Seetha pushed the door with more force. At last, She found Lisa there. Tears escaped from her painful eyes. Lisa was closing her eyes.

Her legs and hands were tied with a rope in a chair and her mouth was also tied by a cloth tightly. She walked towards her remembering their childhood.

In their childhood,

Seetha was ten years old little girl who was playing with her little friends on the school ground. Suddenly, the little Seetha fell down on the ground.

Her small friends helped her to stand up. When that small Seetha stood up, She saw a new face who was Lisa. Lisa's face glowed up in the warm sunlight.

Lisa was a teenager at that time.That is the first time, Seetha met her silent beauty. The teenager Lisa held the little Seetha's palm and walked with her.

Seetha's little friends followed them. The teenager Lisa washed the tiny knee of tiny Seetha in the school's bathroom.

The teenager Lisa asked the little ones to stay there and went to P.T room to get an oinment.Then she applied that oinment on her tiny knee softly using the buds.

Lisa's palm touched the little chin of Seetha caringly. The teenager Lisa advised sweetly by saying " When you are walking you can speak but you should also look the ground so that you won't fall next time. Okay dear?"

The little Seetha nodded her head cutely. The teenager Lisa smiled at the little one and asked them to go to the class. The little ones bid bye and left.

Seetha was crying in guilt as she thought to herself ' You were there for me when I got hurt in my childhood. But I came late to save you. I am sorry Lisa.'

She came out of her thoughts by shooking her head. When she was going to touch Lisa, Tarok called her name. Hearing her name, She quickly wiped her tears and went out of the room.

She gasped anxiously and tried to walk away from the room but can't as her shawl was stuck in the door's handle.She tried to remove it but it was tougher than she thought.

She saw him coming towards her side without noticing her presence. She felt his every footsteps were stepping upon her heart. She was terrifiedly tensed.

Her hear beat risen from one second to another second. She tried again to remove the shawl from the door handle. Seetha was extremely terrified as she was unable to remove the shawl.

Finally, she tore the corner of her shawl to get rid of it. She ran far away from that room and from there she answered loudly " Tarok, Did you call me?"

She acted like she was searching her watch when answering him. He saw her far away from him and answered by walking towards her "Yes. I found your watch."

Seetha got panicked by his words and quickly checked her college bag where she hid her watch. Yeah, the watch was not there.

She guessed that it might have fell down when she was trying to check the skipped room. She thanked him and said with a fake smile for finding her watch.

Then she said " Ah! Yeah your house is beautiful." He thanked her for saying that and told her that she can visit here whenever she wanted.

She nodded her head and left his house after bidding bye to him. After seeing her leaving his house, he sensed that Seetha was not like herself today.

But he didn't over think about it as he thought she might be sad because of Lisa. After one and half an hour travel, Seetha reached her house.

There Ram asked doubtfully " Did you find Lisa?" She simply nodded her head. Ram was happy that she found where Lisa was so he shared his happiness with his friends by calling them through mobile.

On their call, Seetha explained everything that happened at Tarok's house.Ram and his friends listened to her each and every words very carefully.

Sadid thanked her by saying "Thanks a lot Seetha. What you did today proved the friendship between you and Lisa. I will think an idea to save Lisa as soon as possible. If you find any idea then share with us."

With that they hung up the call. Then Seetha made dinner for them. When they were eating dinner, Seetha told about Lisa's and her first meeting which she remembered today.


As usual, the next day arisen with warm and bright sunlight. After few hours, Seetha went to college and Ram went to some companies to attend interviews.

Seetha was not able to concentrate in her classes. Riya was not able to concentrate on her work because of Seetha's actions that night.

Ram was not able to answer all the questions which was questioned by the interviewers. Tharma was not able to host his show in his radio station.

Balu was not able to concentrate in his office meeting. Sadid was not able to concentrate on any cases. Nakul was also not in the mood to talk with any of his today's girlfriend.

They all had the same reason for not concentrating on their works and the reason is Lisa being kidnapped and they didn't find anyway to solve it.

Riya had another reason which you all know. Time passed, It was almost 6 '0' clock. Seetha went to do her part time job. She got scolded by both the bosses for taking leave yesterday and also for not informing it before.

She tried to speak with Riya but Riya avoided her intentionally. Seetha even apologized for hurting her that night but Riya was not convinced yet.

So it was again a bad day for Seetha. She did what any human would do when they have a hard time. Can you guess what it is? It is spending time with family.

Yeah, Seetha dialed her father's number when she reached house. Her father got ecstatic when he saw her daughter's number.

Her father attended the call by saying " Hello dear." He was looking super handsome eventhough he was already old. This two words from his voice made her happy.

She answered "Hello dad. How are you?" He replied smiling " I am fine. How are you dear?" She replied back smiling "Fine dad."

She also asked " How is everyone there?" He replied hapoily "Everyone is fine." Then she was silent for sometime. Finally, She asked worriedly " How is mom?"

His dad's smile was gone. He answered without smiling " She is same like before." Seetha's smile was also gone missing after hearing that.

Hearing no response from her, he changed the topic by asking " Why didn't you call me earlier?" She answered by apologizing " I am sorry dad. I almost forgot to call you."

He asked worriedly " Are you saying that you almost forgot your dad?" She rejected that by saying " No. At first, I had a problem to solve w..."

He interrupted as he was worried "What? Problem?" She was afraid to answer but finally answered hesitantly " Yeah dad, When I visited college for the first time, they said....there room for me. So I had the problem to find a house Immediately."

He got angry but he didn't show her as he was always a sweet and soft dad for his daughter. So he said softly " Why dear? Why there was no room for you? Then where are you staying now? Is that place safe? What are you doing for food? Why didn't you inform me earlier dear? wh..."

Seetha interrupted by asking with a smile" Shh! Dad, calm down. How can I answer every question at the same time?" Then she answered patiently by saying " Dad, As it is a rich college, the hostel rooms were booked earlier by some students. So it's my mistake for not booking the hostel room earlier. Then I asked for Lisa's help. She gave her house to stay for rent."

Her father felt relieved after hearing that but he didn't get answer for all of his questions so he repeated some of questions again by asking " What are you guys doing for food? Why didn't you inform me about this earlier?"

She again answered calmly " Dad, I am staying with...Ram who was Lisa's childhood friend." Hearing a boy's name, her father got angered and confused.

No matter he is a sweet dad or not, hearing a boy's name from his daughter always scares the father So he asked angrily " You said you were staying with Lisa. Whether he was also staying with you guys?"

She answered patiently again " Dad, I said I am staying in Lisa's house not with her. She was staying in the hospital quarteress so she gave her house for me where Ram was already staying."

This made her father extremely angry. He almost shouted " How can you stay with a boy?" She answered to calm down his dad's anger

So she said calmly " Don't worry dad. He is a friend of Lisa for more than ten years. So he was a trust worthy guy." Then Seetha voice her naughty thoughts " Are you doubting your daughter's strength?"

He laughed at her words. Hearing his laughter, she said happily " Dad, don't worry. I have my bodyguard with me always."

He said with laughter " Haha! Is it your so called pepper spray?" She replied along laughing with him "Haha! Yes Dad." Finally Seetha cooled down her dad's angriness.

Then they discussed about their family happenings and they also laughed happily in between their conversation. On the whole time, Ram was noticing her.

He smiled at her feeling little bit jealously as he don't have any family to talk like this. When She saw that he was staring at her, he stopped doing that.

Seetha felt guilty of him for not having a family to talk. So she requested his dad to cheer Ram up when she gives mobile to him.

Her dad accepted it without any regrets as he heard about his love failure from Seetha. Guys, Seetha's dad doesn't know anything about Lisa's kidnap as she didn't say anything about that thinking it may make him worried.

She also informed Ram about it before placing her mobile on Ram's hand. He looked at the mobile and then looked at her and asked confusedly as he don't know how to start.

Finally, he voiced out his thoughts as a question in front of her by hiding her mobile's speaker so that her father won't hear him. She replied in a single word " Anything."

Before going into the kitchen to prepare dinner, she muted the TV program using the remote. Ram started his conversation by saying "Hello Uncle."

After few minutes, She came out of the kitchen and sat beside him on the couch. He was saying " Okay, Uncle. I will give the mobile to Seetha."

With that he gave her mobile to her. After that, Seetha and her dad hung up the call by saying " Goodnight and bye." Then she asked curiously " What did he say?"

He answered smilingly " He requested me again and again to take good care of you thinking you as my sister." She asked doubtfully "Then?"

He was thinking by frowning his eyebrows. Finally, he voiced out "Then, Then nothing." Seetha was disappointed to hear that. So she asked disappointedly " Nothing?"

He asked with a confusion " What did you expect him to say?" She answered quickly " I requested him to console you as you are going through a lot of hard things now but what he did is requesting you to take good care of me."

Hearing her words with her cute expression made him laugh at her. He voiced out his thoughts again by asking " All fathers are like that, right?"

These words hurted her a little bit as she thought he never experienced dad's care that is why he was asking about it. I shouldn't have spoke with my dad here.

She gasped sadly and decided to change his mood by asking " Whom will you call if you are doleful?" He asked with a confusion " Why are you asking that now?"

Seeing her glaring at him, he dared not to ask anything. He answered "Okay. I will say whom I will call when I am sad. It's... it's nothing but my friends."

She asked curiously " And what will they say?" He laughed immediately just by thinking about their reply. Seeing him constantly laughing made her laugh too.

Finally, he answered her question controlling his laughter "Haha! Just imagaine that I am sad and sharing it with my friends. Now I will act how everyone will response to it."

He acted exactly like them controlling his laughter.

" Tharma : Don't worry.

Balu : Won't you self motivate yourself? I have a worst problem than yours.

Nakul : Chill dude! It will be alright if you attend a party with me.

Sadid : Don't worry. It will be fine. Just concentrate on your work.

Lisa : It's okay.

When he acted like Lisa, he remembered her and stopped laughing. Seetha patted his shoulder and consoled him by saying " Don't worry. We will save her."

Suddenly Ram's phone rang. Seetha said cheerfully " See, the phone rings which means we can save Lisa." Ram nodded his head and answered Sadid call.

Sadid asked him to put the call on loud speaker so that Seetha can also hear it. Ram did as he told. Then Sadid said his each words clearly " I have a plan to save Lisa."