Secret Lovers, Part 1

I… started dating my bestfriend, Toma.


"Yuji! Can you help me with homework?"…


Sometimes I still get lost in thought when I think about it. Was it really happening? Isn't this just a dream? Is all of this just an illusion?


Is all of this actually real!?




"Ack!" Toma suddenly hits me on the back with those thick books he's holding. "What the heck!?" I gave him a complaining look.


He chuckled and showed his notes. "Help me study, come on!"


"Ugh, I don't get paid for this."


"Hmmm, shall I pay you with my body?" He said and puckered his lips.


"QUIT JOKING LIKE THAT AND GET TO STUDYING!" This man has no shame. He laughed so hard as he sat next to me.


Even though he couldn't focus that much because of the following puns he tried to deliver, I managed to teach him somehow. And when we were done, the asshole slept soundly.


I stared at him as he sleeps and it made me smile seeing him asleep. "Haha, you're such a kid." I said as I set aside the hair covering his face.


…damn, am I really dating this guy? I still can't believe it.


Before I could realize, I was already staring nearly at his face. I could see his long eyelashes up close, and as well as small mole under his right eye. How the hell did this hot guy became gay for someone like me?


Argh, I can't stop asking questions in my mind.


And not only that I kept asking myself, now that I'm really close to his face… I kinda want to kiss him.


"I'm getting conscious if you keep staring at me." He suddenly spoke.


"AH!" That freaked the heck out of me! I rushed away from his face and felt so embarassed. He was awake the whole time!


"Hahaha, you should've seen the look on your face! Hahaha!" Then he kept laughing at my reaction. Ugh, I shouldn't have stared at him like that.


"Tsk, whatever." Now I badly wanted to get away from him and disappear for a while. When I was about to run away, he grabbed my shirt, not letting go. "Hey, don't leave me!" He said and looked like a sad abandoned puppy.


"I-I'm not going anywhere, so stop pulling my shirt." I told him.


He pouts as he let go of my shirt, but suddenly he lays his head on my lap. "Tell me, are you uncomfortable around me since… you know…" He opened up.


Now that he mentioned that, maybe I should really tell him. I sighed and admitted. "Y-Yeah, kind of."


"Oh. We can work on that..." he grabs my hand and intertwined it with his. "…let's take one step at a time."


"S-Sure." I smiled as he said that.


"Then maybe later, we can get to first name basis hehe. I'll get to call you by your first name." He said.


"Ugh..." If I ever hear him saying my first name, I might go crazy.


"What? Don't you want that? We've been friends for years and I still call you by your last name."


"It was different back then, you know! We were friends!"


"Right. We used to be, but now is different." He said while grinning. I could feel my face getting hotter by the minute. 




"W-What!?" Did he just said my first name out loud!?


"Hahahaha!" And he's gone laughing at me again. This jerk really enjoys embarassing me. "Tsk, this is so lame!" I complained and hid my face with my hands. I can't move since Toma was still on my lap, laughing at me.


I could choke him right now so he could stop laughing, but murder isn't a good option if I plan to spend the rest of my life with this asshole.


"Pfft, I'm sorry! Hahaha! You just looked really cute!" He tried to remove my hands but I won't let him see my face no matter what. "Come on, Yuji. I was just kidding around!"


"You're such a freaking jerk!" I yelled at him.


"Aww, is my Yuji mad?" This guy is really the worst! Making me feel even more embarassed.


"Come on Yuji, stop hiding your face."


"Fuck off."


"Ehhhh… do you hate me now?"








"Ah, so you do hate me now."




"…" When he fell silent too, it made me worry that he must've felt bad for himself for teasing me too much. But as I lifted my head up to look at him, he was already near my face. His lips just a few centimeters from mine. "…got you." He whispered while grinning.


And there, we finally had our first real kiss.