
There are quite a few events coming up quickly.

First of all, the Christmas Talent Show.

I'd turned up to the auditions, but didn't need to do anything because they'd seen what I could do.

I watched all of the acts.

They had some lovely voices, talented dancing etc.

There wasn't much variation, just the usual.

I'd seen the piano I had to play on, and it was not the best.

It was a keyboard.

No pedals.

No dynamics.

Not even full sized.

But that's how it went.

We had an after school rehearsal.

They'd apparently called mum, so I wouldn't be killed for being home late.

After my last period, I made my way down to the theater.

There were only a few performers there already.

There was a Year 10 with her guitar and two dancers in Year 9 with her- part of the Rousseau house.

There were numerous singers, one from Rousseau, two from Mozart, two from Tchaikovsky and two from Bach.

There were two dancers (Tchaikovsky) and two baton acts (Mozart and Bach).

A puppeteer from Bach.

All houses also had teacher acts- but those were recorded.

Then there was me.

The pianist from Mozart.

We basically just did our acts for the others and the teachers to see.

The Bach house leader was there.

The dance, music, singing and drama teachers were there too (one of each).

They sent us back out into the atrium so they could set it all up, atrium empty since students- save for the Year 11s, some Year 10s and detention students- had all left for home.

We chatted quietly, singing a bit too. because why not.

I wished Baxton and Alex were here, but they'd already left.

The lot of us were called in and we began the rehearsal.

First was a singer from the Rousseau house. His voice sounded amazing and the teachers could see it.

One by one, the acts all were performed.

The headmaster also tried to edit some of the acts so that they'd be more 'Christmassy' or something.

Some of them were not happy with this decision.

Like at all.

This was our show, not theirs.

They threatened to pull out behind the teachers' backs.

We chatted quietly.

I was the only person not getting a custom set or any sort of help.

Totally fair.