worried about Lisa as she didn't find where she was and also she don't know what is going to happen to her.

This time, a small tear escaped from her eyes by thinking about the failure she got in her first attempt. She was now standing at the veranda looking the main gate with her tearful eyes.

She remembered the watchman advising her to be careful with Tarok. She also remembered that the concerned watchman said that Tarok always hid girls in this house.

What if he did the same thing to Lisa. So she decided to search the house. She turned her head to the left side where she saw a room which was half opened with a shutter for parking cars.

She searched for Lisa in every car but find nothing. She ran to the right side of the house and found a narrow space to reach the backside of the house.

When she reached the backside of the house, she found a building which was not so rich and not so poor. They had a same garden there like the previous one she saw.

Many servants were busily going here and there. She stopped one of them and asked about the building. That servant answered that it was their home until they work here.

Seetha was curious to search Lisa there so she entered every servant's room to find Lisa. Seetha managed to search every room by saying that she was just looking as it was her first time visiting here but found nothing like before.

It was quite tiring to enter seventy rooms but she didn't give up. Now, She entered Tarok's house again where he was shocked to see her as he thought that she left but his instincts were wrong.

Hearing her request, he was relieved from his shock. Her request was to tour his house as it was her first time visiting here.

He accepted her request by showing his house's kitchen,CCTV footage room, Pooja room and two guest rooms at the ground floor.

He also showed his bedroom, swimming pool and a small gym in the first floor. Then he showed his parents bed rooms and some guest rooms in the second floor.

Seetha can't find Lisa anywhere. There were still two rooms left that was not shown. When they were walking on the corridor to visit the left rooms, Tarok skipped one room.

She said by looking at the skipped room " We didn't see this room." He said with a smile " It's same like the other rooms you saw. Let's see the last room." Seetha got doubt that Lisa maybe hidden in this room so he was skipping this room with fear.

Tarok was explaining about the toys which were present in the last room as it was the room where he spent his childhood. It was all his toys that he used in his childhood.

Seetha acted like she was listening but actually in a deep thought to find an idea to check the skipped room. Finally she got an idea.

She executed her plan. She removed her watch from her hand and hid it in her college bag. She started her mind blowing acting again by screaming " Oh no! Where was my watch?"

Tarok stopped explaining and turned towards her by asking "What happened?" Seetha acted sadly by saying " I think...I missed my watch somewhere."

Tarok comforted her not to worry and bent down to search her watch. He also asked the watch details to find it. Seetha acted like she was also searching.

She constantly checked whether he was watching her or not. Finally,she left the room and requested the two securities who were standing in front of the skipped room to search her watch.

When she was going to held the door handle to open, Tarok called her name by coming out of the toy room. Her heart beat seemed fasten in tension.

She ran away from that skipped room so that Tarok won't suspect her. He came near her and said that he will buy a new watch for her and asked her to stop searching.

Seetha rejected that by saying it was gifted by her dad so it was an emotional thing to her. Hearing that Tarok started to search it more seriously.

Now, Seetha got one more chance to open the door. Seetha's heart touched the peak of fear.This time she opened the door luckily without any distractions.