Chapter 1

"So what are we going to do now?"

"Go back home." Anastasia deadpanned. Margret sniffed and tilted her head. "We're going away from here? From my baby?" Hunter sighed and back hugged her. "No, you idiot. She might not come back, she has her entire life in front of her. We'll visit her from time to time. But we somehow have to get back to the immortal realm."

"You three can go, I'll be staying here," Daphne announced, leaving everyone speechless. Anastasia frowned. "wait so you're not coming with us?" Margret was having a mood swing and started getting teary-eyed at the thought of Daphne not coming with them. Shit.

Anastasia clapped her hands in a mild panic. "how about we go to Margret's apartment and then talk things out? We can plan over there after collecting our thoughts and getting refreshed, okay?" everyone nodded in agreement.

Many people stopped and stared at them. Some took pictures of them, thinking they might be some celebrity. Anastasia rolled her eyes inward and her mind drifts somewhere else.

She didn't know why, but she felt like leaving this place. Yes, the mortal realm was friendly, open to everyone's culture, sexuality, race, etc. She seriously wanted the immortal realm to be like that. Staying here just because people are open and accepting. She felt like a coward.

To be honest, immortals' opinions on homosexuality did sometimes affect her. Even if her parents had banned people from being homophobic and made same-gender sex legal. Nobody has come out of the closet. Well, a few did. But in the end, people killed them.

Speaking of her parents, she smirked at the thought. They're going to have a long, wonderful talk with each other.


"So that's it? I got Hunter's, Anna's and Margret's bag. Did you miss something? Should we go back home and get that?" The trio chuckled at Daphne's mama bird behavior. They weren't going to school for the first time LOL.

"No, we didn't." they picked up their bags and went deeper into the woods.

Apparently, the other paper in the letter had instructions to make a portal to the immortal domain. They had to find this tree covered in spikes that shot its fruits at a high speed. The sandbox tree.

For heaven's sake, why the fuck was it created!? They never knew when that shitty thing will start shooting its seeds at them! When they see god, they'll die because they'll kick him somewhere that'll hurt like hell for creating this shitty tree.

The instructions said they have to pour blood right in front of it. Unlike normal portals, they shouldn't pour their own blood but other organisms. Great! Chicken blood would work!

Fwip! A fruit vertically shot at Anastasia, she sidestepped it and it splat on another tree. A small crack appeared in the trunk. Ouch. It meant that heaven's creation was close! (note the sarcasm)

Slashing through some plants with their hands, heaven's creation stood tall in front of them. This weird thing has weird fruits, Anastasia thought as she circled it. She made a protective shield around them and herself.

She pulled out the vial filled with chicken blood and poured it right in front of it. She read the paper again and folded it. "It'll take over five minutes to form!"

Margret rubbed her hands together. She was panicking so badly that her hands got cold. Hunter noticed his girlfriend's anxious state and hugged her.

"Hey. Calm down, okay? Nothing bad will happen." She buried her face in his shoulder and mumbled. "What if they try to separate us again?" he kissed the top of her head. "If they try doing that, my sister would become a psycho and nearly kill everyone who stops her," she remembered how Anastasia nearly killed a vampire. He had raped her girlfriend, and she got terrifying. She was literally laughing while torturing him in the vampire's mansion. They shivered in fear at the memory.

Anastasia didn't know somebody spilled some boiling hot tea to the readers. She was having a conversation with daphne right now. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us? We would be happy if you did." Daphne pinched her nose bridge, hearing Anastasia ask the same question for the millionth time.

She sighed and spilled the reason. "If I come along, I'll be out of control. I have terrible memories of that place and it'll trigger me bad. Plus, I have to be here for Scarlett. I have to pay for her fees too. I'll act like a messenger to let you know if anything bad happens to her. I know you care for her a lot."

Anastasia blushed. Shit, how did she find out? As if reading Anastasia's mind, Daphne answered. "You put your emotions right on your face, that's good. People will know you're mad. I hate witches that tell you to keep a blank face when you're feeling an emotion like a doll." Anastasia laughed, "You're a cool 'grandma'."

Daphne smiled and looked over Anastasia's shoulder. Noticing something got daphne's attention, she peeked at it. In front of the tree stood a blood-red, glittery, ten feet tall rectangular portal. "Beautiful," they whispered.

Magret and Hunter still had a nightmare about Anastasia being a psycho. "So you lovebirds done talking?" Speak of the psycho. They shivered and spoke at the same time. "Yup."

Anastasia didn't notice and nodded. She then snapped her fingers, remembering something. "Also! We are not going directly home. You two will be in my brother's mansion in the vampire kingdom for a few days. Hide your auras till we make a dramatic grand entrance."

"Why the dramatic, grand entrance?" Hunter commented in annoyance. Anastasia rolled her eyes. "We're related, bro. We're all dramatic, it runs in our blood. For example; how you entered at my stepmother's house all dirty and smelly." He forgot for a moment that his sister is a sarcastic grandmaster. Magret surprisingly sighed in relief at Anastasia's plan.

She did a double-take. "Wait, where will you be then?" the witch cracked her knuckles. "I'll be in hell for a while. I got some business to settle." They broke out in a cold sweat. That soul ain't getting or deserving mercy, but hope god gives the soul mercy.

Psycho Anastasia would enjoy his suffering. Yow! She's a friendly person but do something unforgivable and may God have mercy on your soul.

"You three! Stop chattering! The portal also has a time limit! Take your bags!" Daphne yelled, and they all rushed to take their bags lying on the ground. Magret went first. She closed her eyes and pictured her boyfriend's mansion in the vampire kingdom. Stupid thought broke her concentration.

"Wait, will I be able to update my Webtoon?" Anastasia facepalmed and gritted her teeth. "I'll do something about it, you just step in." Magret scratched her head in embarrassment and repeated the process.

Hunter went in next, leaving Anastasia alone with Daphne. Before Anastasia stepped in, she gave daphne a bone-crushing hug. "Thank you for taking care of me," Anastasia whispered into Daphne's ears.

Daphne got teary-eyed, seeing her stepdaughter leave. "Bye!" She waved, but Anastasia was already gone.