
Marline never said a word to the Great Chenigan. 

"Looks like I underestimated you Marline. You are as stubborn as before. Guards take her away and torture her! " The Great Chenigan roared.

The guards took her away from the Great Chenigan's presence. She was bounded in chains and fetters and tied to two pillars. 

They set iron like thorns beside her, such that if she turn sideways she'd get a big wound on her skin. 

The guards took turns in whipping her as she turned in pain to dodge the whip. 

But the more she tried to dodge the whip, the more she had fresh cuts on her skin. 

She screamed in horror and pleaded for mercy from the guards but it all fell on deaf ears, and they whipped her the more. 


The maids took turns in taking care of the strange lady who showed up at the palace earlier. She was digging in her meal when the royals walked in on her.