
While Zero was busy, Layton wasn't idle. He was wandering around in the main timeline, striving to grasp additional laws and seeking insight and direction from existing principles to fortify the nascent law of will he had forged. This was the trouble with individuals who traversed their own paths and created their own laws; these self-fashioned laws were not as complete or as universal as the existing ones.

The law of will Layton had fashioned and inscribed in this plane was a fairly new one, meaning he had no precedents to learn from. Unlike the well-established laws of flame, water, life, death, and other elements which had been refined and perfected over countless ages by many practitioners, the law of will required him to grope in the dark on his own. He needed to find ways to solidify and expand his law, attempting to grow it to the point that it could exist uniquely as its own rudimentary concept.