10 Years later...

After the initial encounter with the group of children and the first activation of his dormant quirks 9 years has passed, he was currently taking a bath at the creek. Through the 10 years, Jera went through countless dangerous experiences instructed by Jörm (Jörmungandr), to train his instinct and his other quirks. His 13 year old body was toned with lean muscles radiating with power could be seen through the tight clothing he was currently putting on as he had finished his bath. Not only did his physique mature by leaps and bounds the manipulation of his quirks, 'Gaea' and 'Piper's Pipe'. His first 5 years were primarily perfecting his manipulation of plants and mice.

He was now able to use 'Gaea' to create plants and manipulate them at will even creating some species of plants of his own such as trees composed out of compact carbon making them hard as steel and anesthetic emitting flowers with the combined efforts of Jörm and Jera. While his other quirk 'Piper's Pipe' was now able to use all forms of matter to sustain the rodents. Jera at first was finding difficulty manifesting a mouse made of gas as it was possible, it will almost always collapse by the passing breeze or his own breath. He soon found a method of compacting the mouses gas to make a more solid gas mouse, although he can manifest at most 3 of this instance of mice, these mice were almost invisible and allowed the mice to glide through the air like sugar gliders and able to explode in a torrent of sharp winds even be ignited by fire to make small compact blasts.

While Jera had improved his coordination with his quirks, Jörm was also growing at a rapid pace as he was growing proportionate to Jera's physique his default size was now close to 1m and now was able to synthesize medical chemicals to further support Jera out during his later 4 years of training involving fighting of actual wild animals spanning from small animals to wild bears. Due to this insane method of training his instinct was close to an animal being able to feel presence without using Jörm's senses, this method of training has also trained Jera's pain tolerance and resistance. This left Jera's body littered with small scars and 1 large scar diagonally crossed his chest, giving Jera a Wild Prince like aura.

Jörm felt pained and guilty about his scars, even thorough it was his idea to let him fight and improve even the benefits were obviously clear. He felt he had failed as his companion, he would often lick Jera's scars with an ointment coating his tongue to reduce the size of the scars but they never fade away frustrating him.

Jera seeing Jörm liking his scars would often giggle and comfort him telling him, "it tickles and Jörm it's what I wanted, these scars tell me I have succeeded so don't worry too much. Also, these make me look more masculine instead of my original feminine look."

Jörm feeling defeated accepted his explanation and agreed he did look more masculine than before. "If that's what you truly feel I Guess I'll need to respect your wishes". Jera hearing this was happy that Jörm finally agreed to him and was currently heading for the tree home he made at the end of his 5th year of training.

"Hey, Jera..."

"Hmmm, what Jörm."

"You should really consider entering human society now..."

This left Jera kind of shell shocked as Jörm was the one to suggest entering human society. He would often leave comments on how he hated other humans besides Jera and its current society of it being corrupted.

"What gave you a change of heart Jörm?"

Jera could feel Jörm's slightly conflicted as they were connected making him more confused about what brought this idea to Jörm.

"It's not fair for me to stop you from entering your species society also they nothing else for you to do in this mountain so I thought you should spread your wings a bit..."

Hearing this Jera felt that Jörm has finally decided on his decision to allow him to enter human society. He couldn't help but wonder what human society was like. After all, he was in the mountain for his 13 years since he was born he was craving for a difference for change.

"Ok Jörm, but tell me if you feel uncomfortable. We can always take things easy..."

Jörm hearing this couldn't help but coil around Jera's neck licking his cheek affectionately which he doesn't often do showing his genuine appreciation of his words. Often making him think he's a Tsund....

"Don't you even go there...." Jörm was hissing in a cold voice seemingly knowing what I was thinking about slowly tightening his body around his neck.

"It was just a passing thought....."

While they were in a banter, Jera had already commanded his preexisting mice to start collecting essentials and to fill and tear anything that might leave evidence of this place. Multiple mice started forming a rank in front of him after they have completed their tasks. After an hour of cleaning has passed and Jera's and Jörm's banter coming to an end the mice all finished with their tasks were all neatly forming a rank spanning hundreds of them. 75% of these were made from the reinforced tree Jera made, 20% of them were made of all sorts of elements and the last 5% was made of pure light lighting the whole house. He quickly dispersed the all mice until only 1 light mice remained as he needed a light source as the sun was falling quickly. Jörm seeing the sun decided,

"We'll enter the human society at nightfall agreed?"
