Chapter 13

What I thought as a mall was an open building, filled with people, them going into shops that are air-conditioned. What I got was a closed building having advertising billboards on the outside. It was air-conditioned on the inside with stairs that move and box thing that moved up and down. Mortals call them elevators and escalators. What the fuck is this! I People looked at me like WTH is you wearing? Me too, bruh! I don't even know what am I wearing! That's why I came here! To buy clothes for this homeless immortal! Not homeless, freeloader immortal.

We go into a brightly lit boutique with doors that open by themselves. What sorcery is this?! If we had this in the castle, all immortals would pee their pants! They are not used to technology, because mortals are very dumb according to them. Mortals are terrifying or intelligent. I guess both!

'I know this place very well! This is like the cheapest boutique here. Even though I can go to a thrift store, they are much cheaper than here, I don't know what the clothes had on them. Ugh!' thank god! I don't even like a thrift-store! What germs mortals had? You never know what kind of contagious disease the person who wore them before.

'what clothes you like? Is it dark academia or tomboy?' she asks.

'dark academia would be nice.' I don't know WTH is dark academia.

'I knew it!' Scarlett grabs my hand and drags me. It would be hilarious to see a 5'5 girl drag another girl who's 5'11 in PJ's. LOL! She then took earthy, natural coloured turtlenecks, sweater vests, knitted tops, straight fit skirts, plaid skirts, dress and ankle pants, blazers, trench coats and cardigans. These are literally the same things a witch wears. Damn girl, I wasn't ready for what happened. She put the clothes in my arms and pushed me into the small place mentioned on the top as trial rooms.

'wear them! I estimated your size, and they might be perfect for you! Go inside!' She pushed me and slammed the door on my face. Oh, how the tables have turned. So what should I wear first? I guess the sweater vest. I was just about to wear the jacket and someone knocks. 'I'm inside here!' why did I even say that? 'its me, Scarlett!'

'oh it's you' I open the door and see her holding... underwear 3-in-1 packs and bras?!!! WTF!?

'I know it's weird, but I have calculated whatever your size is.'

'next time just tell me you are going to do something like this. It's just... you get what I mean. And how did you even calculate my size so fast?! And I said nothing about getting me underwear and bras!' fuck did I just say that?

'I'm sorry! But do you anything about personal hygiene?' you sarcastic lil-don't call her that. Counter-attack.

'no I don't. Can you please teach me about it?'

'excuse me, can you both move?' Some girl says.

'oh sorry' Scarlett says while moving a bit towards the wall. This bitch could've just moved around us, but no! I bitch-stare at the woman while she walks towards the last trial room.

She looked at us before the door of the last one. 'and yes, you shouldn't get your friend underwear and bras out of without telling her. It's gay.' This bitch! She pushed a lot of my buttons! I'm destroying her!

'Since you think she got me bras and underwear without telling me is gay. So if your brother or your boyfriend got your bras and underwear by looking at you. And he guesses your size, without telling you, is straight?' Bitch, you should've never met me. I'm so destroying you.

'I-' speechless, aren't you?

'I'm not done speaking shut up. She didn't care about what anybody else thought and got me underwear and bras. In fact, I'm shocked by her observance. She is very intelligent, unlike you. You look a brat because your dad is very rich. You have been bathing in his hard earned money. Since you hate gay people and use the word gay as an insult, please have a dip in the trash can. Also learn something, never butt in a stranger's matters, it's considered as rude.' mic-drop! Victory is mine!

She grits her teeth and storms out of trial room. I have no prejudice on these kinds of people, but she pushed my buttons. Even brats would shut up seeing people arguing. They have been taught manners since childhood, even though they are dumb and know that it's not their business.

'wow. You destroyed her, through and through. THAT WAS SO COOL!' Scarlett says with admiring eyes.

'you shouldn't let people step on you, if they be little rude it's okay because yes, it was our fault. But she used gay as a word for outcasts and went fully rude.'

'I know right! But the outfit looks good on you.' I look down at the clothes. All this commotion and I forgot everything about this. Damn, I look good! Me and Scarlett stare at the mirror inside. 'if you were a model, you'd be famous across the globe.' Scarlett says while admiring it. I don't know what's a model, I guess they get paid for trying on clothes.

'we should buy this! It looks good on you! I guess the whole thing would be like somewhere in 50-100.' She murmurs with a concentrated face. THAT MUCH??! I'm the definition of freeloader!

'I will pay you.'

'hmm ok. I guess you can start working in the same cafe as me.' that's a relief.

'oh thanks. I feel like the definition of free loader.' she laughs and hits my arm.

'you can wear this, I'll pay the rest. You can't go around wearing PJ's can you?' I take my PJ's in my hands and we walk out of the trial rooms. She walks somewhere fast carrying rest of the clothes and I stay there standing holding my PJ's because I can't catch up with her. What am I supposed to do now? She comes back minutes holding a bag. My best guess is that she paid for them and they are inside the bag.

'should I put my PJ's in there, too?'

'yup' I take the bag from her and we walk out. She talks about the cafe she works in. Crazy D, what did you do now?

'since you are going to live in the same house as me, get a job. I can't be something like your sugar mama. We need a new barista and cashier. The last one quit because he had to tend to his grandma, he was the barista and cashier. Me and Angie take turns to manage them. We can't manage two jobs anymore.' she breathes out as if she's tired. "Lighten up the mood punk!" my brain says. Yes, sir!

'How about we go back home? You look tired.'

'okay. The food here is disgusting! They don't even know what's food, taste or hygiene! Many people have got sick yet they still eat! They are so dumb!' Ok, that sounds bad. If they don't know hygiene is, that's bad. I want her bread-cakes, they are so good!