Chapter 38

"And that's the end of my story!" Michael did an exaggerated bow and Scarlett looked confused. She raised her hand and asked "Wait, wait, wait! How are- how is that the end of your story?"

"Oh, after the project, we became good friends. Two months later he came out to me as bi, I came out as gay. Yesterday he asked me out. I may have kissed him out of happiness." He scratched his head, flushed. "Ok! So bye!" She waved and stood up, leaving him confused and shook. "What?"

"Go home, idiot! Your date is today right?"

"Oh shit!" Michael ran out of the cafe, grabbing his bag in a hurry.



It was such a normal day! Scarlett had school, Anastasia and Margret were just chilling at home. They had got a message from grandma. It said since they had been working for a month and they had got so many people. She gave them a day off. Anna was crying like an English teacher who thought the blue door meant something deep as fuck (no offense English teachers) and Margret was so awkward patting her shoulder. "There, there. You'd be okay dramatic bitch." Scarlett, she looked so done.

Right now, Scarlett was at school. That's why she was done. Margret was chilling on the couch, doing that webtoon of hers. Anna was staring at the wall, thinking. "Hey." Margret looked up "what?"

"What's the story of your webtoon?" Anna scooted to her, trying to peep into the tab and Margret lifted the tab over their heads. "Nope, you are not seeing it!" Anna whined and tried to reach it.

Margret started running around with the tab above her head and Anna chasing her. "Ah-ha! I got it last!" Anna read the whole thing from scratch. Her friend sat down on the couch. The reaction Margret had expected, her friend bursting out laughing. Margret cringed.

"Oh, my gods! Why are you writing your own life story!?" Anna wiped her non-existent tears. "Also, my sister doesn't look like that. My mother doesn't look like that. I know I'm ugly but I don't look that ugly."

"Did you delete the whole thing?"

"No, I just read it on the actual app, where you see the published stuff." She took strawberry milk from the fridge and sipped it "you still love my brother don't you?" Margret flared up "NO! I DONT!" Anna rolled her eyes at her sat down on the couch with Margaret.

"Whatever but your love story is messed up like I don't get it. What the heck are you two? Exes? Lovers? Long-distance relationship? What the fuck man! I don't know what to label you two. And my head goes haywire when I think of your relationship. It's so confusing, like a k-drama. I don't have anything against k-dramas, no offense." Margret sighed "None taken, even I find them confusing sometimes."

"You're a sucker for them?"

"Hmm." Margret nodded her head. Someone knocked on the door and they turned their heads towards it. Anna set down the glass and approached the door.

"Miss does an 'Anastasia Lytellton-Annesley' live around here?" The dude on the door pronounced her name badly. She wanted to correct him but her brain was ringing a bell. Who the heck knows her name in the mortal domain? Only grandma and that friend of Scarlett's.

"Yes, that's me. Why?"

"Some person sent you a letter. Also, sign here." He gave her another paper. She signed at some random place and he gave her the post. He left muttering "who sends a letter to people nowadays?" She made a face as he left. "wHo sEnDs a lEtTeR tO pEoPle nOwDaYs?" She closed the door with a slam.

Anastasia ripped the sealed part open. She removed the paper or papers out. She read the first one her fingers took, the other dropped on the floor. Her face showed shock. Margret became curious "what's in the letter?" Anastasia passed it to her and sat down on the couch. She covered her eyes and started sobbing.

Margret dropped the paper when she finished reading it. "Did you read the same thing as I did?" Anastasia nodded. "That means." Margret gulped. She pointed at her friend.

"You're the rightful heir to the throne."