Chapter 29

"So I better get going then."

"Okay. Bye doctor."

"Bye, ma'am."

And Scarlett walked away from Ms. Hill. Anastasia worriedly glanced at Scarlett. "Heard about your failed surgery, are you okay?"

"Yeah. it's my first time failing at something."

"Yeah, okay."

Scarlett followed Anastasia to a… car? "Since when did you learn to drive? And get a car?"

"Oh. I learned to drive and got my driving license a year ago. My dear brother got this for my birthday a year ago."

"Oh, when's your birthday, by the way?"

"On April 17. When's yours?"

"Mine's on October."

"Funny how we both live in the same house, yet don't even know each other's birthdays."


They call each other friends yet don't even know the smallest things about each other. What kind of friends were they?! They should start spending some time.

Anastasia unlocked her car and opened the driver's door. Scarlett fumbled with her sleeves. Anastasia noticed it and asked. "Why are you so nervous?"

"Do you drive fast?"


She sighed. "Good. Once Avery got one of their friend's cars for a test drive. They had just got their driver's license after a long time. When they asked me to accompany them during their driving, I realized why the people were not willing to give them the driver's license."

"Relax, I'm not Avery or my older sister. That bitch wouldn't bat an eye even if she killed someone while driving."

"What?! And you are allowed to call your siblings' names?"

"Well, we are not allowed to call each other names. Our parents would swoop in and whoop our asses in five seconds, even if we are adults. So we call each other names when they are not around. And now stop talking to me and get inside."

Scarlett sheepishly smiled. "Sorry~" she opened the door and sat down. Anastasia started the car and rolled down the windows after Scarlett buckled up. But she adjusted the belt too tight for a normal human.

"Can you even breathe in that adjustment?"

"Just to be safe." Scarlett grinned.

Anastasia rolled her eyes and muttered. "I'm not going to kill you. Should we go now?"


"What now?"

Scarlett dramatically held on to the plastic thingy on the side of her seat. "Okay, we can go."

"You and my mother will get along well," Anastasia mumbled and started the car once again. "Do you want the music on?"

"Yes, please."

"Alright, you connect your phone to it and play… whatever you want to play. I don't care."


She drove all the way home safely if you exclude Anastasia swearing at people who stepped on the break all of a sudden, forgot to put the indicator on, or something like that.

"You fucking idiot! Do you want people to die because of you?!"

"You son of a bitch! Eyes on the road! Not the phone!"

"Where did you even learn to drive?! At a fucking arcade?!"

Even if the music was peaceful and chill, Anastasia wasn't chilling. Boy, Scarlett wanted her to calm down for a second. Why is she behaving like the abusive K-Drama male leads?

Wait no, the male leads are more abusive than that, they yell at the dudes who pass them while driving or even breathing in their directions. So, she isn't one. But still, she gotta chill for a minute.

When they at last reached home, Scarlett sighed in relief. At last, the swearing would go away. They unbuckled their seatbelts and opened the doors. The sun was already setting, giving the surroundings a warm hue.

Entering the lift, Scarlett asked. "Why did you go there? To your parents' home?"

"Oh ya know, the twins my parents adopted? They missed us a lot since we were gone for a long time and started a fuss about it. So we had to go there for a while. My mother's now old and we have to look after them. Naturally, I Skype them every day to see how's everything going."

That was not true, just an alibi. Something else had happened in the immortal empire. In the fae kingdom, suddenly a lot of deaths had occurred at once. Nobody knew how or when it happened.

Since fae were the nearest immortal species linked to humans, it was believed the fae kingdom had been hit by the virus that had previously hit humans a year ago.

Well, if a fae dies and if the family doesn't want to cremate them; a vampire turns the dead fae person into a vampire themselves or a witch after a few rituals done by witches. It depends on the family if they want their relatives to be a vampire or a witch.

So they had sent a lot of requests to them for permission to turn their relatives into witches or vampires. To get a proper explanation; Anastasia, Hunter, and Margret had to go there for a week. Well, at least they got to meet their younger siblings. And something else happened as well.

"Wow, you must've got a tight schedule. You work like crazy, manage to have free time for yourself, and even manage to Skype your little siblings every day?! That's amazing."

Anastasia slightly smiled. "I've been doing this for years, Scarlett. It's a normal thing for me." it was probably the first time she had said Scarlett's name in front of her. Meh.

"By the way, I have a request."

"What was it?"

"Can I enroll in a few classes? They'll probably start in the morning. And I might go outside to meet my former professors."

"Sure, you didn't have to ask me permission for that."

"I wasn't asking for permission, I just wanted to let you know."

"Okay. Also, I have to go to my parents' home in a few weeks. Margret and hunter are staying there for a few weeks then I'll go there."


For a while, Scarlett would go outside for a few hours during the morning and come back during the afternoon at like 1 pm or 2 pm.

Weirdly, Anastasia and Avery would be there during that time. They would be playing with the doggos or would be in the kitchen making something for lunch. Anastasia would ask how her day was. Scarlett would come to the kitchen sometimes and ask if they need something for help. Anastasia told her to go relax instead.

Why was she doing it? Probably because of past events.

So it was their schedule for the time period. She would yell at Avery for cheating at monopoly, Anastasia would listen to everything she said, play with the doggos and read the books her former professors gave her.

Then she got a message from one of her friends. It turned out to be Manchu. He and his husband had decided to move to the city where she was for no reason. They wanted her to come to their home for a housewarming next week.