Chapter 12

A few months later

Cassandra dramatically burst through the door, startling Anastasia. She flopped on the couch and sighed. Anastasia didn't mind her and kept reading the files filled with witches going rouge, berserk, and listening to their subconscious.

Cassandra got pissed at her sister's silence and asked. "Are you not going to ask why I'm being so dramatic?"

Anastasia didn't look up from the file and blankly replied. "Either you want food, something happened in a werewolf's territory, or both."

"Yes! I want food! And a lot has been happening in the werewolf kingdom! Some alphas have been the definition of toxic masculinity. And ya know how I don't appreciate and support these kinds of people.

"According to those narrow-minded assholes; females can't be the ones ruling the kingdom and they should be in their homes tending to children even if they're single and the position should go to another male alpha.

"They think it's wrong and shit like that. They have been protesting and signing petitions to throw me off the ruler position, and I'm not mad about it! I'm mad about these!"

She slammed a huge document on her sister's table and Anastasia started reading it even though it was upside down. Cassandra started yelling at nobody.

"These bitches have been murdering and raping omegas because they won't sleep with them or have been wearing provocative clothes, yet that's okay according to everyone?

"What the fuck is that? They just wore normal jeans and a t-shirt and suddenly these horny assholes thought it was provocative, yet everyone is taking their side and blaming the poor omegas for wearing a simple shirt and having a good figure?

"They bullied them for having a bad figure, omegas went on a diet to look skinny and desirable and suddenly they are too seductive! Fuck every goddamn motherfucker who says that!

"And even if they say they raped me, people are asking for 78 photos, 45 videos, and 57 audio tapes yet if an alpha male says I didn't do it so they believe he didn't do it? This is fucking bullshit!

"Omegas said no bitch, I ain't sleeping with an asshole like you. So the male alphas got mad and murdered them? What kind of bullshit is this?

"Sis, I'm so mad! I'm so mad that I can write a 200K+ complete novel on how I'm mad, I can go into the battlefield and slaughter the entire army, I'm so mad that I can slaughter everyone even if I have a hundred wounds on my body. I don't want to do it. What should I do with these bitches?"

Anastasia didn't look up and took her pen. She stabbed the paper and ink flowed out from the broken nib. Cassandra snapped her fingers in realization.

"Yes! I'll use that and stab them on their dicks, then torture them so bad that they'll regret being born! Later I will issue a warrant on eradicating these bitches! Thanks, sis!"

Cassandra ran out, and Anastasia sighed. Some werewolf alphas. Such arrogant, narcissistic species. When their deaths happen, it'll probably happen because of her sister. It'll be a good thing. And I need another pen, she thought.

After an hour of reading and writing, she stretched and rubbed her butt. Gods, sitting on a chair for a long time had numbed her butt so badly. Maybe she should visit those married leeches.


She regretted it when she came to their door. It was silent, and the door was open. She knocked twice, but no answer. "I'm coming in!" She proclaimed and opened the door. She didn't find them in the living room, so she took the stairs to their bedroom. What she saw. Oh, my god!

Her brother's head was buried in Margret's… she screamed and covered her eyes. "You nasty horny animals! Curse you!" She slammed the door behind her and heavily inhaled air. That image can never go away. Oh, my gods.

She shook her head and started thinking of innocent, happy thoughts. Ice cream, flowers, those little shits, food, and Scarlett! Wait, where did she come from?

Suddenly she started missing that short, angry human. With all the workload, she forgot about her life in the mortal domain. Hope her stepmother and Scarlett both are okay.

Satan's leg appeared out of thin air. She didn't notice him until he yelled. "There you are! I was looking all over for you! No time to explain! Come on!" He grabbed her hand and both of them disappeared.


Both of them teleported to his office. The demon that Anastasia and Satan sent to keep tabs on Scarlett was biting their nails. Tears were clear on their face, they were panicking and nervous as heaven. She placed her hand on their shoulder. "What happened?"

They refused to speak up for a while, but then Anastasia kept reassuring them she won't be mad. They spoke in a quiet voice as if the world had come crashing down on them and would be mad at them.

"Scarlett got into an accident."