Done With Her

It was good that Toma recovered quickly, when we got back to school there was a lot of catching up to do. Those weren't the only things that bothered me though. I quite often catch Xia taking a glance on me, and when there was this guy came to pick her up, she'd shot another glance before leaving.

Weird and annoying, that was the only things I could feel of at the moment.

"…Yuji, is there something wrong?" Toma asked. We were together having our lunch like the usual. These days, it seemed like he already forgotten about the three month distancing and kept on sticking with me.

It's not like I'll try to push him away again, since I realized that he'll try to find ways to keep on hanging out with me. "Nothing, there was just this annoying fly that bothered me this first few subjects." I told him.

"Ahh, maybe you haven't washed yourself well. If you'd like, I'll help cleaning you." He casually said, that's when I hit him on the head.


"You should watch your words, people that can hear you might misunderstood you." I warned him.

He pouts like a child and glares at me. "I was only trying to be helpful."

"Right, it's best when your mouth is just shut."

"Also, I knew what was bothering you. It's Xia right? I noticed she was glancing at you time to time." He said, it surprised me that he knew that well. Maybe Xia was really making her actions obvious that a dense Toma noticed her.

"Are you still… sad about breaking up with her?" He added.

I shake my head at his question as I took a bite out of my sandwich. "Nah, I'm done with her. They say you sometimes all you have to do is forget what you feel and remember what you deserve." And I really deserved better after knowing such background from that woman.

I'm done with her.

"That's great! Good to hear that from you." He said, looking so relieved.

"Seems like you were bothered by my break up, huh?"

"Well yeah, the day you came to me crying really broke my heart." He seriously said. Then I shifted the conversation before it becomes something weird again.

I don't like it when he makes me feel weird.

"Speaking about relationships, how are you doing with Cami?" I asked.

He made quite a long paused and sighed as he answer. "I don't know…" His reponse was a bit unexpected, didn't he said he slept with her last time?

"But, um, didn't you sleep with her the other night?"

He looked at me with a very sad face and shakes his head. "No, nothing really happened that night."

"Eh? T-Then where did you sleep that night? Where have you been to?"

"…I… I slept at a friend's house and-" before Toma could finish, the guy who loves interrupting people's conversation joined in again. "Why hello Toma! Nice seeing your pretty face again hehe." Noru said.

Toma frowns at the sight of him. Are these guys even friends?

"Ugh, you again." Toma muttered.

Then Noru noticed me just now and greeted me as well, though I could sense in his tone that he clearly doesn't like me. "Oh hey, Yuji. I didn't saw you there."

"It's fine." I replied with a blank face.

When the two talked about some stuff, Hino suddenly shows up. "Noru!-Oh." He stops as soon as he saw me and Toma, but smiles after. "Hey guys!" Hino stands beside Noru.

It made me a bit confused, wasn't Hino avoiding him last time? Oh whatever.

"Cool, you already got your lunch?" Noru asks Hino.

"Yeah." Then Hino shyly answer, like a fucking maiden inlove.

"Hmm, I can see you guys get along well." Toma said grinning. I felt a little left out, seeing them talk about situations that only they understand.

"Uh-huh, I think you already know what's going on." Noru said, smirking.

"Yep I can say things are going good." What the hell are they talking about?

"If you're jealous, feel free to visit me. I'd make you feel that you're still loved hahaha!" Noru joked… or was he really joking?

"No, no, no! I'm perfectly fine with Yu-erm... Cami!"

"M'kay then. We'll be going to our table now, bye!" Then the other two left together. After that, Toma complained about their presence to me for a while. But I was left with a slight gaping mouth when I saw Noru groping on Hino's ass from afar.

I've been seeing too many unpleasant sights for a while now, haven't I?