The Reason She Likes Me

We had our lunch at a fine restaurant in the mall we were at. The conversations were merely interesting and I was making a way for a question I had to ask.

Though I thought Xia would pipe down her chitchat when we're in a relationship now, but it was otherwise. She remained the annoying girl I used to hate. "And there was this one time I caught my friend stalking this girl, hahaha!"

Her stories never ends.


"There was a weird rumor about the girl she was looking up though."

"Uhm Xia."

"They said the girl had a twin brother that died, but others said that the girl used to be a guy and became a transwoman."

"…" it was impossible! She just won't listen!

And the talk goes on and on, and on. I thought I'll remain a listener throughout the whole conversation but then she gave me a way to speak. "So, what about you? You've been awfully silent." She laughed.

'Right, how can I possibly talk with all your blabbering?' Still, I showed her a smile and claimed my turn.

"I've been wondering about it since then."


"How did you liked me, Xia?" With that, she blushed intensely while laughing nervously.

"Oh that… yeah…"

"…I was such a jerk right? So how come you wanted to date me?" It doesn't make sense.

"I, I liked you because…"


"I liked you because I think you're so pretty!"

I was stunned by her answer. Me? Pretty? She thinks I'm pretty? My mind have taken its time to process what it meant. She continued to speak. "Please don't misunderstand."

"I think I already did."

"Aargh, Yuji please! Hear me out first!" She held onto me as if I'll leave her.

"I'm not going anywhere, so please do explain what you mean."

"A-Alright. So, I really liked you because you're pretty-"

"Are you saying that I looked like a pretty girl?" My gaze sharpen at her.

"No! It's just that… uhm… guys like you are rare these days."

"Hmm, go on."

"Most guys are so tall, muscular, and hairy. Unlike you, you look so pretty with that smooth skin of yours, and I really like the way you have your hair brushed up like that…" then she continued on confessing about what she liked about me. "…and I like a guy that's not too tall than me, and then the way how you look is sort of cool for me. You look so sharp and serious, and I admire that..."

"So you fell for my looks?" And what's worse is that I lack traits a guy must have. It's not that I hate the way I look, I just started feeling a bit… insecure when Hino pointed out that I look a bit feminine.

"Of course not! I'm not that shallow!"

"Okay, then tell me more."

She faked a cough and continued. "Okay. And what I actually liked the most about you is your honesty. You're blunt with everything, unlike guys who lie just to flatter the girl he likes."

"Hmm, I guess that can be a valid reason." I said, smirking.

She avoids my gaze, looking shy. "Whatever, but can you atleast tell me why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you wanted to date me?" Then her eyes peeks, sparkling with a little hope for a satisfying answer.

That got me.

It charged me guilty for having such petty reason. Though I know it's not worth anything to worry about, for me that is. "To be honest, I just want to try you out."