Chapter 27

Scarlett couldn't believe it, a patient had died because of her. She killed a person because of her laziness. The nurse shook her, but she didn't respond to him.

Wordlessly, she exited the operation theatre. The patient's mother glanced up and approached her in high hopes. "Doctor, is she okay?"

Scarlett mumbled something, but the lady couldn't hear it. "I'm sorry, what was that again?"

"She-she-she's dead." That shook the mother to the core. She broke down immediately. The others tried to console her, but she kept sobbing more.

The nurse hugged her and patted her. A few seconds later, she collapsed. They sat her down on the chairs while someone ran to call for help. But Scarlett heard nothing.

Her mind was blank, like an empty void. Her legs took her to the small room where she kept her clothes and the rest of the stuff

She saw the bags were not there. She picked up her phone on the ground and checked the time. It was one o'clock at night. It still must be open, she thought.

She changed into her normal clothes and exited the hospital. Normally, she would've gone back home and had a bath to treat herself, but fuck it. She typed in the location where she wanted to go and it showed that the nearest one was five minutes away

Wow. A place like that near a hospital.

She reached the place, and the guard scanned from head to toe. "ID?"

"Fuck you." She pushed past him and entered the place. She ain't giving a shit tonight. The guard yelled at her from the back but gave up, eventually. He doesn't get paid enough for this.

The club was filled with the smell of cigarette smoke, sweat, lust, and alcohol. Normally, she didn't like these kinds of places, but it was okay for today. The music was blaring and neon lights were displayed.

She pushed away people from her and took a seat at the bar. One guy was being handed a drink by the bartender, but she snatched it and gulped it down.

"Hey, that was mine!" He snarled

"And not Asians look the same, what's your point?"

"I don't know what the heck you are speaking about, but I paid for that."


The guy gritted his teeth and smiled at his thoughts. "Well, you gotta compensate for me?"


"If you can drink like 10 shots and not get drunk, then I would pay for the rest of your drinks and I'll also drink how much you've drunk."

"And if I get drunk?"

He smirked. "Then I get to take you home."

"That's it? You're pathetic. Okay, then. Bartender dude, give me like ten shots. If I don't pass out, please give the gentleman next to me whatever I get as well."

Two shots, four shots, six shots, eight shots. It shook the dude to the core. Even if she was drinking them slowly, one by one, she didn't seem to get drunk.

Bam! She placed the last glass with force. "Bartender dude, give this man whatever I got now."


"Go on, drink. You were the one who told 'I'll compensate for you if you don't get drunk'." she taunted and pushed the glasses to him. He picked one up and downed it. He shivered when she raised an eyebrow. "Come on. Don't be shy."

He narrowed his eyes at her and took the next one. He was about to down the last one, but… Bam! His head fell along with the small glass. "Oh great, now what do we do? Maybe I can check if this dude's got like cash or something."

Scarlett checked through his pockets and found like a hundred notes. Did he mug someone and was having plans to get an escort for the night? Who cares?

She ordered drinks for herself and slowly sipped on it, just in case. She has drunk too much. She didn't want to rush herself.

The glass was half empty when she heard movement from her other side. The dude had fallen and a burly dude with a mean look sat beside her, not minding the passed-out dude. Mood. She didn't mind his presence and kept on sipping on her glass.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here?" Someone on her right side said. She rolled her eyes and forced a smile on her face when she turned to the dude. It was a handsome guy who said it, he was having a charming smile on his face. He looked… okay, in her opinion.

"I'm doing nothing, just sipping away my happiness." She sarcastically remarked, but he didn't notice.

"Oh, that's good."

"No shit, Sherlock."

"You know I saw you betting with that guy, you must've got high alcohol tolerance."

"Yeah, okay."

"So what are you doing here, late at night?"

She glared at him, annoyed. She changed her tone of speaking. "Oh, I've just done something great, I have at last killed my long-time enemy. Dang, wasn't he scared for his life when he saw I lost it? But later, after killing him, I saw his horrified face. Should've thought before offending me."

The dude's face fell. "What?"

"Yeah, I killed him. He was being too flirty with me and I didn't like it. He made me uncomfortable. Today, he went too far, and I killed him. A great deed I did for the world. Why do you ask? Are you scared?"

"No, it's something I've never heard about." He nervously smiled. Scarlett sweetly smiled. "I know. Women have always been taught to be obedient and to never voice their opinions, even if they are mad as heck at someone. I lost it at last and killed him out of anger. It feels a lot good."

"Yeah. Good job." He smiled in fear. As if his phone rang, he stood up and took it out. "My mother's calling me, is it okay if I go outside?"

"Sure. Take your time." And stop existing, for god's sake. He left running, and she smirked in victory. She patted herself on the back for making such a great story. He freaked out like a little bitch!

The mean dude on her left spoke. "Whatever you did before, was awesome. I was waiting for something to happen, but you handled it great!"

"Thank you, sir."

"You didn't murder a person right?"

"Nope. I'm a neurosurgeon and today, because of my laziness, I killed my patient."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I was so full of myself, I believed that I won't mess up. I won't make a mistake. Now, look at me! The universe must be punishing me for my arrogance. It's better if the patient's mother sues me for killing her daughter and I go to jail, it's much better."