Chapter 43

It was about 9:40 something when Scarlett, Levi, Fox, Bee, and Luz had crashed into a club. Levi, while entering the club, cringed. "I hate this place already. Disgusting people, all around you."

"Then get out."

"Shut up, wasp."

Bee rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

They made their way to a bar and ordered a couple of drinks. Levi and Fox had made their way into the dancefloor and were lost in the crowd.

"Where did these weirdos go?" Scarlett thought aloud.

"I don't know, hope they don't get into some trouble." Luz worriedly said.

"The only trouble they can get into is seeing our seniors and finding them cheating on their partners at home, or our seniors might see them kissing."


"We could get money from it."

"Then we would tell it to their significant others and still have the money," Scarlett suggested.

"I like your brain," Luz smirked.

"Me too."

"Meh." They said and turned back to the bartender. After a few drinks, Luz and Bee wanted to dance. They did invite Scarlett to dance along with them, but Scarlett rejected.

"Nah, I don't feel like dancing today."

"Alright then, you'll stay here, right?"

"Yup. Now go enjoy you two."


Scarlett took her phone and started scrolling through social media. The bartender did ask her if she needed something, and she shook her head.

A heterosexual, cisgender couple sat beside Scarlett and ordered a few drinks. (Yes, let me be a little extra) After a while, the woman stood and said. "Babe, can you wait for me? I need to go to the bathroom."

"Sure. I'll be right here."

When she was gone from his sight, he turned to Scarlett. "So what's a girl like you doing here?"

Scarlett looked up and nearly rolled her eyes at him, instead she narrowed her eyes in irritation. "Do I know you?"

"Nah, but you are going to?" He gave a smile that creeped her out.

Scarlett couldn't believe this stranger. His girlfriend had gone to the bathroom and here he is, hitting on other women using dirty pick-up lines. Boy, he's a disappointment to the world.

"Look, I'm not interested in you since I don't even know you. So shut up and be loyal to your girlfriend, Kyle."

He narrowed his eyes and raised a finger at her. "Look here, you little bitch. I spoke to you politely and why can't you just talk to me politely? Does it hurt for you to give others respect?"

"Wow, so you're talking about being polite and respectful! Let me tell you a little something, you little bastard! You probably don't even respect your mother and talk to others politely after they don't do what you want.

"And you are telling me to respect you by going along with you cheating on your girlfriend? I don't even fucking know you or have never met you in my fucking life. So yeah, it hurts for me to give respect to a bastard who thinks with his dick like you!"

(Damn sis, go off!)

He clicked his tongue. "You're probably a whore."

"Fuck yeah, I'm a whore. You can call me a million names and I won't say anything because guess what? I am one!

"But remember, call me a slut or any name and it still won't make me want to fuck with you! Go tell this shit to your mother and she'll fucking slap you and then disown your horny, unloyal dickhead ass!"

(Daamn, sis!)


"Babe I'm back!" The woman sat right beside him and he smiled. "Oh, there you are, Cora. Thank God you came early. Can we sit somewhere else?"

"Why?" She asked.

He mumbled to her clearly enough for Scarlett to hear. "This woman is hitting on me when you were gone and I'm getting uncomfortable."

Scarlett lost it. "You bastard! I never did hit on your white ass, you were the one making me feel uncomfortable even if I rejected you. You kept hitting on me with your dirty pick-up lines!"

"Babe, she's blaming it all on me! I never did hit on her!"

"You motherfucking weasel!"

"Excuse me, bitch!" Cora came in between and glared at Scarlett. "My man is fucking loyal to me and cannot even look at another woman! I was the one who made the first move and there's no way he'll look at your ugly hairy ass bitch like you!"

Okay, this bitch is getting personal with her. Scarlett was insecure about her body and looks, but that didn't mean someone else can insult her like that!

Time to get personal with her! Even if it meant insulting other women!

Scarlett smiled. "I'm feeling sorry that he is dating a dumbass. You're a straight white blonde girl, I guess that's how you are so dumb and stupid. I know why he's hitting on other women. He's tired of the dumbass he's being forced to date."

Cora, whatever her name is, gritted her teeth and yelled. "You bitch!"

Everything happened so fast. Cora snatched a drink from someone's hand and poured it all on Scarlett. She was dripping wet with alcohol and Cora smirked. People gasped and gathered around them.

Scarlett totally lost it. The alcohol was at last taking effect on her and a huge fire was lit inside her. Scarlett opened her eyes and wiped her face, then smiled.

"You just proved to me that you are a pure straight white girl. And now I'll just prove what kind of bitch I am to you!"

Scarlett raised her foot and kicked on Cora's stomach hard. Cora flew back a few feet and fell down. Scarlett didn't let her recover from the blow.

She placed a foot on Cora's chest and applied pressure. She smirked when Cora begged her to remove her foot. "Why are you begging? Come on, get up. Stop crying."

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that!"

"Nah I'm not done." A waiter passed by and she took one of the drinks, then Scarlett poured it all on Cora's face. "How does it feel now?"

"I'm sorry! I really am!"

Someone from the crowd stepped forward and said. "Hey, she really is sorry. How about you leave her now?"

"Okay then now leave before I lose it even more by looking at you!"

She took off her foot from her chest and turned around when Cora suddenly attacked her from behind. She pulled Scarlett's hair and Scarlett clawed on her hands.

That didn't work, so Scarlett gave Cora's face a spinning back kick. Cora stepped back in shock and held her cheek. "You bitch! You'll regret this!"

"Bring it on, french fry!"

A fight broke out, and nobody tried to stop them. It was so scary that they feared they'd be ripped apart in the process.

Scarlett's team heard people fighting and rushed to the counter to witness it. They were even more shocked when they found it was their senior fighting with another girl.

"Damn, our senior has great skills at ripping people's faces apart!" Bee said, amazed.

"I know right!" Luz joined in.

"You idiots!" Fox yelled and rushed to Scarlett to pull her away from the girl. "Let me go! I wanna rip her face apart!"

"Senior, you're drunk. We're leaving."

"Let me rip apart her face for a while!"

"No! You're seriously drunk and we're leaving!" He threw her over his shoulder and walked out with the rest while Scarlett yelled. "I'll fucking murder you and your fuckboy of a boyfriend in my next life! Remember that!"

"You're drunk, senior. Shut up!"