U.A Exam

On the day of the exam, Jera was already accompanying Aizawa going to the testing site. Although he knew he was arriving quite early he wanted to scout the area ahead of time. Jörm who was always to shrink his size when he wroke up was still coiled up around Jera's neck trying to siphon more heat from him.

Aizawa, who was observing Jera naturally knew why he wanted to accompany him so early threatened him, "Don't try to sneak your gas mice to the testing site, if I see you even try to pull your antler I'll knock you out until the testing actually begins."

Jörm who heard this in his still half dazed state threatened back, "If you dare lay a finger on Jera, I'll snap your spine in half." and continued to tighten his grip on Jera's neck, not enough to suffocate him but enough to start leaving deeper marks.

Jera, feeling Jörm's grip tightening pulled him slightly so it would loosen and told him, "Jörm if you're going to leave marks do it where people won't see!"

Jörm, hearing this just moved his body underneath his shirt and wrapped around his pectoral muscle.

Aizawa seeing, the boy bantering with his quirk could only sigh at what Jörm had told him. He started directing Jera towards his office since he knew he had nothing to do after getting his plans spoiled by him.

"Jera, come on now, you have plenty of time before your exam starts so get over and stay in the staff office, you attract too much attention with your looks."

Jera, hearing what Aizawa says he could only listen since he could feel all sort of gazes from all around him and quickly shuffled towards the staff office.

Finally arriving in the more secluded place, he was met with fewer gazes from before but from a stronger presence which left Jera slightly on edge due to the sudden shift in power, he was used to feeling. What he was greeted was multiple pro heroes looking at him.

Aizawa who soon arrived behind him saw Jeraon edge looked over him and saw his colleagues watching him. Realising that he's not a student yet so he should be here he quickly explained to his colleagues, "Ah, sorry about this. This boy here is Jera. He's the kid I've told you guys about who's been living with me recently."

Most were already aware he had started fostering a kid but they weren't aware he was fostering a beauty. They all sort Jera was a girl at first so the revelation of him being male left most stunned. One even outright called him out for it.

"Aizawa they're no way she is a 'he'. Look at her physique she has breasts!" pointing at the bulge at Jera's chest.

Jera, hearing all this only suppressed his anger and quickly yanking at Jörm who was still comfortably wrapped around him. Jörm who was still asleep feeling a very forceful tug forced him awake and startled him since it was uncommon for Jera to yank him so forcefully.

"Jera, why are you so forceful? If it hurts you could just tell me. They were no reason to yank me...." looking around he saw many unfamiliar faces staring at him. Still in his confusion, Jera continues, "I'm not a girl..."

The hero who called him a girl could only look away slightly ashamed for calling it out. The staff room slowly descended into an awkward silence. Jörm finally realising what had happened started laughing, "HAHAHA, Jera you were mistaken as a girl again weren't you! HAHAHA, I wonder when people would recognise you as a male at a glance... oh wait NEVER, HAHAHA!!!" Jera, listening to him got pissed and started to pull off his antler. He found out in his training to control his quirk he can curve his antler into any shape as long as it didn't exceed the original size, so slowly he turned the antler into a dagger.

"Jörm, COME OVER HERE! I'm going to really skin you this time!!!"

Aizawa and the pro hero were left watching what resembled a dog chase their own tail, the beautiful boy holding his dagger was trying to pounce on the snake which was still laughing at him and his misfortune.

After some Aizawa realised that it was close to the beginning of the exam so he stopped Jera. "Jera. Calm down it happens often so get used to it..." what he got in return from Jera was a dangerous glare but still pressed on "and the exams are about to start."

Jera, hearing this looked at the closest clock he could find and realised he was right so he dropped his antler dagger which disintegrated when it contacted the floor and hurried out towards the testing site Aizawa pointed out to him when they first arrive at the school.

Jörm who had also calmed down apologised to Jera, "I'm sorry Jera, but it was funny since it's been a while you were recognised as a girl since you didn't interact with anyone the past 10 months besides little Deku and I bet he also thinks you're a girl."

Jera decided to ignore Jörm and rushed to the testing stadium.

Soon arriving at the stadium a little late, he saw a large crowd listening to the rules by the Hero Present Mic. Since he was a bit late he missed the little information but he understood he would be placed in an urban terrain supposed to fight mechanical robots posing as villains and collect points by defeating these villains. He also Deku sitting next to the foul mouthed blonde named Kacchan, which confused him still to this date why they still integrated with each other but couldn't get the chance as they were split apart into groups to tackle the challenges in different areas of the urban terrain.

He was moved to arena D with the blonde. He wanted to sabotage him but felt like he should give him a chance since he was still, after all, Deku's 'friend'. As he was observing all the sorts of presence around him no one really struck out to him so he decided to be quick about his exam. As the exam came to a sudden start from the scream of President Mic. He quickly used 'Piper's Pipe' and 'Gaea' to summon hundred of wooden mice all over the site and commanded his rodent to destroy half of the robots within the field, and quickly tossed his pipe away after making his 3 gas mice.

The field was soon littered with wooden rodents that were tearing apart the metal villains at an unbelievable pace. The heroes who were observing all of this couldn't help but be in awe at the powerful quirk trying to figure out who created these mice. Aizawa who already knew kept quiet and started observing the other students he deemed to have an ounce of 'potential'.

Jera, who had not moved from his original position was also observing the field through his gas mice gliding across buildings. He saw the blonde cursing about how he's going to be first and blowing up multiple mecha villains. He would also occasionally spot fellow examinees for looked like a pink reindeer in need of assistance so he would immobilise the mech villains by growing his reinforced wood in the joints halting the actions of the villains. While he was doing this to other examinees he was stopped by the moving snake on his neck.

"Jera, why are you helping your opponents?"

Hearing a hiss from Jörm, he chuckled and answered, "Do you think anyone can beat us in points? And besides, it's good training for actually hero work"

"Fair point..." Jörm knew it was good training and he did have already dominated half of the original amount inside the site so he knew unless another person was able to annihilate the other half of all the villains left they was no one who could match Jera's points in this field, but this didn't stop other sites.

"Jera, other sites also exist. Don't you want to take first place?"

After hearing Jörm's question he only shrugged his shoulders as he believes they wouldn't be anyone who can even manage half of what he had done and been in the normal examination. Although it was obvious he could do more he felt that others should also have the chance to show their abilities to the academy.

President Mic who was also observing on site, of the hard working examinees, spotted a beautiful girl still standing at the starting line. He wondered if she had been shell shocked or fallen ill so he walked over to the girl and called out, "Hey gir..." before he could finish the beautiful girl or what he thought of a girl interrupted him

"I'm not a girl, I'm a boy."

Mic dumbfounded at the revelation quickly recover and asked, "Aren't you going to compete? You only have 5 minutes. If you hurry now you might be able to get a few points." Trying to encourage the boy, but to his surprise, the boy just pulled out one of his antlers that morphed into a pipe and watched him create a mouse made of dirt.

"You should know they're mice all over the place tearing apart the site, so I guess you can make the connection right?"

Surprise from finding the person who had dominated this site was just chilling at the start line he was speechless, but the boy continued "Is it alright if I return already, and if you're going to ask me to continue I believe I should let others try expressing they powers."

Hearing this Mic could only agree, "Y..yeah sure, it is practically granted you pass anyway..."

Jera, hearing the green light for his departure quickly left since he was already bored of saving examinees as they kept doing the same mistake, and when he stopped his support almost all of them were quickly eliminated. He also got all his wooden mice to burrow and dissipate, the last 3 gas mice he instructed on keep an eye on the blonde as he was intrigued at how someone so foul moth got into a hero academy.

Walking around to trying to figure out where Aizawa might be, he heard the buzzer that signified the end of the exam. Remembering Deku was also attempting this exam he worried a bit, although appreciates Deku's company as another human friend, he wasn't really expecting to be able to join U.A due to his status compared to others. Deciding to wait and greet him when he had time he spotted Aizawa and went home.

Thus came the end of the U.A Entrance exam.