Trial Battle

The very next day, U.A's classes were very relaxed. Compared to the sudden Quirk apprehension test Aizawa threw at them the other Hero teachers were teaching relatively normal subjects.

Jera was already felt restless hearing all about the history of japan and other subjects since he was already been taught by Jörm when he was 10. As the day moved on into the afternoon, Jera was already feeling sleepy tried to see if he could keep himself awake by interacting with others. He first tried to look for Deku but saw that Deku had made new friends so he decided not to intervene since he knew it would be a good opportunity for him to make other friends after what he had suffered throughout his childhood.

So he also decided to just observe other classmates. He first started categorising everyone based on quirk power. He quickly determined the top 3 strongest besides himself was Bakugo, Tokoyami and Todoroki. He started thinking of countermeasures towards all of them, it was especially easy for Bakugo since his over inflated ego was a critical weakness he could exploit, but he didn't know enough about Tokoyami and Todoroki to determine any solid weakness. While he was pondering on what their possible weakness was a sudden gust of wind and at the door of the class was opened and the top hero All Might had arrived.


While everyone was hyped about the sudden entrance of the top hero Jera was already zoning out hearing his introduction and feeling his presence started mumbling in a quiet voice so only Jörm could hear, "I can't believe someone like this is the number one hero.... he's already got half his foot in the grave. I can even taste a little blood through Jörm's senses"

Jörm also thinking similarly to Jera whispered, "He's obviously not in his peak from his distinctive lack of presence of what's to expect from number 1, and like you said he's still injured or suffering from something if he has such a bloody smell stuck on around his mouth..."

As the two was discussing what had happened to the 'Symbol of Peace' everyone started to shuffle out of the class with suitcases, Jera not knowing what had been said and where the suitcases appeared quickly asked Mina who was walking by,

"Where's everyone going? And what's the suitcase for?"

"To the change rooms, these are our hero costumes and having a trial battle!"

Realising he missed out on All Might talking about the mock fight he searched for a suitcase for himself but found none. Puzzled he asked All Might, "Umm, where's my costume?"

"Young Jera you don't have a specialised costume for you !"

"Why's that?!"

"Your abilities are quite unique, and we have already been notified by Aizawa-kun that you had perfect control of your quirk so the support department only made better cargo pants to fit you!"

Jera, who heard this was obviously not happy at his treatment but he could do nothing about it so sulkily he walked to the changing room and changed his pants, he also decided to not wear his shirt as it might get dirty in the fight. His appearance was quite wild in his new outfit, everyone could see a man covered in scars but still having his alluring beauty coming out of the changing rooms. Feeling his classmate's gaze he also gazed back seeing all sorts of unique and cool costumes.

"What are you staring at?"

Everyone who was staring at him in awe quickly looked away as they all met the gaze of the snake behind Jera, looked as ready to pounce at them.

All Might who was similarly in a daze at his figure quickly composed himself and explained the rules of the trial battle. The fight was a complex version of capture the flag with the usage of quirks and teams were randomly picked. These teams would fight in an indoor space and the flag was replaced with a fake nuclear weapon.

(Simple enough, I get to see everyone's quirks in action)

As the teams were getting decided he was quickly left alone since the class had 21 students.

"Young Jera you are team K, you will also be by yourself and you will be fighting against the losers of the first match at the very end since we don't have enough groups."

Jera, really thought that this 'prestigious school' was too free about how they did things. Although he felt that it was quite fair since he was essentially two people as Jörm could easily be counted as another entirety similar to Tokoyami's Dark Shadow but without his uncontrollable tendencies. Agreeing to All Might the first fight quickly began, it was a fight between Deku's group and the over inflated ego's team.

He really didn't care too much as he knows this is supposed to be a mock fight he went to the back of the observation room and sat at the bench by himself and instructed Jörm to look about for anything of importance and started to doze off, he heard a couple of deafening explosions but chose to ignore it since he knew Bakugo was going to have a tantrum about Deku.

Jörm who was carefully observing the screens for Jera could see the intensity of Bakugo's actions and started determining if he could offset those explosions with his body. The match was over relatively fast as Bakugo had lost all reason and forgot about the objective of allowing Deku's team to win. He was slightly disappointed since he could see how Ida uses his quirk to fight since it was decided Jera will fight against them soon, but seeing his costume he had a good idea he was a close quarter fighter.

After multiple battles were displayed one after another nothing as special as the first fight, he still was astonished by Todoroki's power. Even though Jörm had experienced colder ice before but the sheer quantity he could produce at his will was comparable to Jera's 'Gaea' production. He couldn't even get to see his other half of his quirk so was quite intrigued.

Soon it was Jera's turn to fight against Bakugo's team so Jörm nudged him awake,

"Jera, it's your turn to go up and fight. You're also the villain in the mock fight remember to hold back since they no wild animals."

Bakugo who had heard this was already fuming as he was already torn apart at his loss to Deku and the powers Todoroki had, hearing Jörm tell Jera to hold back made him blow up again.


Jera, who was not paying attention so he completely didn't hear what Bakugo had said and was already walking towards the villain building.

Bakugo was now ready to kill him, Ida was trying to calm him down and tried to calmly analyze Jera's quirk.

"Bakugo please calm down, we should try and strategise and prepare for the upcoming fight. We don't really know Jörmungandr's abilities so we should be prepared for anything."


Bakugo screeching at Ida started to get to their position as well, while everyone in the observation room was shocked at what Jera, who was currently reinforcing the perimeter of the room with a dozen of wooden and stone rodents, drug flowers and Jörm wrapped around the nuclear warhead tightly so they were no way to visually see it.

"He has three quirks!?"

"Look at all those rodents they moving independently without instructions!"

"Jörmungandr is even protecting the warhead quite securely, looks like this is going to be a tough fight."

"What are those flowers that are growing in the room?"

Everyone had all sorts of questions that wanted to be answered but sadly no one could answer them since even All Might didn't know the extent of Jera's quirk. So he and the rest of the class could only wait and see.

After the teams were ready All Might began the exercise, Bakugo and Ida quickly flew towards the building. What greeted them inside was thick vegetation on all floors, Bakugo being hot headed instantly blew through all the vegetation. He was only stopped on the third floor when one of the trees that were in the way blew up into flames causing a chain reaction of trees that had also caught ablaze unnaturally quickly and severely. The heat was so intense they felt the heat suffocating them.

Bakugo was getting increasingly frustrated at his situation and started screaming, "OI YOU COWARD, STOP HIDING!!! GET YOUR ASS HERE AND FIGHT US!!!"

Jera who was observing through the gas mice chuckled at Bakugos outburst and blew into his pipe a bit to give him a bit of a surprise.

Bakugo who was about to say much more was stopped when he saw a tide of flaming rats start appearing from the blaze, jumping towards them.


He started blasting the rats in retaliation to the attack, at first he saw how easily they were destroyed and claimed down but the sheer amount of continued to overwhelm him. Ida who was also kicking these pests was soon getting overwhelmed. Soon both were covered by these flaming rats.

All Might seeing this through the observation screen had to call and end before they were several injured, "STOP!!! VILLAN TEAM WINS!"

Jera who had heard this instantly released the rat conjures, which extinguished all the rats in the vicinity slowly walked over to the duo who was once covered in them.

"Nice fight." slightly taunting Bakugo he started to walk back to the class. Bakugo who obviously frustrated tries to take a swing at Jera who had walked by was instantly immobilised by Jörm bite,

"Try that again and I'll take your whole arm..." hissing while excreating a type of poison that wasn't lethal but painful into Bakugo's circulatory system.

Bakugo withered in pain as his body started to spasm uncontrollably on the floor. All Might quickly got to the scene and started moving towards the medical room.

Everyone who had seen what had happened could only feel shivers done they spines at how vicious Jörmungandr was towards their fellow classmate, even though Bakugo was at fault seeing him incapacitated had frightened them extremely.

"Jörm was that really necessary? You know I could dodge that even in my sleep right?"

Jera who had already known about Bakugo's intention was asking Jörm if he doubted his ability to dodge. Feeling that even he felt that Jörm had crossed the line a bit since they were supposed to share 3 years with them.

Jörm who could feel Jera's intention responded, "Honestly didn't know he would collapse like that. The human I knew were had more guts and resistance and besides someone had to teach how to make that kid behave, I'll gladly take that role as no one seems to care about his attitude."

Jera could only agree with how Jörm had answered, Bakugo really did need to tune down his egoistic view on things. If it meant Jörm would personally do it, he felt like it could be good for Jörm since he had proactively talked to another human albeit in a threatening way.

After Bakugo was delivered safely to the medical staff All Might came back and swiftly explain the positives and negatives of the fight. Although it was really brief and only pointed out mostly negatives of Bakugo's team since they had nothing much to say about Jera's ability, the class ended uneventfully. It was truly lackluster for Jera and he was seriously considering if this was what the next 3 years were going to be he should ask for an early graduation.