Quirk Apprehension Test

After some time the class of 1 - A finally started arriving in front of Aizawa. Most still looking at Jera from the recent finding of the 'male'. As they were still getting they head wrapped around the beauty being a guy Aizawa quickly started explaining,

"Alright everybody we will be doing a quirk apprehension test," some complained about the sudden test and asked about greeting ceremonies or guidance counseling but Aizawa just replied, "If you want to be heroes, we don't have time for frilly niceties. You all understand the school's reputation for freedom on campus. Well, that also applies to us Senseis, too. I will have all of you do 5 physical test you would have done in middle school. 50m dash, grip strength, standing long jump, repeated side jumps, and softball pitch. Of course this time with the usage of quirks."

Hearing everyone still murmuring about things he decided a demonstration will clear things up.

"Bakugo, how far could you pitch a softball in middle school?"

"67 meters"

"Try using your quirk this time around," guiding him towards a circle and passing a ball, "as long as you don't exit the circle, anything you do is fine. Don't hold back."

Bakugo understanding what needed to be done quickly stretched his arms and took a stance and started pitching when the ball was about to be released he screamed "DIE!!!" blowing the ball sky high.

Aizawa holding out a mobile phone showed the students the screen and explained, "Before anything else, one must know what they are capable of. This is a rational metric that will be basis of your Hero foundation."

The students seeing all of this responded differently,

"705 meters! Unreal!"

"We can really use our quirks now!? That's the department of heroes for you!"

"Awesome!! That looks so fun!"

Aizawa hearing all this decided he had to spice it up as usual,

"It looks fun... you say? So you were planning to spend your 3 years here having a good ol' time? What happened to becoming heroes? Alright then. In that case new rule: The student who ranked last in total points would be judged hopeless and be instantly expelled."

Most of them who heard this were stunned and started complaining but Aizawa continued, "Our 'freedom' means we dispense with students as we please! Welcome to the Department of Heroics!"

Hearing all of this Jörm couldn't help but taunt, "Hey Aizawa you really look like a villain right now, how about you consider a career change. Who knows it might suit you better than you think!" Jera couldn't care to stop Jörm, since he knew nothing was going to befall even if Jörm said something.

Everyone else was looking at Jera in horror, looking back at their homeroom teacher they all saw a deadpan face. Much to their surprise Aizawa Sensei just bleakly responded, "Jörmungandr, if you have nothing useful to say just shut up and keep quiet. You should just quietly observe things like you usually do. I don't want to be interrupted during class. Understand." Everyone hearing how casual they were speaking to each other was dumbfounded. They all looked at the snake on Jera's shoulder trying to figure out they got to know each other. Before anyone could think of a viable idea Aizawa yelled at them to get ready for the 50 meter dash.

Jera started getting prepared for his test stretched his limbs, his quirks had no way of supporting him in this test so he used his animalistic features, which are his deer legs. As the class was getting assessed he saw that the fastest so far was Ida Tenya who had the quirk of 'engine', his time was 3.04 seconds. It was soon his turn so he got in a crouching starting. Hearing the gun go off he sprinted across to the finish line achieving 3.85 seconds. Quite happy at achieving sub 4 seconds he continued to the next event.

The next test was the grip test, he saw a couple of his classmates who had already finished they sprint doing their attempts, he also saw Deku when he got 54kg and another classmate named Shoji Mezo with an astonishing 540kg. Although he wanted to test his physical capabilities since this was a test Aizawa gave us to see our limits I handed over the measure to Jörm.

"Bite it as hard as you can" telling him what he needed to do, Jörm just grew his size to fit the measure in his mouth bit it, to his surprise it tore apart.

"You did say to bite as hard as I could...." hearing his excuse Aizawa who was also observing sighed. He came over and explained that the device could only handle up to 1 tonne so he wrote on his test sheet over 1 tonne.

Similar to the previous test, the standing long jump I just instructed Jörm to grow in size to increase the score, grew into a kilometer long snake. Jera now in the thick forest on the other side of the athletic field was scolding his companion. eventually getting back to the testing site, he continued to the repeated side jumps.

There he saw the Grape that called him a trap using his quirk to spring himself side to side, taking inspiration Jera used 'Gaea' made soft elastic mushrooms to spring himself between lines easily acquiring a high score.

Finally moving onto the softball pitch, he just asked Jörm to grab the ball and drop it at his full size, so Jörm obediently listened since he had annoyed him on his latter test grabbed the ball, and tossed it further after extending himself. His score reached 1253m. As he finally finished with all of his test he saw his friend Deku. He had missed what he scored on the other tests since Jörm flung him into the forest so he didn't know how that he got injured during his pitch and all the drama that occurred. Jera seeing his friend injured with a broken finger could only ask, "Hey, Deku you alright?" he saw a girl accompanying him but decided to ignore her for now as he took priority to people he knew.

Deku who was talking to Ochaco, hearing Jera ask about his injury quickly responded, "Yeah, I'm completely fine Jera, just a bit of a strain on my finger. Nothing too big"

Jera, obviously knew he was lying so he conjured one of his flowers that he often used to relieve Deku's pain during the coastal training on the tip of his hand and handed it over to him, "Here, it's the same flower that relived pain on the coast."

Deku seeing the familiar flower again thanked Jera and smelt it, relieving a lot of his pain. He repeatedly thanked Jera. Realising he had been ignoring Ochaco started introducing him to her.

"Jera, this is Ochaco Uraraka. She helped me out during my entrance exam."

"Hi, it was quite a surprise to hear you were a boy Jera. You just look so beautiful, and your quirk is so powerful I saw how far you launched yourself in the standing long jump!"

Jera, hearing all of this felt quite conflicted as the compliments weren't things he was happy about, but before he could refute them Aizawa's voice called out,

"Alright, time to present the results. Oh yeah, the whole 'expulsion' thing was a lie. It was a logical ruse to pull out your best performance."

Most of the class was cursing at him at how he pulled a mean trick on them some even saying that it was an obvious trick which made the other students feel stupid, but Jera knew that Aizawa was being serious. He was told by Aizawa himself he had expelled more than 150 students by himself for those he deemed to have no potential, so he was quite surprised this class had no one expelled and was looking forwards to how everyone would improve under the guidance of Aizawa.