Twisted In A Little Way

I've thought of possible results before confessing my reason why I dated Xia. And I also thought by the time I said it, Xia would reject me for being such a huge jerk. But I was quite surprise how Xia responded.

"I thought so…" she answered with a smile, but sadness can be seen on her eyes.

"So, do you still wanna date me?" I grinned waiting for my expectation to be meet.

"Yes." My face became blank as soon as she said that. "I already got the chance I wanted, so I won't let it slip by so easily."

"Why so eager?" I softly asked, almost a whisper.

"Because, I really like you-" she points at me, showing an expression that's so eager. "-and I'll make sure to make you fall inlove with me too."

What a strong-willed woman.

I chuckled. "We'll see about that."

Then the rest of my day was spent well with my girlfriend, Xia. After all that, coming back to my dorm made me feel uneasy. I badly treated Toma earlier, so how will he treat me when I get back there?

Opening the door to the room, I was quite shock to see Toma there--fucking naked! It was the first time after years passed that I've seen him like this. He looks at me, showing full front of his naked body.

"You're back." He said.

"B-Big…" I whispered to myself. Then a sudden thought of comparing came to mind but I quickly dismissed it. "Can't you cover yourself!" I complained.

He looked at me with thin eyes and had his lips slanted downwards. "Hmmm…. I don't feel like doing it." And he goes to his bed just like that.

This guy is really trying to piss me off.

"Tsk, your mom would be so disappointed if she knew you behave like this."

"Well she's not here anyway."

"Aren't you even uncomfortable with other people seeing you naked like this?"

He looks at me with furrowed eyebrows. "You've seen me like this a many times already, and we're both dudes. Don't make it into such a big deal."

"Atleast cover your lower part with something because it's disturbing to look at! Really, you're so bothersome."

He even had the nerve to pout. "…fine."

"Finally." I said, crossing my arms.

"Since you're the one who badly wants me dressed, you give me the underwear I have to wear."

'Tsk, this spoiled brat!'

"Ugh, I hate you." I told him and grabbed some boxers from his cabinet. When I handed him his underwear, he looks at me with a very sad expression. He takes the underwear from me then asks. "Yuji, do you really want to get rid of me?"

"What the heck are you talking about now?"

"…when you said that we need to avoid each other for three months, it made me really sad. Can't we just stop doing that and hang out again?"


"Look, you've been pampered by me too much. I'm doing this for you Toma, you got to stop clinging on to me. You already got a girlfriend of your own now."

He frowns at my words. "No… it's not that… I… I can change that Yuji, I'll stop being annoying. You're like a brother to me, and I don't want to be apart from you like this."

I sighed. Even though he's acting like a baby, hearing him talk like that made me grin. I sat down at the side of his bed and ruffled his hair. "No matter what we do, we're still friends you idiot. Just consider this chance as a way to change yourself for the better."

"…hmm." Seems like he wasn't pleased with my answer. He grabs my hand that was placed on his hair and placed it on his cheeks, he closes his eyes and smiles. "Fine. I'll change. I promise, and once this chance is over you have to reward me."

"Sure, that is if you did change."

We both laughed things off, with this, it made me feel at ease being with Toma again.