Alcohol and Parties

"…because he's already reserved for me." I can't believe it…

"Oh my, I didn't know you've got exotic tastes for guys, Cami." Tsuzu commented.

"Uhh..." Cami just had a dumbfounded look on her face.

This guy is really stupid! I quickly punched him, spitting along some remarks. "You idiot, people might misunderstand your words! Don't you fucking know how to rephrase."

"Aww, understood." He answered while he try to ease the pain on his face.

"Woah, feisty." The girls giggled. It made me embarassed to show how I get angry at Toma, though I expected this to happen somehow. "Pardon my temper, Toma is really just a handful moron."

"I know, right?" It seems like Cami is really troubled by Toma even if she's the girlfriend. Toma can't please anyone at all.

"Now you guys are just bullying me." Toma pouted.

"I'm really sorry about this Tsuzu. I'll just deal with Toma while you guys have a good time." I said, ignoring Toma. Tsuzu just waved it off and gave me a good pat on the shoulder. "It's fine, it's fine. Let's hang out next time, have a good time as well."

After that, I had to drag Toma away from the crowd. He knows well why I'm doing this. I gave him a cold stared and crossed my arms at him. "I thought parties were supposed to be fun, but it seems that I'm only pissed off right now."

"Err, I'm really sorry." He looks down and avoids eye contact.

"Tsk. Didn't you promised me that you'll change? That I don't have to look after your fucking ass everytime? You keep in mind that I'm not your fucking nanny."

"…I said I'm sorry." He whispers.

"Whatever, just get me some drinks or something."

"Okay." He obediently goes and grabs a drink like I told him to. I waited at a corner observing the people enjoying the party. Then I saw a very familiar face, we both got to look at each other for a moment then he comes over for a quick chat. "Hey Yuji, what brings you here?"

His smug face pisses me off more. "Enjoying the party." I answered a bit sarcastically.

Noru had a corner of his lips twisted at me. "You don't look like it. Why don't you join me over there?"

"No thanks, I'm with someone."

"Oh, is it with your girlfriend?"

"N-" And again, Toma interrupts my conversations. "Here's your drink Yuji!" When he handed me the drink, he noticed Noru that was infront of me.

"Noru! Nice seeing you here."

"Ahh so you've been with Toma." Noru's smug face lightens a bit.


"If that's how it is I'll take my leave." He excused himself.

"Huh? Can't you join us here Noru?" Toma asked.

"No, I got some of my friends there. And I'll be leaving early anyway."

"M'kay." Toma just shrugs, then my eyes widens as Noru gropes on Toma's butt.

"What the fuck, dude!?" Toma reacted which made Noru burst into laughter.

"See 'ya."

"Get back here you fucking pervert!" Toma then chases after that jerk. I was left shocked by what I witnessed though I just got myself drunk throughout the whole party alone, even though Toma said he'll be with me the at this damn party.

…this is why I hate parties.