Chapter 26

When Scarlett woke up, the sun was already blaring. She forgot to draw in the curtains before she squinted her eyes to look at the scenery.

The sky was clear, no signs of clouds today. Tall buildings covered with glass. Cars driving and people looked like ants from above. She felt like God.

She walked into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, accidentally sneezed into the mirror, slipped, and nearly hit her head on the granite. A great way to start the day!

When she opened the door of her room, Lumos and Nox greeted her. It put an enormous smile on her face. "Hi there, baby!" She gave them a few scratches behind the ear, but they still weren't satisfied.

They didn't see her from yesterday, how could they not be satisfied? They followed her into the lift. The door slid open, and they followed her out.

Margret was drawing something on the tab while Avery was peeping into what Margret was doing, and Anastasia and her brother were arguing in the kitchen.


"Morning." Replied Margret.

"It's afternoon. It's literally 12:30 right now." Avery answered in a duh voice.

"Wait, really?" She checked her phone. "Oh wow. Did I sleep that long? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Well, since what happened to you yesterday was quite disturbing, so we thought you wanted space from us for a while, that's why we didn't wake you up."

Scarlett slightly smiled. "Uhh I really don't need to have space, I guess I'll just have to heal by myself."

"You don't need to heal by yourself honey, we can even call a therapist just in case."

The doggos still wanted attention. They tried to stand upright by placing their forelimbs on her, but they couldn't do so.

They gave up as the three had a conversation with each other and left for Anastasia and Hunter.

"Why did you put that much baking soda?!" He was so mad that he was on the verge of pulling out his hair and going bald!

"I thought it was baking powder! And what's the problem with it? In the end, both of them are going to go in our stomachs!"

"Oh my God!" He hid his face in his hands.

From the living room, Avery yelled. "Uh, is cake done? Should we come there?"

Both of them answered at the same time. "No!"

Hunter turned to his sister. "If you do that once again, I'll personally break your hands!"

Eh? Why are hoomans mad at each other? Lumos barked, and the immortals went quiet. They looked down, and a smile came on their faces.

"What are you both doing here?"

At last, they thought, hoomans are not mad. They started doing their cute antics, and the immortals started playing with them.

It filled the kitchen with smiles and laughs. The trio stopped their conversation and stepped inside. They cooed over the cute scene and Hunter and Anastasia stopped playing with the puppers.

They turned towards them. "Get the fuck out." Alright, if you say so!


Days went by and it bored Scarlett as heck. There were no calls for surgery around, none of the team even bothered to send a message and it felt the day was repeating itself every day.

Playing with the puppers, seeing Margret and her husband being themselves, finding herself yelling at Avery over cheating at a board game where Anastasia didn't give a fuck. She sat there sipping chocolate milk and reading a book. Boy, everyone was crazy.

If she had to explain how she received surgeries, she would gladly do so. So the team was like a walking business. That meant they would go to different cities, maybe even states to do the surgeries. Maybe even stay there a few days as a tourist and come back home.

Her wish came true on the day she was shopping. The food supply was dwindling down, Margret was suddenly eating the portions of two people and got hungry easily.

She checked the date for the loaves of bread and placed them on the top. She steered the cart to the cashier and stood in line. Her turn came and her phone started buzzing.


"Is this Dr. Danksworth? The short one?"


"Ma'am, can you please come here, in like five minutes? We have a patient with a huge brain tumor. It's an emergency."

"It's an emergency?!"

"Yes ma'am."

"Wait, which hospital are you from?"

"I'll send the location and you can come there."

"Okay, thank you! I'll be there in ten tops!"

The cashier was scanning all the items were slowly and Scarlett lost it. "Bitch, do it fast, I have a human to save!"

The cashier panicked and started scanning all the items faster. "Yas Yas, move those hands! If you go slower, I'll personally put anesthesia in your nervous system and remove your spine!"

Scarlett stuffed all the items and paid the guy quickly. She picked up the bags and rushed out. A taxi had stopped near the sidewalk and she knocked on the window with her elbow.

The guy rolled down the window. "Where to?"

"Can you open the door, please?!"

The guy did as told and asked. "Where to?"

Scarlett checked her phone, and a message came at the right time. The message had a link for the location on google maps. She showed the dude the screen. "You know this place?"

"Yes, should I go fast?"

"Yes, please." The taxi sped towards the hospital and reached there in five minutes because of no traffic. Thank god.

On the way, she sent a quick message along with the location to Margret, Anastasia, Avery, and Hunter that she has an emergency operation to do and if someone can come to the place to pick up the grocery items.

She paid the dude more than the original amount as the tip and left the taxi with the grocery bags. A girl dressed in white was anxiously waiting at the door for her. She relaxed when she saw Scarlett power walking towards her.

"Sorry, I'm late! Thank you for waiting for me! I had to come from a grocery store!"

"Thank you for coming here! The patient's-"

"Whatever, whatever! Just lead me to the place!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

After wearing a spare gown, wearing a mask with a cap on her head, and placing the grocery bags in a storage room, she rushed to the emergency room. On the way, she was stopped by what she thought was the patient's family.

The woman had red eyes and a nose. There were streaks of tears dried on her face. She started weeping.

"Doctor, please save my daughter! She's all I have and I don't want to lose her as well! I didn't know she had a tumor in her head until today. She stopped walking and fell down from the stairs then started twitching-"

"I will try my best. I won't let her die!"

She opened the door of the emergency room, and everyone was relieved. "Alright, move!"

Hours went by, but the patient's condition didn't get better. The patient was slowly slipping out of life. "Come on, don't go!" Scarlett kept on repeating it.

At exactly 9:07 PM, Scarlett couldn't believe the straight line. The girl had lost her life because of her.