Witnessing A Break-Up

The two looked pale the moment they saw me.


"What are you doing here, Yuji?" Toma asked, slowly coming near me.


"I… I was just passing by-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when Cami cut me off.


"This is it. We're over Toma." She said and walked away.


"Cami!!" Toma only yelled, and didn't even bothered chasing after her. After that, he looked at me with a very hopeless face. I was quite shocked to see something like this. Did they really just broke up infront of me?


When tears were on verge of falling down on his cheeks, I walked up to him and gave him the hug he needed. He only hugged back and didn't say a word. "Let's go home, bud." I told him.


I didn't know what was the reason why they broke up, but all that mattered right now is to get him back and make him rest first. "…no." He whispered.


"What? Is there something you're gonna do?" Don't tell me he's going to ran after Cami.


"I have to get my stuff at Noru's place." He was staying at that guy's place? I thought Noru didn't know where he was. I just set aside those thoughts and let Toma do his things. "Okay, I'll be waiting back at the dorm."


"Yeah, thanks." He left again and I went back to the dorm, hoping he'd come back as soon as he can. I tried waiting for him until he get back home, but I fell asleep while waiting.


The next day, as soon as I woke up, I searched for Toma and felt really relieved when I saw him sleeping on his bed. And of course, his face was a mess. The break up seemed to hit him hard. "…goodmorning." He greeted as he woke up and saw me.


"Yeah, good morning and… welcome home." Toma only smiled when I said that.


"You looked like you need more sleep. Will you attend classes later?" I asked. It was obvious that he won't go to class in his state, but I just really wanted to make a conversation with him right now.


I wanted to hear his voice.


"No. I don't think I will." Then he buried his face on his pillow.


"You're missing a lot of important lectures. I'm worried you might fail."


"That won't happen."


"Oh really?"


"Yeah, because you're here. I know you'll help me pass." His answer made me laugh a bit. I guess I really spoiled him too much.


"Whatever. Just don't skip your meals later, okay? And when I get back, we have to review some stuff so you can keep on track in school." I reminded him.


"Ugh, Yuji! Let me get over this heart ache first, will 'ya?"


"I'm already helping you with that. Making you focus on other things will help you forget. It's a good method with forgetting some stupid heartache, I promise."


"But that's booooring!" He whined.


"It's boring if you think it's boring. Anyways, I have to get ready for today so I'm gonna make us some breakfast now."


"Sure. Thanks!" After that, I made us some meals and got ready for school. Before I could get out of the room, Toma said something to me. "Hey. Thanks again, for last night… your hug really meant a lot." A smile on his face appeared.


I couldn't understand what I felt at that moment like, my heart started to pound like crazy and my face felt hot. I wish I could tell him that he'll get over with his break up soon, but I just quickly left and got the hell out of the dorm. Damn it.


This is getting too weird for me. I hate this feeling and at the same time, I really kinda… like it.