From A Distance

"…let's avoid each other for a while."


"You heard me, I won't repeat myself."

"What's with you all of a sudden!?" After the whole day of school, I decided to talk about distancing with Toma.

"Let's say…" Though I can't tell him that some people mistook us for a gay couple because we're together all the time. I came prepared to answer his question with the excuse I thought of earlier. "…we both each need to be in different environments without seeing each other for a while."


"It isn't good that you always stick with me. Somehow, I feel like I've been taking care of a little brother whenever you're around." I told him.

He sulks as he hears my reason. "I'm not a kid!"

"Then act like your age."

"Also we're best friends right? So why are you pushing me away?"

I sighed at the sight of him questioning me. He really looked like a dog that's going to be abandoned. "Yes, we're still friends. I'm just saying this for our own good, besides, it's not like I'll be at your side forever. You got to get used to me not being around you."

His face turned pale all of a sudden, like he came with a realization. "You're not leaving, are you!? Are you going to study abroad or something?"

"No, you dummy! I'm not going anywhere, I'm just simply saying that we need to be apart for a while--argh! I really don't have time to repeat everything to you." This is another reason why I wanted to be away from him to. He's just won't listen properly to everything I say.

"Tch, fine. But for how long though?"

"…until the end of the class year?"

His mouth gaped. "What!? That's too long, how am I going to do all the activities and homeworks all on my own!?"

Again, another sigh. "That's your problem! You've got hands and brains, use it."

"But Yuji!"

"You see this right now? This is exactly what I'm worried about, Toma. You're relying too much on me. You should learn how to do things yourself, especially when it comes to school matters."

He fell silent about it, although he had no choice but to agree. It looks like he realized what his situation is. "Okay… I get it, but don't say we have to do it for the whole school year. I'd still want to hang out with you sometimes, you're my best friend after all."

Despite being annoying and childish, Toma can really be a sweet dork. I grinned and ruffled his hair even though he was taller than me. "Sure, let's go with… three months. Starting tomorrow."

He smiles back. "All right."

"Now that's settled, I have to go out for a while. Hino and I have to meet up to start with the report assigned to us." I excused myself.

"Okay, be careful on your way there and back." He said, then slid into his bed.

"Yeah thanks." A huge smile for victory appeared on my face as I stepped out the room.

Ah finally, starting tomorrow I can enjoy some peaceful moments without anyone bothering me!