Chapter 18

Margret and her husband's advice: No matter what, never ask Anastasia how her and her siblings' companies work, okay? They are just overreacting.

During breakfast, Scarlett and Avery asked Anastasia how her company works. Margret and Hunter appeared to be shocked and panicked.

Margret: oh no.

Hunter: oh shit

The lights went off; she drew in the curtains, a projector appeared along with a laptop attached to it. Eh? How did this happen so quickly?

"Glad you asked, now listen carefully," Anastasia said.

She explained how their companies depended on each other and leeched off each other. Cassandra's company was agriculturally based, she had small-scale farms all over the world. The farms she owned in Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Mexico, Brazil, and Indonesia mostly sent their produce to Anastasia's company.

Her company then distributed their finished products mostly to Hunter's company. Her brother's company had amusement parks, and maybe in the near future, resorts. They sold the chocolate there more since many people come there.

And that's how their companies work. At the end of the presentation, Anastasia asked. "So any questions?" She left Avery and Scarlett speechless.

This was pure brilliance! But they realized that's how the business world worked. Ya gotta leech off other people for your benefits. But they were siblings, so it was okay.

Margret and Hunter appeared to be sleep-deprived. It was just a thirty-minute presentation. Why are they so pale? Hunter can never be pale, but why does he look like that? Anastasia rolled her eyes and mumbled.

"Gosh, can the weird couple stop being so dramatic for one second?"


Anastasia yelled. "Alright, you little fucks, don't you dare to disturb when I'm inside there!" And she slammed the door.

"What's new today?" Scarlett asked.

Margret sighed. "She's having an important meeting for a collaboration, and the next one would be new investors."

"But she's literally wearing a Pikachu onesie!"

"That little shit is pretty casual with everyone. Even during important meetings, everyone is wearing pajamas and is wrapped around blankets.

"She's casual with her employees too. You don't have to wear a freaking suit every day to work and instead just turn up with whatever you work before bed.

"She ain't giving a fuck about it, neither does anyone around you. You can call the CEO your friend or your bitch and she'll go along with it. Unless you say it with a disgusting meaning behind it."

Hunter opened the door carrying a lot of bags. "Help me, please?"

"Whatever the bag has inside, is just 70 percent air. You'll be okay."

Avery and Scarlett contained their laughs at Margret's sassy answer. It was true. Chip packets were nothing but air.

Hunter stood there defeated and shook his head. Whatever, he thought.

"So," Margret began. "What do you do Avery?"

"Uhh, I'm a neurosurgeon as well. Me and Scarlett have done a few surgeries together."

"Wow! That's nice. What about the salary, no offense?" Margret said. Scarlett thought, why is this becoming an interview all of a sudden?

"Uhh, we get like a lot just for one surgery if we are the ones leading it. We can buy our own apartment together if we instead have been donating money to orphanages.

"Having a lot of money makes us seem like rich people, but we don't want that image. So we give a lot of it to food banks, and stuff like that.

"Neurosurgeries are quite rare. Sometimes we have to go to other cities to do them. Somebody has to call us and then we go there.

"You can call it a coincidence, but me and Scarlett are from the same orphanage. Our last name is Danksworth."

Margret blinked. "What? Danksworth? I have been your friend for like five years and now I find your last name is Danksworth?"

Scarlett spoke in an annoyed voice. "Why? Do you find it weird?"

"Nope. But it is kinda shocking, ya know. For having a rare last name. I thought it would be something like Miller or Smith."

Avery and Scarlett rolled their eyes. Stupid common last names. It's not shocking that their last names are not common. Humph!


The famous five were having an argument on what they'll be watching on TV.

Avery wanted to watch the Untamed, a Chinese historical drama. Scarlett wanted to watch Spirited away. Margret and Hunter wanted to watch a blood movie. What, they haven't gone on a date where they hunt a criminal for blood, they just wanted to satisfy their bloodlust.

Everyone were fighting, excluding Anastasia. She didn't care what they were going to watch unless it was recommended for only eighteen plus. Then, yeet, she's gone!

Anastasia at last snapped. She snatched the remote from them. "Fuck it! We're watching Shaun the sheep instead! Anyone against me?" Nobody said anything. Angry Anastasia was someone to never mess with.

She nodded. "Good."

And that's how they ended up watching Shaun the sheep, the movie. When the farmer had, at last, regained his memories and was reunited to his farm, Scarlett heard someone sniffing.

"Hunter, are you crying?"

"No, I'm not. Someone's cutting the onions."