Because of That, Part 2

"It's about that stupid kiss, right?"


"Shut the fuck up, I don't want to hear a word about it!" He's really trying to push the button. I've made it clear that I didn't want to talk about, but he still did. Toma really knows how to piss me off.


"I knew it. Yuji, that was nothing! Why are you so sensitive about it!?"


"I told you I don't want to talk about it!" Damn it, he's too pushy right now.


"We should really talk about it, I mean, you're not even gay to fuss over that kind of thing… right?" As he said that, I could feel my blood rushing to my face, so I decided to look the other way. "Just shut up."


"Yuji, are you… do you…" Somehow, his words made me feel confused and upset. I didn't like the thought of him talking about me that way.


I gathered myself and tried to cool down, "I need sleep, okay? It's not really about that. I'm not avoiding you or something and I'm not gay either for pete's sake."




"So if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my room."


When I finally got Toma off of me, it made me wonder a bit what caused me to get out of balance. Maybe I was just dizzy with lack of sleep? I yawned as I thought of that, maybe I am just sleepy. I didn't even got the chance to think about my situation with Toma when my eyes shut close.


I slept the whole morning, and woke up feeling refreshed. My mind was also clear as the sky that day, and I thought that I might have just overreacted over the kiss yesterday. I think I should apologize to Toma as well.


As I got down to see him in the living room, I got surprised with all Toma's luggage brought out there. "Uhm, you're going somewhere?" I asked while Toma was fixing his stuff in his luggage.


He glanced at me with a blank face, "Ah yeah. My mom called so I have to go visit my her."


Oh… so he's leaving.


Well isn't this a good chance to get away from him for a while? But, why do I feel bad?


I sighed and tried to be casual. "Tell your mom I said hi."




"And uhm…" He stares at me as I added. "…I'm sorry for being a bit rude earlier. I was just really sleepy."


"It's alright, I shouldn't have talked like that in the first place."




…I thought things will be alright between us today, why is he acting so cold to me all of a sudden?


I don't like this.


"I already told uncle about this so there's no need to tell him about me." He reminded as he finished. I forced a smile at him when I walked him to the front door. "Okay, take care."


However I wasn't able to maintain my smile when he didn't even looked at me as he left. He didn't even said goodbye. He didn't even waved as goodbye. Why is Toma being so cold right now? I got so anxious the moment my best friend left.


It felt like he'll never return to me anymore. Is it still because of the incident yesterday? Or is it something that I said earlier? This kind of feeling is what I hate the most, to terribly regret something I can't even specify.