Plants and Rats

Jera was feeling a bit restless after Jörmungandr had promised him to teach him about his other abilities. He continued to venture deep into the mountain so he won't be disturbed again by another being.

Jörmungandr, feeling Jera's excitement couldn't help but smirk at how he was acting. Since he had known he wasn't behaving like a kid his age. He knows that his age is far beyond what a real 4 year old is but still seeing him in a body of a 4 year old and the way he acts clearly shows that his soul hasn't matured too far ahead in terms of mental health. Wondering how this soul was stuck in the void had confused him greatly.

After some time, Jera finally stopped at a clearing. A seemingly flat plane full of grass.

"Jörmungandr, I think we are far enough so please tell me my powers."

hearing this the snake chuckled at his eagerness was more than he expected.

"Alright, alright I'll teach you. First, you know that you have three abilities right?"

"Yeah, Dr. Wondertainment said I had the 'Rats', 'teenage Gaea', and you inside me."

"Good you still remember them, well first you should know what I am, I'm what you call a sentient quirk in this world quite rare, as I am an independent creature that is a part of you. I can produce any type of poison, grow large and protect you, the quirk name... well it can just be 'Jörmungandr'.

The next quirk I'm going to explain is your mutant type quirk 'Gaea'. It allows the manipulation of plants. These plants aren't limited to preexisting plants. So be as creative as you want. It also changed your genetic structure to one close to a deer hence your antlers and legs. These mutations enhance your physical capabilities quite a bit and don't worry to lose your antlers although it's quite sturdy enough to be used as a weapon it's needed for your next quirk. Also, it regrows as soon as it's fallen so don't worry about losing it.

Finally your emitter quirk 'Piper's Pipe'. Originally 'Rats' are another creature that reproduces indefinitely through inorganic material spanning from all states of matter be it gas or liquid, since these are naturally uncontrollable the mad scientist used a historical myth of 'Pied Piper of Hamelin' and his pipe. It allows you to use a magical pipe made from your antler that allows the manipulations of 'Rats', your antlers will naturally fall when you try to use this ability so no need for pain. These rats are connected to you in a hive mind so it's a good surveillance quirk they also good at tearing away through material like real rats so be weary of structural integrity."

Jera, taking all this information from Jörmungandr was hyped to know his newfound abilities. Although he didn't truly know how to control his abilities yet it gave Jera a feeling of comfort finally being complete in a sense. Jörmungandr naturally connected to him knew how he was feeling and could only sigh for years to come training his abilities.

"How about you use 'Gaea' to make a new home for us in this plane?"

Jera hearing Jörmungandr's suggestion to use his new powers to make their new home wanted to quickly start but, he wasn't sure how to will plants to his control and what type of plants to use. Jörmungandr, feeling Jera's confusion gave him advice.

"Try not to make a new plant from scratch and use a tree oak we've seen constantly for 4 years..." hearing his suggestion Jera quickly imagines the tree he's always used to seeing around him wherever he went."now try and mold the image by stretching it or connecting it with other oak trees inside your head." soon in Jera's head wooded hut appeared through stretching the tree in a circular fashion and pointing all of its branches into a cone towards the center. "After you have a solid image of what you want you the plants to do command it to manifest in your head" hearing his advice Jera followed as he was instructed commanding in his head to (Appear!).

Nothing happened at first to Jera's disappointment but soon the ground in front of him split opened and a torrent of leaves and wood appeared just a few inches forming into what looked like a semi collapsed hut.

"You shouldn't have given up so soon... your image probably crumbled midway when it was manifesting..." hissed Jörmungandr. Feeling a little embarrassed Jera couldn't help to agree with him. Jörmungandr continued "Well it was a good first attempt, still Jera. You shouldn't expect things to suddenly grow in front of you, it's still your first time doing it. It's given it would be somewhat slow or out of shape..." as Jera was feeling down about his blunder, Jörmungandr felt his disappointment so he continued to another topic "Well, doesn't matter it can be useful for your next training."

Hearing this Jera quickly got out of his disappointment hearing that his blunder could be used for his next ability.

"First Jera, pull off one of your antlers..." without hesitation Jera yanked off his left antler, expected resistance from his head he braced his neck but they were none what so ever. As soon as his left antler left its original spot another antler was quickly forming from underneath replacing his old one. Jera in awe at what just happened could help but try to pull his antler this time without the intention of using 'Piper's Pipe' suddenly felt a tug to the left side of his head almost falling not expecting the sudden resistance.

"....What are you doing Jera?" Jörmungandr was left dumbstruck at Jera's antics of him almost falling over by pulling his left antler with all his force. Jera defended himself saying "It fell off instantly last time so I wanted to check if it would also fall off just as easily normally..." also feeling quite stupid about his actions he quickly focused on his antler that was pulled of. To his surprise, in his hand that used to have his old antler an antler curved pipe rested in his hand.

"Well, what you waiting on just blow it and have a go at it. This should be that much different from 'Gaea' just imagine mouses using the material around you."

Nodding at his instruction he quickly blew into his antler pipe trying to use half of the collapsed oak as the mouses material. Soon the oak tree started to move about on its own with small critters emerging from the oak tree, 5 wooden mice crawled towards and squeaked at Jera. He was amazed at how an inorganic mouse was able to move and squeak at him.

"Go on, tell them to slowly tear apart your mess..." Jörmungandr's voice waking him up from his trance he commanded his new rodents, "tear apart that hut for me" as soon as his orders came out all 5 rodents swiftly ran back from they birthplace and started to chip away and gnar at the collapsed hut. To Jeras's and Jörmungandr's amazement the little rodent was tearing apart the tree at a pace of a chainsaw.

"Well... that was unexpected."

The rodents he commanded was already finished with his command of tearing his hut within an hour. They were little to nothing left at what was left of the original hut. Leaving only bits and pieces of wood lying in its place as if to signify something used to stand there.

"We'll continue training your powers for the next couple of years until you can control your power perfectly. You better prepare yourself Jera" spoke Jörmungandr after getting out of his surprise. While Jera was excited to practise his new powers and responded spiritedly "YES".