Chapter 16

When Anastasia, Hunter, and Margret were seen in the city:

"Oh, my god! Isn't that Anastasia Lyttelton-Annesley?"

"Wait, what? Zoom in the picture." The reporter zoomed in on the picture. Anastasia was getting in a taxi along with two other people. A tall skinny dude, and a chubby girl. Another picture showed her in front of a hospital with the same people.

Anastasia was an icon in the public's eye. She was a beautiful woman, a savage, and a humble queen. They discussed her more than her siblings.

Everyone thought of her as a role model, she was a nobody and was stereotyped as a dumb blonde and a nerd. Anastasia was like the fuck? How is someone a nerd yet a dumbass?

Even though she was in the confectionery industry, she somehow exposed every nasty bitch around her. People started fearing her, and she gained a lot of respect from the public.

She even had a fanbase, she was that looked upon. Believe it or not, she was even a fanfiction topic on fanfiction websites.

"That's Anastasia Lyttelton-Annesley alright, what is she doing here? Ya know in public for the second time?"

"I don't know, boss, maybe one of her relatives or someone close to her lives here and had to go to the hospital, so she came here. To be honest, we just got a bizarre accident to cover. The driver who caused it was a child trafficker on the run for a lot of time."

His boss pursed her lips. "Well, cover both of the stories in one article, ya know, just relate both of them like a crossover."

"On it, boss!"

The next day the headlines were: 'Accident caused by a child trafficker on the loose, is Anastasia Annesley related to the victim?'

It blew up all over the city. There had been many rumors of her having a hidden significant other. Her appearance at a hospital when a freak accident had happened sparked rumors that she and the victim had a long-distance relationship.

People believed the theory, they sent support and condolences on her social media accounts. Her fanbase somehow had tracked the hotel she was staying at. When she stepped inside, she found an enormous bouquet sitting on a table with a card saying they'll be okay.

She felt awkward. Everyone was assuming Scarlett, and she was having an established relationship like the heck? Yes, she thought the cinnamon roll was cute but she in a relationship with Scarlett? Nah.

Speaking about her, Scarlett went through a whole lot of shit. She looked much more confident; she was confident before, but now, wow. That confidence was amazing.

Anastasia anyway posted that Scarlett and she are just close friends in reality, and a few years ago she had to leave for her studies. So when she heard the news duh, she had to come here.

After the post, people didn't dare to ship her with Scarlett. They had been scared since that one incident. Oh man, they are still suffering from that burn and the ice wasn't enough. The public anyway sent condolences to her.

Then, in a few hours, Margret and Hunter appeared. Everyone believed that Scarlett was an important person in the siblings' lives. And anyone who fucks with her shall be cut off like a bitch.

The media even got the information about Scarlett. She was an orphan and her guardian was Anastasia's aunt. She is a neurosurgeon and ate pizza rolls all day. The pizza roll's information was irrelevant, but that's what they got.

People started appreciating her, not because she was nearly the siblings' family, but because she was a neurosurgeon and had five successful surgeries done by her at a young age.

Scarlett didn't even know she was becoming famous. She was chilling in the hospital room eating pizza rolls and watching anime.

The media, even though they have noticed and brought many inspiring people out in the open, didn't mean they were the nice guys. Two-thirds of the Annesley-Lyttelton siblings were there, but where was the oldest?

Some idiots released an article with a theory that Cassandra had a grudge against Scarlett, and they hated each other's guts, and that's why she isn't here.

People didn't believe it but suspicion rose. What if they did hate each other? People sent messages to the Annesley-Lyttelton siblings' if this was true. Hunter snapped, he roasted everyone. He posted that 'just because my elder sister isn't here, doesn't mean people get the right to start rumors that Scarlett and my sister hate each other.'

He topped it off to make it friendly with a 'Both of them don't know each other personally or even acquaintances, please stop.'

People bashed and threw a shade on the media company that released the article. Oh, man! They have to apply a lot of ice to the nasty burns!

All this time, nobody disturbed the hospital and their private lives. The Annesley-Lyttelton siblings' may be patient and quiet, that doesn't mean they'll snap. They have snapped a few times, and it wasn't pretty.

On the day when Scarlett recovered enough to be discharged, the child trafficker went missing from prison. Bam! No trace left! They found no evidence that he escaped from prison; it was as if he disappeared into thin air.


Fae Kingdom:

In a siheyuan, a porcelain plate broke into pieces. "What! You are telling me that the mortal bitch didn't die?!"

The man whimpered. "Young master, I tried my best, I didn't know sh-"

"You tried your best?! Bastard! If you did your best, that bitch would be dead by now!" The Chinese dude you're seeing right now is Anastasia's maternal cousin, Wang Hongmei. He is the dude who was the mastermind of killing Scarlett.

He stood up and lifted his hand. The man started choking and Wang Hongmei clenched his hand. The man's neck snapped, and he fell limp. Wang Hongmei waved his hand, and the dude turned into dust.

His assistant looked at the floor in disgust and spoke up. "Young master, now what?"

He smiled like a maniac. "This Young master would kill that mortal bitch by himself," He grabbed his phone, and the screen lit up, showing the lock screen as Anastasia's resting bitch face. He smiled like a creep and mumbled. "Then I and my dear Anastasia would be together." He started laughing like a maniac.

His assistant rolled his eyes and thought as if you don't have a harem filled with hundred women along with two hundred children.