Results and Classmates

After the exam had finished Jera, who was already confirmed to be placed into class A was complaining, "Aizawa-San! Why did you tell me soo soon, you could have hyped it at the minimum!"

Aizawa, who had spilled the beans to what he thought of obvious information replied,

"I know you already knew you were going to be able to enter it, you weren't even moving from the starting line. And a heads up to your friend, Deku. He also passed into class A."

Jera, who had heard Deku had passed his brain short-circuited, he knew Deku's capabilities very well and know that no matter what he did it would have been impossible for him to even defeat level 1 villains that were on the field of the exam. While he was thinking about how he managed to pass and into the top class, Jörm just straight up asked, "Aizawa, we know the capabilities of that kid he shouldn't be able to manage a level 1 so how did he even pass and even into the best class U.A has to offer?"

Aizawa couldn't agree more with their analysis of the kid. From what he heard about the kid prior to the exam he was supposed to be a quirkless boy training by moving garbage at the coast, but what he saw was the supposed 'quirkless' destroy a level 0 villain. It didn't make sense in any way. He still saw the backlash that occurred and knew he had very little potential compare to Jera. Still thinking about he responded, "I'm sure you know about the villain points but there were other criteria the examinees were accessed on called rescue points. His villain points were indeed 0 but, his rescue points were 60 which placed him in 8th place. By the way, you were placed 1st with both villain and rescue points at 90 points each."

Once again Jera who had heard Aizawa had his mind blown that they allowed a student with no villain point into the top 10 of their prestigious school. It made sense that they were other criteria people were accessed but how they let a person who had no villain points eluded him.

"Oh well, at least he made it I guess..."

Jera had decided to give up on thinking and decided to change topics,

"So do you know who's going to be our home group teacher in 1 - A is Aizawa-san?"

"It's me"

Not too surprised he responded, "Well, I guess I'll see you a lot more from now on huh. Well, please be lenient with Sensei~."

Aizawa who heard this could only scoff at him, "I'll make sure to push you to your limits Jera. I don't want to see you just playing around in class even if you know what we are teaching you. Do you understand?"

Jera, with a wild smile, and replied "Sir yes, Sir!"


The day had finally arrived, it was U.A's first day of the term. Outside they were many students bursting in excitement as they had passed into the most prestigious school in the city was entering through the school gates. Jera who had accompanied Aizawa to school had arrived quite early and was chilling in Class 1 - A, waiting for his new classmates.

"Jörm, what do you think our classmates are going to be like." Jera who was board and sitting asked his companion about their future classmates.

"I think it would be quite full of unique individuals since the place allowed Deku into this class it already means combat powers are not the only thing sort out for. Originally I believed only powerhouses could enter this class but..." before he could continue more they both heard the door open.

A couple of students trickled into the once empty room. Noticing that they were another student beside them they quickly went to Jera and started introducing themself.

"Hi, my name is Yayorozu Momo and this here is Todoroki Shoto. If it isn't too much trouble what your name?"

Shoto who was behind her only shrugged his shoulders and sat in a seat.

A little stunned at her straight forwardness and the to the already seated boy he also greeted back, "Hi, I'm Jera. Just Jera." pointing at Jörm, "this little snake on me is Jörmungandr." Jera, expecting Jörm to give himself a little more about himself was just hissing at their classmate, after tasting their scent and remembering them did he talk, "I'll only say this once, don't get close to me..."

Jera, who already knew what Jörm was going to say just held his mouth closed, and smiled at his new classmates.

Yayorozu seeing him grab his talking snake could only nod at and think he had a rude pet.

After some time every one of class 1 - A had arrived. Jera saw Deku and 2 others talking at the doorway. Thinking about going to greet them he got up but soon return to his seat as he felt Aizawas presence. Not he saw him in his sleeping bag.

" If your gonna be hunting buddies do it elsewhere, this is the department of heroics!!"

he continued his speech as he slowly crept out of his sleeping bag,

"It took you lot 8 seconds to quieten down. Life is too short, kids. You're all lacking common sense. I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shoto. Pleasure meeting you."

Slowly grabbing gym clothing out of his sleeping bag he once again continued with his speech,

"Now wear these immediately and shove off to the P.E grounds." and left to the room.

Everyone in the class besides Jera was shocked at how their homeroom teacher acted but soon started to head off to their individual change rooms.

As soon as Jera started walking towards the male's changing room he was halted by a girl, being Yayorozu he greeted earlier,

"Jera-san where are you going the female's changing room is on the left side your headed for the male's changing room."

Jera was silent. He was repressing his anger since he knew it's not fair to blow up on Yatorozu who was think out for him albeit getting his genre wrong."

Yayorozu confused why he froze Jörmu took it to himself to explain, "Your wrong they missy, Jera here is a boy."

Everyone who was still relatively close by had heard and was shocked at finding Jera was a guy. Some started to exclaim,

"Wait you mean that this beauty is a dude!?"

"He doesn't remotely look manly!"

"Wow, he's a real life trap."

Jera who heard this comment immediately knocked out the purple midget who was drooling.


Everyone was frightened by his sudden movement, some even impressed by his speed. Deku was also shocked that Jera was able to move so quickly and the fact he was a male. Jera sighed looking at all of his classmates who had no idea of his gender and move into the changing room leaving everyone behind.

"So scary Jera, you should tone yourself a bit." hissed Jörm obviously enjoying every minute of his misfortune took jabs at him, but he couldn't care enough to comment on what Jörm had said and swiftly finished changing and met with Aizawa.

"Jera? Where are the other students?"

Since he was still sulky about the whole situation he didn't immediately respond and Jörm intervened, "They all shocked at Jera being male, also Jera knocked out one of the students that called him a trap but he should wake up soon since he was only tapped lightly by Jera."

Hearing all of this Aizawa could only sigh and wait for the rest of his class to arrive.