It Was Kinda Gay

"Damn it Toma, we're going to miss the first day urgh…" I closed my eyes, avoiding any light that shines on my face.

Toma who was at the lower part of this bunk bed started throwing up at the bucket beside his bed. "Bwaargh…! Ugh, s-sorry." He said, sounding so weak.

"You said just a drink or two, but we both ended up with five bottles."

"Uuugh, I said I'm sorry."

"Right. Let's swear not to ever do this again."


Then both of us spent the whole day recovering from our hangovers. However Toma has it worst than me all because he got drunk more than I did. "Yujiii… my head is killing me. Can you get me some water?" He cried out.

"You do that yourself, my head is aching too."

"But you seem better than me."


"I've been continuously throwing up earlier, have you no mercy?"

"And whose fault was it to get you into that state?"

He groaned. "…Yujiiii." He cried like a baby.

"You bafoon! I'm not your mom or something like that. Heck, you're even taller than I am! You take care of yourself." I complained.

Then he whimpered like a pup abandoned by its owner, he knows well that it's gonna piss me off when he does that. "Argh! Fine, fine! Stop it."

"Hehe, thanks dude. I owe you one."

"No, you owe me a lot." I've been doing these kinds of things for him since we were kids. I used to be the one clean up his mess, and unfortunately up until now I still do.

When I climb down, my day got even worse.

sfx: clack! Blag!

"…aww! Damn it Toma! Why did you have to put your puke bucket under the ladder." Now I'm covered with his vomit all thanks to this idiot! "Ah! I'm really sorry, Yuji!" He stands up from his bed like he wasn't sick at all, and started to help me get up from the floor.

Since he was already up, I let him fix the mess he made while I rest on his bed. After that, he lays down next to me which annoyed me. "Don't lie down here!…"

"But this is my bed."

"Oh come on, don't make me climb up. My back still hurts from the fall."

"Yeah, sorry about that. But I don't want to move from here."

"It's awkward with two dudes sleeping on the same bed." I told him.

"Ugh, yeah this is pretty… gay." Then it did became awkward after that, due to my short temper, I just pushed him off his bed claiming it all to myself. "Yujiii!"

"Just sleep on the floor! Think of this as punishment to your idiocy."

"But the floor is cold!"

I tossed one of his pillow and blanket to him. "There, now go to sleep."

"Urgh, I hate hangovers." He mumbled, and soon snores so loudly when he falls asleep leaving me awake from the noise and dealing with my headache. Ah, what a way to start the first day of school.