Disturbing Truth

"He must've drank too much alcohol." Toma said as he looks at Yuji that fell asleep at a corner.

When the party was already over, Toma searches for Yuji and found him at his current state. Yuji was sleeping peacefully. However, Toma wasn't so troubled by this. Toma has a car after all, so it won't he a hassle to carry Yuji all the way back to their place.

Cami who was beside him shakes her head. "He sure did. Look at all the bottle he had." She pointed at the bottles beside Yuji.

"I guess we have to go now." Toma said, kind of excited by bringing Yuji back home.

Then Tsuzu came to see Yuji, "You could just leave him here, I'll bring him home once he wakes up." She suggested.

"No need, I can handle him."

"You really won't let me borrow him, huh?" Tsuzu can grasp what Toma is trying to do, so she lets him do what he wants. She just lost her interest in Yuji if there's this annoying man that always gets in her way.

"Right, and I won't ever let you have him hehe." Toma smirks mischievously.

"Toma, be a little respectful." Cami whispered. She worries that the two might start a fight.

"It's fine Cami. Atleast he doesn't hide his true feelings. I'll see you whenever then, ciao." When Tsuzu finally left, the couple both looks at one another. And there, their true selves were shown.

Toma's face looked at Cami coldly, while Cami just glared at him. "Remind me why I agreed to do this with you?" She suddenly asks.

Toma's eyes remains the same, but a small twisted smile appeared. "I don't want to hear you asking me that, you fucking gold digger. I'll give you the money as soon as I see progress."

"Tch. You asshole."

They stared intensely at one another, but Cami soon gives up because she's actually scared of what Toma can do to her. This man is a true sociopath. All he cares about is getting what he wants with his own ways.

"I'm not that desperate for money." She told him. "I think I don't want to do this anymore."

He laughs without a care. "Really? That's too bad. You know, I'm acquainted with certain people and I don't think you want to go back on your words."

He lifts her chin and makes eye contact. "Are you blackmailing me?" She whispers again.

"Aren't you too stupid to ask such a question? Of course I am. So don't you ever think of those kinds of things if you don't want your life to be ruined."

She pushes him away.

"Tch. I hate you." Gritting her teeth against him, clenching her fist, and glaring intensely. That was all she can do to this man. Though she had another thing she can say to ruin this man's day. "You know, you can't hide this in the dark forever…"

Toma glares back at her.

"…things might lead to worst case scenarios."

"And I'll make sure that won't happen." Toma is confident in himself that he can do what he's aiming to do. And his confidence only pissed Cami off.

"Yeah, be on your way." She brushes him off. "Shitty gay." She added by whispering.

Toma heard it but he didn't mind. He didn't care if people insult or make of him, what he cares most about is the person who he treasures dearly. He looks at Yuji and had a genuine smile plastered on his face.

He carried Yuji like a baby and headed to his car, but before he could drive back to the dorm, he made a quick call. "Hey, Noru."

"…mm, the fuck Toma, it's 3 in the morning."

"How are things regarding Xia Ti?"

"Uhh, yeah! The plan was successful."

"Great we'll talk about your rewards later."

"Heh, why not come to my room later? I'd like a taste of you now."

Toma had a sudden disgusted expression from what he heard from Noru. "Nevermind, I'll just pay you cash."

"Wait, I was kidd-" the call ended. After that, he drives back to the dorm.