Chapter 14

We walk towards the bus stop. The weather was not that pleasant according to me; it was cloudy, windy and kinda cold. The wind was blowing in the opposite direction. I hate the wind, my hair splattered on my face and every direction. Some went on Scarlett and she sneezed out of reflex. Oh man, that was awful! I have to take a shower then, even though I had no interest of taking a shower. But germs make me want to take a shower.

We board the bus, and Scarlett keeps apologising about how she sneezed on my hair. I said it's ok, but she kept sorry and it was getting annoying. I did the impossible; I put my hand on her mouth. Her face flushed, and that's how she stopped talking. I looked away because I did something I shouldn't have. I looked outside, and it was already raining. Great, the weather is even more pleasant than it was before.

'how do we get to your place now?' If we are getting wet in the rain, I'm okay, but Scarlett will get a cold. Mortal adults get a cold at least 6 times a year, while mortal kids get a cold 12 times a year. The last time I got a cold was when I was... 50? I don't think I'll get a cold soon, note the sarcasm.

'if you can run fast enough, we can reach the place where I work. We can stay there for a while. Angie told we are running out of cakes. And I have nothing to do either.' Scarlett replies.

'mmm, okay' I say.

This Angie is making me curious. If I guess; Angie is a close friend of hers and a co-worker, and her full name is Angela or Angelina. She is in either college, high school, or graduated. That's a nice I-never-met-you-but-this-is-my-conclusion-about-you. It doesn't include me cursing about ya.

'the rain is getting worse. Oh man, why!' Scarlett says in a dramatic-exhausted way and puts her head on my shoulder. 'there there, we have to run as fast as we can, then we won't get wet.' I 'console' her and pat her head. She grabs my hand and starts playing with my fingers. Her skin is so warm against my icy hands.

'you have long fingers, they are cold. Are they just like this? When I tried to feel your heartbeat, your skin was cold, I thought you were dead, I mean nearly dead.' She pauses admiring my fingernails, my chewed fingernails. 'was it like this since birth?' what should I say: I'm a royal immortal because of my vampire side, my skin is cold as ice?

'yes it is, since childhood. My parents never knew why. When it gets cold, my skin becomes even more cold. You don't need to worry about me.' by childhood I mean when I was 150 years old. The rain stops. The bus stops. We get down and she runs toward the cafe. 'my babies need to be baked!' she yells while doing something weird with her arms, like putting them behind her back straight and running across the road. I'm amazed by her running across the road without being hit by a fucking moving box on wheels!

'DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE?!' I yell by the other side of the road.

'no I don't! my babies are calling me!' She kept running towards the cafe and yelled as if those 'babies' of hers depend on her life. Well, she sells their lives for a living. This just got dark. Fuck. I need to go to therapy, even though I'm little dark.

(and we are back! To the immortal world!)

Immortal world:

'ma!' Hunter yelled from the bathroom. 'we ran out of toilet paper!'

'use the mat! Cassandra yells from her room.

'no! Don't listen to your sister!' Hwei-ru says in panic and goes to the storage room to get toilet paper. The mortals created that thing to wipe their ass. It was disgusting according to her!

'im not that dumb ma! can you please get it faster?' Hunter hates it how his own family treats him as an idiot.

'im sorry, honey. But when you were 900 and when we got the mortal cooking thing, your sister Anastasia told you that the blue fire is cold and you touched it. You were much older than her and you still did it so, I'm just worried about you since then.' Hwei-ru says after knocking on the door and giving the paper for-wiping-one's-ass to him.

'yes Hunter. We are all worried for you.' Their dad and Anastasia's step-dad, Keyne answered. Would you ever think a king would watch SpongeBob? Nah!

'oh yeah?! since you care about me, I want to know what happened to Anna-sis!'

'if you want to talk about her, get out of the stink hole and close the door.' dad answered.

'you sent her there to the mortal world since she's gay and she didn't agree to get married?!!!' Cassandra's wolf got out of control.

'umm honey, please help me.' Keyne is the king, but his daughter was scarier than his wife, especially her wolf. And no, it was not hot! Who would find their own daughter hot? Only rapists and pedophiles do, which didn't exist for about 10,000 years.

'ok how's my daughter and my future daughter-in-law then?' Hwei-ru sits down on the couch, ignoring her husband's pleading.

'wait, future daughter-in-law?' Cassandra goes 100-0 real quick. She looks very confused along with Hunter.

'yes your mother here, apparently "ships" your sister with this mortal girl, she stays with' Keyne says with a poker-face.

'and your father loves her already, but he doesn't show it.'

'that's not true!' He whined.

'then who the heck is making those wedding invitations?' Hwei-ru attacked. Keyne became quiet. Hunter is confused. Cassandra is a confused puppy.

The only sentences that go in the siblings' brain's: Who the heck is this mortal? And what's shipping?