Chapter 33

(triggering scene ahead! Read it at your own risk or don't read it!)

In Wang Hongmei's vacation house, a secret lies beneath it. Five floors under it lied a torture room. In that room, in the very corner, a naked girl sat with her entire body filled with scars and fresh wounds.

Bits of cloth and hair were scattered on the floor along with drops of dried blood. There was a flickering light in the middle of the room, showing a chair and torturing tools beside it.

The girl's hands were chained and occasionally, she would move her arms to hear the sound of shackles. The sound brought her a feeling of joy.

She had gone insane because of the torture she went through, her mind was broken.

The door opened with Wang Hongmei walking in. "Hello there, seer."

She gave him a crooked smile. "Nice of you to visit me in my best state."

"I know, seer. So you still don't want to tell me about what will happen in the future?"

"I'll tell you what happens in the future," she whispered. "You... die." then she burst into laughter. "And everyone else does! You pissed her off, and she becomes the death of everyone!"

Wang Hongmei bit his inner cheek. "She can never do that. Why won't you just tell me the truth?"

"I am telling the truth, but you just don't believe it."

"I would love to cut off your tongue and then your lower jaw, but I forgot it's important to me."

"You also forgot something important to you! Your brain! Do you seriously believe she'll marry you? Peh! She'd rather eat poop than even talking to you!"

Wang Hongmei took a deep breath in. he so badly wanted to torture her himself, but she would be dead in the end. He had risked a lot to kidnap her under everyone's nose.

"Why are you so stuck on her, highness? She's full of homo and everyone knows it. She can't suddenly turn straight when she looks at you."

"Aha! I haven't shown her how I can turn her straight!"

"You're disgusting."

"I would cure her disease of homosexuality easily. I'm just doing a great favor to the world."

"Yup, fantasizing how a lesbian would surrender into your arms after knowing how straight people do it. You have like a hundred wives who nearly look like her, why do you even need her?"

"I feel a pull towards her as if I have known her for a long time. She's like a drug to me. And I need her. I have a hundred wives that nearly look like her, but I won't be satisfied until I actually have her in my arms."

"This ain't a novel where you can wish for things like this, bro. Heck, a novel won't be like that. Who would even look at trash after they have thrown it out?"

He gritted his teeth. "You better watch your mouth."

"I won't, what will you do to me? Torture me like always?" she mockingly answered.

"No, this time. It'll be something else." he cruelly smiled. "Boys! Come inside!"

The door slid open to ten tall men walking in, smiling and eyeing the seer lecherously. Wang Hongmei coldly said. "You can do whatever you want to the seer! I'll be watching."

And the rest was disturbing.


Hwei-ru was biting her nails anxiously. Her twins tried to take her attention to them, but she wasn't listening to them.

This was the first time her children were gonna travel through a portal that didn't need a damn spikey tree and blood.

Her third kid had experimented to make a portal without that tree and blood. Her experiments were pretty strong and fragile and could easily cause death if wrongly used.

The royal family only used them for emergencies but it wasn't known outside them.

But it was the first time she made it for everyone, which meant everyone would be in trouble if they didn't use it correctly.

She had to do a lot of dilution for it, but they weren't sure if it was safe for normal immortals. It was still in the testing stage, but it was safe for the royal family.

Anastasia was the first one to go through it, and she came out safely. But three people at once?!

What if they get stuck in that dimension forever?! She did hear people getting stuck in it and never coming out. What if-

"Maa! Your kids are crying and you're busy eating your nails!" she relaxed when she heard that loud, sarcastic voice.

"I'm so glad you came! Give me a-"

"Don't come close to us! Remember the precautions."

"Oh I'm sorry. How did you come here?"

"Uhh by walking?" Hunter said in a duh voice.

"I mean from where the portal was created at?"

"In a fae's vacation house in the mortal domain."


Anastasia bluntly said. "It belonged to that weird, fuckboy maternal cousin of ours, Wang Hongmei? That was his name right?"

"What!" Hwei-ru suddenly shouted. She was shocked at Anastasia's answer. Not because she cursed, but they had an interaction with that damned family of hers.

"You three! Including you twins! You are never going to have any interaction with that fucked family of mine!"

"Oh my god! There are children here, and I don't have enough hands to cover their ears!" Cassandra covered Stellamaris' ears.


"Whatever mom, I'll be going now. My wife has been acting weird and snappy. So I better go home before she kicks my ass out of my home. Bye."

A few seconds later, after Hunter was gone out of their sight, Cassandra thought aloud. "That leech is pregnant, I felt it when I visited them a few days ago."

Anastasia snickered. "What did we expect?"

"Stop calling your sister-in-law a leech."

"Sorry, mom."

"Anyway," Anastasia picked up her suitcase. "Did you tell them about it though?"


"Good. she'll find it out herself, anyway. Hope that thing doesn't turn out to be crazy like both of them."

"Crazy runs in the family. And Hunter's a different definition of crazy."

Anastasia and Cassandra snickered at their dirty joke. Their mother rolled her eyes.

"You two better stop chatting around and go take a bath right now! Tomorrow I'll call you in my room! Zenobia and Stellamaris, don't be like your elder sisters. These two are lazy as heck. Now go take a bath."

"Okay, mom."

"Yes, maa."