A Few Months Ago

It was the 16th of August, the beginning of our second year in college starts tomorrow. When all things were unpacked in our room, Toma and I decided to grab some dinner. "Dude, I could go for some huge bowl of ramen right now." Toma said, rubbing his stomach to show how hungry he already is.

"I thought we agreed on spicy chicken?" I asked.

"No, no, no, I don't want to implant a bomb on the toilet later."

"I'll still eat some though. C'mon, let's go." Then we went out of the campus dorm after fixing a few more stuff left.

While we were walking, Toma noticed something from a distance and talked to me. "Damn. Yuji, I can't believe she's dating Duke." He said, quickly pointing at some place and there I saw Cami with her boyfriend Duke.

"Well, just be happy for her. You had your chance with her and wasted it. So don't go crying about it." I told him. Toma always had a huge crush on Cami ever since we were all freshmen. He used to have a chance to ask her out, but he didn't had the guts to do it.

"Man, I heard from a few that Duke is a jerk. She won't be so happy with him." He said, and looks like he's about to sulk about it.

"You're not so different you know. You still date a lot of girls, and you can't even manage to ask out the girl you really like." Yes, this friend of mine since childhood can't ask out the girl he likes despite being such a playboy.

"What!? Well, er… yeah I go on dates, but it's always the girls that ask me out! If I try to ask Cami on a date, that would be my first time." He had a point there. It's really the girls that ask him out first. Toma actually has the looks that every girl daydreams of, he's a dreamboat--that's what most girls say about him when I talk to the girls he date.

"Right. And I just want to eat some spicy chicken, don't pull me into your love life. I have nothing to do with that." I reminded him. He always try to make me his--

"But you're my wingman! Dude, aren't we like, brother? We've been together since childhood, and I've helped you a lot of times before too. So can't you just help me with Cami?" He begged, making a pitiable face.

"Ugh… fine. But I'll do that when they break up."

"Great! I'll owe you a big one. Though if you ever had a girl you like, I might help you with that too." He proudly says, as if he can do it. However I doubt he can be of help, I bet he might steal the girl I like with that face of his.

"Yeah, let's just eat for now." I said once we got into the eatery near the campus.

"I could go for a beer or two. My treat!" He suggested.

"Let's not get that drunk, we have the first day of school tomorrow." I told him.

"Right, let's gooo!" He ignores my words then he pulls me inside the eatery. Though I regret to have him treat me because the next morning, I had a hangover.