Chapter 32

While Scarlett and Avery were sleeping, Anastasia took a cab to the very edge of the city. The driver wondered why someone would go there late at night with an enormous suitcase.

Anastasia lied she would be staying there for a few months because her brother lives there and an emergency picked up.

The driver dude didn't look like he bought it but made no more questions. He stopped at the town (where she said her brother lived) and it was already dawn.

Before leaving, he asked. "Would you be okay?"


"Okay." and he drove off.

She had to drag the huge suitcase of hers and asked one of the pedestrians near her for directions to the center of the town. They were confused about it but told her the directions, anyway.

The center of the town was a small mansion. It wasn't that big, but it could be considered a significant one compared to the rest of the houses.

It belonged to one of the faes that made a house here a few months ago as a vacation place for him. At the gate, her siblings' were anxiously waiting for her.

"Sup idiots!"

"Sup whore."

"Alright," her brother said. "Let's go inside. I created the portal a few minutes ago and I'm not sure it'll last long."

"Meh, let's go there. If it runs out of portal juice, I'll create it again."


When they opened the door of the mansion, their cousin greeted them. Yes, he was the fae who made the 'vacation house' but it was created for another reason we all know.

(demonic screaming in the background)

"Hello there, cousins!" he greeted them.



"Who are you again?"

Wang Hongmei forced a smile on his face, even if he was crying inside. "I'm your maternal cousin Wang Hongmei. and the acting ruler of the fae kingdom."

"Ohhhhh! The weird guy who has too many wives and children than he can handle! And talks about crazy things. You are that guy we all try to ignore?! I thought you'd look creepy, but you don't look creepy at all. Just weird."

My Ming Yue complimented me. He cried out of happiness inside. But he kept a smile on his face. "That's a great compliment coming from the crowned princess."

Anastasia cringed inside. He's disgusting as heck. But she kept a smile on her face. "Yeah, I know."

Hunter and Cassandra watched the scene in confusion. Their sister was an actress ever since she was born, so they didn't know if she was faking it and insulting him or just being an idiot and spilling what they talk behind his back.

No, that little shit is too intelligent to spill all the tea. She can never say all the stuff outside their family.

Wang Hwei-ru had huge hate towards her family; they were practicers of incest because they were the most important family in the fae kingdom and wanted to keep their bloodline sacred and clean. Whatever that means.

She was a product of two cousins who probably hated each other.

So naturally, her children would hate their maternal side of the family. For two reasons; they had too many wives and children like everyone's a free estate to breed in.

The second reason was the incest part as well. Who would fuck their siblings when you have been raised together?! Who knows, they might even fuck their children!

"Anyway, I'd love to talk more. But we have to go now."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Please have a safe journey, your highnesses. If you ever want to talk more, I can visit you in your palace or you can visit me in my siheyuan." please do it, I'll never let you out then.

Fuck, what did I get myself into? "Uhhh, I probably would have no free time to talk."

"What about your number or email address?"

"Uhh what's that?"


Hunter came in between. "What's your name again? Wang Hongmei? We'd love to talk more, but people are dying right now. Please excuse us."

He grabbed his sister's hand and dragged them away from the weirdo. While they were walking away, Wang Hongmei kept smiling.

I'll have you Ming Yue, sooner or later. Wait for me. When they were gone from his sight, his smile was gone and replaced with a cold aura.

"Yes, young master?"

"What's the status with the mortal girl?"

"Uhh, she just failed a surgery and is depressed about her patient's dea-"

"I'm not asking about her! I'm talking about the seer if she has said anything about the mortal bitch and that demon around her!"

"Sir, she has said nothing about it. But she has gone, insane sir. She laughs when we torture her and asks for more. She still has said nothing about it."

"Hmm, so her spirit is strong. Torture her more and keep pumping blood into her if she gets blood loss."

"Yes, sir."

"Also, go tell my new concubine to come here ASAP."

He gulped and nodded. "Yes, sir."


When the siblings' were finally gone from the creep, they cringed. "Oh my god! Acting fake is so hard!" Anastasia exclaimed.

"Bruh, because of you, we always got into trouble when we were kids!"

"But guess what fake crying takes a lot of energy! Also, I have seen you two be fake as well."

Hunter took a deep breath in and let out his frustration. "I know right! Every time we have a banquet thing or a meeting in my mansion, some vampire noble just offers his daughter for marriage and I have to politely reject them!

"In reality, I just wanna stand up and give them a huge slap. Like bro, I don't have the concept of concubines and multiple wives like y'all.

"I may have been a fuckboy in the past. That doesn't mean I'll just marry some girl just like that while I have a wife at home! She would shred me apart first then the girl!"

"Does that mean you'd marry some girl if your wife allowed you?"

"What! No! I love my wife, okay?"

"I know I'm just teasing."

"Even I have to act fake," Cassandra said. "People keep hitting on me even if I made it clear that bro, I don't like anyone but myself. And my wolf."

Her wolf: aww I love you two uwu

Cassandra: shut up

Anastasia glared at them. "Will you two start walking or should I demonstrate? Will you two quit ranting about your life?"

Both of them smiled through their fear and started walking. Their younger sister can never relate to people hitting on her. She can just glare at you and you'd be wetting your pants.