Without His Bestfriend, Part II

It's been a week now since I started to seperate myself from Toma. These past few days were peaceful, but it was kind of lonely for some reason. It's not that I wasn't talking to other people to completely isolate myself… maybe I was also just used to have Toma with me.

We actually see each other since we share the same room at the dorm, but we both made great effort to keep things in minimal, like our talks and other stuff. Also, I noticed that Toma found something for himself to be indulged in, so every seven at night he would go out and do whatever he got himself into.

"Hey, I'll be late again tonight. So don't lock the door on me." He often tells me that whenever he's going out.

"Just get the spare keys in the drawer." I told him while reading a book for my socialist class.

"I can't, I might lose them." Ah, it's in his nature to be careless with every small thing he possess.

"Whatever. I'll just leave the door unlocked."

"Thanks! See 'ya later." And just like that, he left.

I was kinda curious what he was actually doing these past few nights. Still I'll know the reason eventually, no need to ask Toma about it.

When I was finally done with reading, I checked the time and figured that I still have a few hours until my bedtime. I'd like to play the video games I brought but its for two players… "ugh, nevermind." I thought and rested on Toma's bed.

Laying down on his bed, I can thoroughly smell his stench--well, not that it smells bad, it's kind of a sweet scent. Like marshmallows and a hint of lemon. Before I knew it, the scent cast me to sleep.

"…ji? Yuji?"

My mind awaken as I heard a voice, that's probably Toma. I was about to open my eyes and get out of his bed until he continued to speak.

"Heh… it's nice seeing you sleep peacefully."

"I still wonder why you want me out of your sight. I thought we're like inseperable brothers, man."

He paused for a minute and continued on.

"Well, I get it. Some did say I'm annoying and nosy, so… so maybe that's why you pushed me away."

What?… is that how he interpreted what I said?

"I understand that, so I won't ever bother you again, even if the three months is over. But… you're still my bestfriend, you got that?"

This guy…

"I'll let you have my bed for the night. Be thankful I didn't disturbed you in your sleep, hehe. Good night." After letting him climb on the ladder to sleep on the top bed, my eyes opened and stares at the wall.

Toma. That idiot is such a softie. To think that he understood it that way, I think I should fix this misunderstanding but then again… wouldn't it embarass him if I told him I was awake while he was talking to me like that?

Despite things are going like this, I felt a little happy to know how he feels about this. Toma really cares about me.