Night And Candy Disappeared

"We are also lost your highness. May the immortals forbid bad things from happening to us and our land." The officials chorused. 

They sent a guard to go inquire from the approaching troops about what was happening. 

The guard left and soon ran back inside, screaming so loud on top of his voice. 

"The royal garden is in flames your highness!"

"What!?" The king and the officials shouted loud on top of their voices in the courtroom. 

"Who dared to set the royal garden on fire?! I surely won't spare the scoundrel that did that." The King roared. 

The guard bowed his head and said, 

"It's the princess, your highness. Princess Emilia set the garden on fire." The guard revealed to everyone. 

"I don't believe that." The King defended. 

Just as the conversation was going on, the troops they saw from afar walked into the courtroom. 

The guard that carried unconcious Jade in his arms, led the way.