There Must Be Another Reason

When I got to the class, the first thing I wanted to do was to ask Xia for her reason for not attending the party. Now that I got a good look at her, she looked pale and bothered. "Are you alright?"

"Oh, uh yeah." She didn't even noticed I got in the class. Xia must be thinking too deeply.

"Hey, aren't you going to tell me why you didn't come last Friday?"

She forced a smile on her face. "I was just sick."

I placed my forehead on hers so I can check her temperature. "You seem fine now." Her pale face suddenly turns red and she pushes me away.

"Dummy! I'm fine now!"

"But you don't look good right now." I told her.

She placed her fingertips at her temples to massage it and closed her eyes. "Yeah, I still feel sick somehow but I'll get better later." She said.

I took off my jacket and gave it to her. "Here, you need it more than I do."

"You really don't have to." She declines, pushing the jacket away as well.

It made me a bit upset with her acting like this. Is her problem that bad? But why does she have to push me away like this? I just sat down next to her and tried not to worry. But she just look so bad that I can't help but worry.

When the first class was over, I decided to walk her to her next class. We had different schedules so I couldn't be by her side all day to help her. "Yuji, you don't have to…"

"I'm your boyfriend so let me do this."

"But Yuji."

"Don't be so stubborn."

Then she suddenly just smile at me. "You're such a worry wart boyfriend."

"And you're a troublesome girlfriend. Just let me take care of you."

"Hehe, okay." She clings and rests her head on my arm. "…can you buy me some snacks on the way too?"

"Don't push your luck."

"Aww." As I walked Xia to her next class, we bumped into Toma who was talking with some guy. When he noticed me, he waves his hands and comes over along with the guy he's with.

"You two love birds should get a room." He joked.

"Tsk, fuck off Toma."

"Hahaha!…" This asshole doesn't know anything but to piss off people. While Toma was talking to me, I noticed the guy behind him was staring at my girlfriend and when I look back on Xia she just lowered her head to avoid his gaze.

It was some sort of reflex that I placed Xia behind me and confronted the guy behind Toma. "Hey." Toma stopped chattering when I talked in a hostile tone.


"Stop staring at other people's girlfriends. You rude fuck."


"W-Woah, easy there Yuji." Toma placed himself in between so he could stop any fights that was about to happen.

"I wasn't staring." The guy even fucking lied. I glared at him, wanting to punch his face badly. But Xia held on to my arm tightly. She must be getting the feeling that I might throw a punch. "It's alright Yuji, you don't have to be so mad." She whispered.


"We should part ways right now, I don't want us to be late in our next class." Xia left the scene quickly.

The sight of her leaving made me sigh, and there I excused myself from Toma. "I'll be taking my leave as well." And before I could get away, both me and the guy were glared at each other. That guy… must have something to do with Xia.