Human Society

As night finally descended Jera was greeted with all sorts of lights marveling at how different it was compared to what he expected he was quite shocked. He expected it to be darker but as light poles illuminated the city throughout the night it was quite bright. Not mentioning all sorts of people were walking around on the streets he felt nervous seeing all of them since he had never seen so many people in one place. The past 14 years he had only crossed passed with 3 groups of human generally from far away as his quirk 'Piper's Pipe' allowed shared vision with his mice he would only see them in groups of 5s or 4s so seeing so many startled him greatly.

"Jera... JERA"

Jörm tugging his ear while yelling into it snapped him out of his trance he was able to calm down,

"Just surprised.... that's all"

Jörm expecting this already retracted himself to hide from plain view as he knew it might cause trouble to Jera if he was found. Jera was already told about the general rules of society mostly about the banned usage of quirks in public places without a license, he felt quite conflicted as he had been using it freely in his whole life.

As he was wondering at the edges of the streets not confident enough to walk towards the crowd he was passing by multiple different people giving himself a stare as they walked by. This made Jera increasingly self-conscious about himself. In a whisper, he asked Jörm "why are they staring at me..." and his response in a muffled hiss was "looks at yourself, idiot..."

Looking down, he was wearing almost rags clothes he wasn't even wearing pants as his deer counterparts didn't really allow him to wear the ones he found in the mountains. Realising his mistake he could only look down at his own shameful appearance as all the people passing by were waring actually clothing that fit them.

Jörm also knowing that wasn't only the case told him, "Your appearance is also extremely enchanting to anyone looking at you regardless of gender since you look feminine, beauty is after all universally appreciated."

Hearing this Jera couldn't help want to run away from his situation, walking faster he turned at the first dark alleyway he could find. Entering a sprint as soon as he wasn't on the main street he started shouting,

"JÖRM YOU IDIOT WHY DIDN'T YO..." he was cut off mid-scream as he felt his spine slightly tingling signifying a relatively small danger was close by. As he had been spriting into the alley he was at an intersection of alleys, from either side they were people seemingly thugs, staring at him. He could tell from their gaze they weren't positive thoughts crossing their minds. As Jera was deciding what to do one of the thugs closed into Jera.

"Hey they beauty, what are you doing in here? Doesn't matter I guess, let's have some fun..." the thugs were licking his lips seeing his 'prey'.

"Umm... I'm a guy so... let's not waste time, I'll just move on no. BYE!"

Jera tried to run back where he came from but was quickly stopped by another thug using their quirk blocking his way with an electric wall.

"Come on now, don't give us such an obvious lie." they were closely shuffling forwards towards Jera.

"And here I thought quirks were regulated strictly" was the only mumbling heard from Jera as Jörm was observing all of this not participating in what was going on.

"Nows, not the time Jörm..." he quickly got into a form closely resembling a crouching start ready to plow through the thugs, but from behind he felt another presence much stronger than the one in front. The electric wall quickly resolved as a pair of red glowing eyes through yellow goggles could be seen. Thus began a one sided beatdown of the thugs who had trapped Jera.

Jera in dazed was observing the stranger beating the thugs and wrapping them in a strengthened scarf. After the stranger had finally apprehended the last of the thugs did he get out of his daze. He was about to thank him but the stranger got to him first,

"Well that was dangerous wasn't it missy..." was but was soon interrupted by a snicker.

"Hahaha, Jera you've been mistaken for a female twice in a span of 15 minutes. Maybe we really should have tried to make you look masculine before entering society. Maybe he can with your appearance as well."

The man, Aizawa Shota also known by the Hero Association as Eraser Head was startled by the sudden laughter by an unknown person and the confirmation of the girl in front of him was not a girl but a boy.

"Shut up Jörm, you were so desperate about all my scars now look at you go, are you suggesting we should add more?"

Aizawa hearing this was confused since the way he spoke, gave him information about the name of the man who was laughing. Now looking closely at the boy's body he could see his body was littered with all sorts of scars of varying degrees. As he was closely observing him he could also tell his clothes were not appropriate and old and worn out. Trying to figure out his situation in his head he decided to change location so he called out,

"Wait, let's first move from here. Not the most ideal location to be discussing how to dress you."

Seeing the boy nodding in agreement started calling the local police department to lock away the thugs. He once again heard the unknown voice close by, "If I'm not wrong your someone what this society calls a 'Hero', which is supposed to protect civilians from the 'Villans', right?"

While hearing this question he answered, "Yes that what we Heros are, I'm known as the erasure hero Erazer Head. Nice to meet you..."

"Jörmungandr, that what you can call me."

He was once again startled by the jet black snake that appeared above the boy's head and how it spoke to him.

"What?! Who are you? Are using a quirk to speak to me through a snake? You do know that's a violation of the quirk usage law"

Demanding an answer and slightly on edge towards the unknown person the snake just hissed back,

"Hurry up and let's get moving... Jera's feeling selfconscious again since all the humans are staring at him again..."

Noticing the boy's face below the snake growing red he realised the people around were enchanted by his unique beauty. He could only postpone his line of questioning for later.

"Come on boy, your coming with me"

Jera who has only been listening and embarrassed by the stares was pulled by the hero Erazer head towards an apartment complex.

Finally getting out of view from the stares as they enter a room he was able to calm himself down.

"You should get used to it, you can't change your appearance..." hissed his snake companion. He could only respond, "cut me some slack... it's my first time being stared by so many..."

While he was talking to Jörm he was interpreted by the hero,

"Now we are out of the public eye I expect an answer Mr. Jörmungandr and also some explanation for this boy."

Jera felt Jörm's annoyance since he was cut off. Before he could calm him down, Jörm morphed into a larger snake intimidate the hero in front, in a cold voice he hissed "You will not interrupt Jera when he speaks to me, hero."

The hero takes a fighting stance as he felt threatened by the sudden development tried to use his quirk 'erasure' but found it stopped nothing and was feeling pressured from the humongous snake that was rapidly filling the room.

He saw the boy turning around holding down the snakes head down trying to calm down the snake, he saw that the snake's body was actually emerging from the little boys back.

"What the hell... are you this boys quirk?!"

Jera hearing this nodded quickly to the hero still trying to calm Jörm from increasing his size. He could hear the creaking of walls as Jörm was quickly becoming too large for the room to fit.