Don't Pin Me Down

I wasn't able to meet up with Xia after classes. I tried to contact her but she won't answer. As I got back to my dorm, I found Toma was already there and playing some video games again. "Hey!" He greeted.

I wasn't in a good mood so I just ignored his annoying happy face and stared at my phone, waiting for Xia's reply.

"…is there something wrong Yuji?"

"It's none of your business. Go back playing your games."

He pouts and even pried more. "Oh come on dude, you can tell me anything."

I let out a groan and laid myself down on Toma's bed while still holding on my phone. "Xia's been acting weird differently this morning."

"Mmhmm, and?" He lays down beside me, taking a peek on my phone.

"And she said she couldn't attend the party because she was sick."


"She still look sick today, and I'm getting worried."


"Toma, do you think she's secretly sick or something?" I asked. That was one of the possible things that can happen. And it's kind of making me crazy worrying about her.

"I don't think it's like that…" he laughs despite my difficult situation, I glared at him and he tones his laughter down. "…don't get me wrong, I think she's just experiencing that time of month for girls."

"Time of what now?"

He leans closer and whispered at my ear. "It's probably her period." His whisper tickled my ear, so I quickly back off.

"Ugh, not so close."

"Oh sorry about that." Then there I felt my face turning hot again. Damn this asshole. I turned my back on him and still waits for Xia's reply, then I just felt Toma hugging me from behind. "Tsk, you know it's hot. Move away."

"It's hot because I'm hot, I'm greatly sorry for that."

"Ha! Did it got windy in here?"

"Can't you just accept the fact that I'm hot."

"Yeah, you just reek of overconfidence and arrogance." Better to slap him with truth than to talk with our fists. I just hate complementing him, it makes him more of what he is right now. Silently laughing at him, I didn't expect he'll make a move on me.

He pinned down my arms and sat down on my thighs. "A-Argh, what the fu- Toma let me go!" Suddenly, it felt even more hot and it got a little hard for me to breathe.

And there goes Toma with his serious look on me again. He stares at me intensely, and I was just bewildered and so confused by the moment. "T-Toma!"

"You're right. I am overconfident and arrogant."

"I-It was a joke! Dude come on-" He leans closer again. I can see his eyes more clearly.

"And I don't get it… if I'm so overconfident and arrogant then…"

"…" He even leans more closely, causing me to freak out internally. What the hell is up with Toma!?

"Then why am I so afraid?…"

"A-Afraid of what?"

He fell silent for a moment then gets off of me. "Then why am I so afraid that you don't think I'm hot?"


A huge grin appears on his face. "Tee-hee."

"YOU FUCKING WEIRD ASSHOLE!" And Toma got to kiss my fists.

sfx: pak