Chapter 17

Anastasia couldn't buy the lovely mansion she was talking about, so she bought a penthouse for everyone instead. Scarlett and Avery felt they were using her for money, but Anastasia ignored their negotiations and both of them gave up.

How did Anastasia buy a penthouse? She asked Alethea, and her assistant was freaking done with her. Her highness was unpredictable; she made a rule that everyone would have no restrictions to go to the mortal world and have a mortal identity was compulsory.

Which was good, but why did she have to buy an old bankrupt confectionery company? For what?! Chocolate?! It had doubled their workload, and she was mad at Anastasia even if she got free chocolate.

The penthouse Alethea had chosen was from an old couple. They had kept it for their grandchildren, but their children wanted to have no children. The old couple was accepting and wanted to sell it. Alethea felt guilty about it, but she bought it from them.

It was a fully furnished penthouse that had a splendid view and a lift. They didn't care about the features, but the lift was the most important thing for Scarlett. There were two floors

Daphne had already left after the day Scarlett had, at last, woke up from her coma. Avery was already packing up their and Scarlett's stuff since her ex had been coming to their door to irritate Avery.

They had to shoo him away by calling the guard and threatening him by calling the police for his stalker-like behavior. Anastasia bought Avery a hotel room next to hers when she found out about this issue.

Avery found Margret easy to get along with, and they became friends easily. Hunter and Anastasia were kinda hard to make friends with, but in the end, all of them became good friends.

Even if Scarlett had recovered, it didn't mean she could stop going around in a wheelchair. She had her ligaments torn in both of her legs, some of her ribs nearly broke, and her left arm was broken before. They had kind of healed, but bathing with all the castes was hard as heck. Her wheelchair was kinda like that dude's wheelchair from Handy Manny.

Life in the penthouse was pretty normal. You'd find Hunter and Margret being either all lovey-dovey, banging, or going animal fight club with each other. Avery and Scarlett yelling at each other during monopoly or other board games and Anastasia calmly sipping chocolate milk in the corner whilst in the chaos.

Yeah, life was pretty normal.


It was two AM and Scarlett couldn't sleep. She kept tossing and turning, made strange scenarios to tire out her brain, and did the weird sleeping hacks, but she couldn't sleep at all. Ugh! Her stomach growled. Great, she thought.

She sat up and rolled the wheelchair over to her. She first sat on it then held her legs with her unbroken arm and placed them on the bottom thingy. She wheeled herself out of her room and took the lift. Her room was on the second floor while the kitchen was on the first floor.

Having milk before going to bed had always helped her to sleep. The orphanage where she lived before always gave everyone hot chocolate or milk before going to bed. That's where her habit developed from.

Speaking of the orphanage, she'll go visit them once she's fully recovered. The door slid open. She wheeled outside and her eyes adjusted to the dark.

She saw the door for Hunter's and Anastasia's office room slightly ajar, and a faint light was coming out. Eh? They're still awake? At this time?! Her wheelchair led her there, and she opened the door.

There she was, Anastasia was busy typing on the computer. She switched the lamp on the desk on, there was coffee placed on the desk. She had her reading glasses on and was wearing a sweater vest. Does she have only those kinds of clothes? Even in summer, she's wearing that.

"Why are you still working at this hour?"

Anastasia yawned. "Why are you still awake at this hour?" And she kept typing away.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Same, that's why I'm doing whatever I'm doing right now." Scarlett rolled her eyes and proceeded to pull the power plug.

The computer went off and Anastasia glared at her. "Why did you do that?"

"Sleep, don't work right now." Anastasia gritted her teeth. Scarlett sighed. "You should get some sleep, it's two in the morning. You can do the 'whatever you were doing before' after you wake up."

"Ugh, fine." Anastasia sighed and switched off the lamp. She closed the door and asked. "You hungry?"


"Alright." They ate toasted bread and drank milk. When they went back to sleep in their rooms, they slept.