Confession time!

Hello, fuckers! Volume 1 has finished and I'm going to tell something y'all didn't know about my novel.

1. Margret wasn't supposed to exist:

Yes hon, she wasn't supposed to exist at all. She is a character that I put at the last minute. And this 'Angie' was supposed to be human and Scarlett's roommate.

2. Diana wasn't supposed to be a witch:

Yeeeeeeeeeees I know. She was supposed to be the nice, human grandma but my brain. My brain's a bitch and won't listen to me.

3. I have an outline and this novel was not supposed to be like this:

Yes, bitch. It was supposed to end right now and Scarlett was supposed to be hit by a bus and go into a coma in the end. Don't worry, there was a happy ending.

4. Scarlett was supposed to be a Korean character:

Even I was in shock when my bitch of a brain told me to make her not Korean. If she was supposed to be Korean, her name would be Kwon Joo-hee.

5. Anastasia was supposed to be a greek minor goddess:

Anastasia was supposed to be Goddess Melinoe, the ghost queen. I mean no offense to Greeks out there, I was going to make Melinoe bi. But changed it last minute because I thought it'll be offensive.

6. Anastasia and Scarlett were supposed to meet as classmates:

They really weren't supposed to have an ugly meet with Anastasia bleeding and Scarlett taking her to the hospital.

7. Michael was supposed to have internal homophobia:

He wasn't supposed to be a happy person. The outline said even though he is gay he felt disgusted by himself. He was about to do suicide, that's when Manchu stopped him. So yeah, it was going to be kinda dark. But I didn't want to make it so angsty because I hate angst myself.

8. Scarlett was supposed to have panphobia:

Panphobia is a fear of everything. But I forgot I don't know how to write panphobia is, so I left that thought.

That's it! Eight confessions! I have a feeling, my confessions would have made the novel better than this shitty version of it.

I would love it if you support my other novel Force of Fate! I used my version of Greek mythology in the introduction! I'll update it once a week.

Goodbye for now! Meet y'all after probably a week later!