Chapter 13

After a few minutes, they hailed a taxi to the hospital where Scarlett was admitted. The demon said how they found out Scarlett had gone into an accident. She looked pissed off for reasons unknown and had headphones on her ears. The demon was going to buy some food for themselves and saw her walking towards the road.

They screamed, but she couldn't hear. The car came in fast and everyone yelled at her. But then it was too late, she was frozen like a deer in headlights. The car had already run over her. Her body flew and fell on the sidewalk.

The demon stopped and started crying in the middle. Satan tried to console them. Anastasia's mind went somewhere else. She was thinking how did Scarlett get pissed off. Now is not the time to think about how she got pissed. Anastasia shook her head.

The taxi stopped at the hospital. They paid and thanked the dude. The demon asked the receptionist where Scarlett was. "Oh, she might be in the emergency room."

"Which one?"

"I don't know!" Rude woman, everyone thought. Somehow, they found the right one. They thought it was the right one, they were just guessing. It turned to be the correct one when they found Daphne sitting at the metal chairs. She was rubbing her hands and closing her eyes occasionally.


She turned her head towards them and one could see tears dried on her face. She stood up and smiled. "So you have heard."


"So how are you?"

"Not good." Anastasia didn't feel like asking her more. After a few minutes, Daphne spoke up. "So who's the demon?"

The demon jumped. "How do you know I'm a demon?"

"I'm a witch, honey. Immortals can easily find other immortals. So what's your name?"

"I'm Avery."

Daphne hummed in response. Nurses rushed in and out. Anastasia could get what they were saying behind the door.

"Fuck. We're losing her!"

"Oh, shit!"

"She's losing too much blood, dumbass! Go get the blood bag right now!"

"But we don't have A negative blood type right now!"

A nurse burst through the door. "Are you her family?"


"Does anybody have A negative blood type?"

Nobody replied. Anastasia volunteered. "I don't know my blood type, but can you check mine?"

The nurse yelled at her. "Are you crazy?! Finding out the blood type takes a long time! Four to six weeks to be exact!"

This bitch, Anastasia thought, how did he become a nurse without knowing the basics? "What about those blood typing kits? Don't you have one of them in the pharmacy or what?"

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry! I forgot we have a lot of them! I'll go get it now!"

When the nurse was out of sight, Satan hissed. "Are you crazy?! What if she turns into an immortal?!"

"Then she won't die and there's a low chance she'll be a mortal again."

"I know, but what if she dies in the middle of the process of becoming an immortal?! What are you going to do then!?"

"I-I didn't think about that."

"Exactly! You-"

Avery interrupted him. "Your highness. Pardon me, but we both want Scarlett to live so please, throw the logic away. We want a life to live. It doesn't matter if she becomes an immortal or not, her highness and me don't want to lose her. Now please don't kill me!"

Satan had no words. This demon spy had a higher emotional quotient than him. He didn't even ask their name, yet Avery didn't complain. Why was he like this? He glanced at his best friend and Avery. "I'm sorry. I didn't think about that."

"K bruh."

After a few minutes, the same nurse rushed with a bunch of kits. "So I'll prick your fingers just to check your blood type." He pricked Anastasia's fingers. "Probably would take five minutes."

He dropped the blood on three spots. After a few minutes, the nurse's eyes widened. "You're an O negative?!"

"I'm a what?"

"Whatever. You're coming with me!"


When she came out of the blood bank, she was Margret and Hunter sitting there. She narrowed her eyes. "You."

They widened their eyes. "You're here too?"

"No, I'm a ghost who's here!"

Margret whispered. "Stop being sarcastic at the wrong time! Scarlett's lost a lot of blood and I can't control myself."

"Stop being hungry at the wrong time!"

If someone was there, they'd think Margret's a fucking psychopath who drinks the blood of humans. Good thing nobody was there walking or near enough to hear them bickering.

Hunter sighed as his sister and his wife whisper-argued. Satan slid next to him. "So how's married life?"

"It's okay. We just have more roasting sessions and try not to burn the kitchen."

"Don't tell me your wife randomly seduces you?"

"Yes, she does."

Both of them shivered. Hunter added. "She tortures you too?"

"Yes, she does."

Avery got the courage to yell at them. "You nasty people! Stop talking about your sex life with your wife in a hospital!" Both of the men in the room stopped talking. Anastasia cringed and sat down. "Great. Now, what is going to happen?"

Margret threatened her. "Keep talking more and I'll remove the bandaid from your arm to suck the life force out of you."

"Shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

Daphne had enough and snapped. "Both of you shut up! All of you just shut up! Scarlett's fighting for her life and you kids are fighting over small things! If you don't shut up, I swear to go that I'll send you four back home! Now, any questions or disagreements?" Nobody talked back. Daphne nodded in satisfaction. "Good."

The four made a mental note: The sweetest, kindest women can be the scariest women and nobody should piss off Daphne if they want their death easily.

After a good long five hours, the surgeon came out sweating. Daphne stood up, and they started talking. The four peered at them. They could pick up what they were saying. But daphne made a barrier suddenly so that they don't eavesdrop.

Daphne turned towards them, and one could see the relief on her face. "Scarlett's okay. The surgeon wants to thank whoever donated blood. They said they'll shift her to another room. So for now, she's okay."

Satan nonchalantly said. "And judging by the scent, she didn't change into an immortal." Eh? How?