Exploration and a Friend

Aizawa, who had been spending more time home after deciding to foster the boy was trying to warm up to the boy but was almost always interrupted by his sentient quirk it took him over 3 months just getting his general information and how he used to spend his days before he came to the city. He wasn't happy about what the snake had made him do which resulted in his scars but the boy took pride in them so he kept his comment to himself but would use this as leverage over the snake when he became exceedingly annoying.

In the 5th month, Aizawa realised that Jera had seemed to be only been going out and exploring the city, taking in the atmosphere, and getting used to the feeling of the crowds of people in the city. Not once did he see him try to use his other quirks besides the one that had been constantly pestering him on a daily basis. So asking, "Aren't you going to prepare for the exams?"

He got a confused look and tilt the boy would tilt his head and respond, "What are they to prepare? I already know the educational curriculum since Jörm taught me and I've perfected my control on other quirks it should be smooth sailing for me."

Hearing all this Aizawa could only feel bad for the other students on a daily basis since he had seen his other quirks, and he had to admit his quirks are well oriented to fit almost all operation to suit any situation. Manipulation of plants and the creation of new species was an amazing support quirk and his other quirk which manipulates rats would be an amazing rescue quirk. Even his physique and close quarter combat skill was already at a frightening degree, although his fighting resembles a wild animal it was to be expected learning from fighting wild animals since he was 10 years of age.

Having no way to reprimand Jera's thoughts on how little he thoughts of exams 6 months had gone by and he could only accept to see him in the A class with his skill sets, but recently when they talked about how his day has been. He had made a friend, which surprised him quite a lot that the reptile on his back would allow any human to befriend this boy.

Jera who had been cheerful about his new friend was still talking about it in his own room with Jörm.

"Hey don't you think we should help the boy out secretly? We know that he's an extremely kind individual, even you don't keep your guard up towards him."

"I know, he's one of the very few exceptions I have towards humans."

While he puts up a cold face he knew Jörm had become more accepting of humans after spending 6 months with Aizawa. Although it had mellowed down a bit, it would always flare up when he felt hostile intention towards Jera almost always lashing out at the source. Continuing with the discussion,

"But Deku's so weak he needs all the help he can right?"'

Only a month ago Jera who had still been exploring the city reached the coast of the city finding the piles of garbage and 1 boy trying his hardest to clean the coast up. At first, he was quietly observing the boy as he was trying his hardest to move furniture and electrical appliances weighing well over 100kgs. This continued for a week before he was too curious so Jera decided to ask the boy who was doing his best to move the heaps of rubbish off the coast.

"Hey! Why are you trying so hard on moving all of this? And why is that man just watching?"

The boy startled by the sudden voice fell over as he lost his balance while he was moving the fridge, as he had suddenly fallen the ropes pulling the fridge tipped forwards Jera. Seeing the electrical appliance falling towards Jera the boy could only scram out, "BEHIND YOU!"

Jera who had suddenly yelled to look behind just tilted his head since if they was any kind of danger it would always be the one in front since he had an impenetrable shield known as Jörm.

As the boy looked in horror as the heavy fridge was about collapse on top of a beautiful girl he could closed his eyes to wait for the inevitable noise he would hear as the girl being crushed. After a couple of seconds, the expected crunching noise never came so slowly he opened his eyes and saw a massive snake behind the girl holding the fridge up.

"So are you going to answer?"

Amazed at the spectacle in front but hearing the question he stuttered, "I,I,It's for my training to get into U.A. Also I...I am Midoriya Izuku."

Jera hearing the boy's explanation he was surprised and also felt familiar with his name. And he remembered what had happened all those years ago at the creek.

"AHH, your Deku right!"

Izuku confused by the girl suddenly calling his nickname slightly froze thinking maybe she was someone from the school but quickly erased the idea as they would be no way someone as this beautiful wouldn't be recognized in his school.

Jera seeing his apparent confusion remember he would naturally not know him since he had essentially erased his memory of him. And replied, "Don't worry why I know your name I just saw you getting bullied by the blond boy you call Kacchan."

Izuku hearing her reason could only flinch and look away at the reason she got a hold of his name and felt shame knowing she had seen his pitiful sate expecting insults to be hurled at him for even attempting to go to U.A.

Jera seeing the change in Deku's expression was also confused and asked, "Are you alright you look quite down suddenly."

Izuku hearing genuine concern could only look shocked as well that someone was trying to associate with a quirkless like him.

Jörm seeing the boy still not answer hissed, "You going to keeping ignoring us?"

Izuku finally getting his wits together responded," A, A no just surprise, since most people would usually turn me down since I'm quirkless"

Hearing this both Jera and Jörm felt bad for the boy, Jörm commented, "We don't care about if you have a quirk or not, humans are so simple minded to quickly discriminate one another for the smallest of reasons." and Jera continuing what Jörm was saying, "Yeah like Jörm said we won't care and since you are aspiring to enter U.A like we are, we would be competing against each other but we can still help before it actually starts right?"

Izuku who surprise that the girl in front of him would go to U.A was still happy being able to finally associated with people who didn't judge his character on his quirk could only cry in happiness at his new friend.

Jera, after befriending the crying Deku would go meet with him on the coast, observing him and cheering him on as he had nothing better to do with his time as he had finished exploring the city. He got more friendly with Deku helping him heal his aching body by creating his personally crafted anesthetic emitting flowers and leaving him to rest without pain.

This continued for the rest of the preparation period...