Information gathering

Jera, who had realised the 'prestigious' U.A was very much underwhelming than he had originally thought. The days he spent in the last weeks was constant lectures on normal subjects usually taught throughout high school which was understandable but the main hero work that this school offered was so fundamentally basic it was boring Jera.

Although he understands the importance of the basics as it had saved his hind more than a couple of times in the mountains. But the school was far too lenient with the educational curriculum regarding hero works especially the darker side of society. The class was just dumbing down how real life situations would play out, avoiding all topics of death, rapes and kidnapping. He understood that a 16 year old would never be able to handle the loss of human life so quickly, but the complete avoidance of the topic was beyond his understanding. This would only serve the new generation to suffer firsthand when it occurs in front of them leaving them in a vulnerable state if such a state would occur it would only result in further casualty.

While Jera was pondering on the school system Aizawa came home.

"Welcome home~."

"Yeah, I'm back. I'll be going out soon again so don't worry about my food."

After Jera had started staying at Aizawa's home it was decided that Jera would make food for Aizawa instead of rent since he was borrowing one of his rooms in his apartment complex. Hearing that Aizawa didn't need dinner he just threw Aizawa a fruit he had been developing in his spare time.

"Here, eat this. Since you don't eat a proper meal I made this fruit to fill your reserves and replenish your minerals and vitamins. It's still tasteless so tell me your preference of taste later."

Aizawa surprised at what Jera handed nodded and thanked him before he quickly leaving to go out to patrol the streets for any villains. As Jera said the fruit was truly bland but it was true he felt full after one serving and it felt like he was actually eating, not like his usual jelly food packs he always drinks.

(Hmm, I wonder if he can make the fruit taste like an actual dish....)

While he was thinking if Jera was able to adjust the fruit to liking he spotted criminal activity and swiftly headed towards it to clear it.

Going back to Jera...

"Jörm... I'm bored."

Naturally, since he had a 100% understanding of all subjects in school he had completed all questions in his textbook just out of boredom. Now finished with even that he was truly left with nothing to do on hand.

"Well, if your bord how about you just use you increase your control on 'Piper's Pipe'? Although you can control around 3000 rats, you still can't handle the feedback of so many external stimuli you block it all right? How about you start.... like I don't know an information network like the one you saw online?"

Jera who had heard of his snake's brilliance of an idea was exhilarated. It was the perfect past time activity that both killed time and trained one of the true weaknesses he had.

"Your brilliant Jörm! Let's start right away!"

While grabbing his antler to create his pipe Jera simultaneously started conjuring his most durable tree he could manage and some flowers that could be used as paint. He quickly amassed an army of 100 white wooden rodents that would look like real rodents.

Jörm seeing at least a hundred warned Jera, "You should tone down the amount for your initial connection only use 25 of those rats you hear me?"

Nodding in agreement he opened his window to release his army that started to scatter all over the city. At the beginning of the connection, he was almost overwhelmed with another 25 different perspectives almost spewing out his guts but managed himself when he lowed his connection to 10.

"I can....*wheeze* only....*wheeze* manage 10."

"That's alright, you only usually use 3 so 25 was too much, even for you."

Jera hearing Jörm's comforting words quickly composed himself so he wasn't out of breath and started to eavesdrop and observe all around the city. He saw and heard almost nothing too out of the excessive, only common stuff. Things like cheating, thievery and occasional vigilante activity.

He knew he wasn't going to get find interesting information right off the bat, he just decided to slowly grow accustomed to the perspective so he wouldn't feel any discomfort at the perspectives and continuously added a few more.

After this cycle repeated itself every afternoon after Aizawa had left Jera, had been gradually increasing his limit after weeks of training he was finally able to increase his limit to 15, albeit it came at the cost of him not being able to move he was now more efficient at gathering intel. Deciding that he was now proficient enough to start working as an information broker he started looking for multiple villains wanted by the police department.

His search time was very limited as he couldn't continue for more than 4 hours as Aizawa would return and he also needed to cool down his brain from all the mental power he needed to focus on all those perspectives, he was still able to manage to assist the capture of 3 villains wanted with the police department.

The police department was very hesitant to work with him at first since he couldn't really present himself and he could only communicate by sending an ink mouse and the natural breach of illegally using a quirk. The PD (police department) swallowed their pride as the information the stranger had given had lead them to the villain. This was a great turning point for the PD as only hero's had been able to suppress villains efficiently, but with the new addition of the unknown information broker, they were able to increase their productivity by 2 folds compared to last year within the very month.

Jera, now enjoying his newfound hobby of working as an information broker had to halt his actions as the PD had started boasting his gathering skills as their own catching the attention of the hero association. He could only be stupefied at what PD had done.

"Why the hell would they boast something they don't own to professional. Did they forget I was using my quirk illegally?!" Now I have to lay low until the hero association stops snooping around..."

Although Jera had reduced his rats he still kept them out and about to keep him posted on anything that might catch his attention. He recently found some sort of villain group forming but it was only mentioned rarely so he decided it was a rumor so he let it be. He was trying to find the culprit of a recent event that occurred at school which caused a panic, which really annoyed Jera.

"How come I can't find a single villain who had managed to destroy the school gate?! I had my rats posted at all intersections connecting to school so I should have seen a retreating figure but I found nothing!"

"Calm down, you don't know if the villain had some invisibility quirk user with him. Your rats aren't perspective like our senses. They based off real common rats so it's expected they won't be able to see through quirk camouflage."

Hearing Jörm he could only settle his anger and promise himself that next time if a similar event were to happen he would find the culprit.