Secret Lovers, Part 2

I had to go to school alone this morning because Toma had a few important things to do so he couldn't go to classes. So when I was about to leave the room, he pulled me for a tight hug. "Ahh, I wish I could hug you like this forever."


"Q-Quit it! Don't you have things to do?" I told him.


Geez, don't he get embarassed by his actions at all?


"Hahaha, just a few more seconds."


"Ugh…" I've let him hugged me for a while, and it made me a bit nervous because I think he doesn't plan to let go of me. It's been already five minutes… "Toma, you done yet?"


"I can never get tired of this."


"Ack! Just let go of me, I don't want to be late for the first class."


"Hahaha, okay-okay! Be careful on your way there honey!" H-HONEY!?


"Geez, don't call me that!" I yelled and stomped out of there. I was never embarassed like that before. My hands covered up my face and I could still feel the embarassment. I bet he was laughing a ton more for teasing me like that. Damn it.


After that, I couldn't get through the whole day. Toma calling me 'honey' was repeatedly playing in my head. Before I knew it, classes were already over without me understanding a lecture. "This isn't doing me any good." I sighed as I got out of the classroom.


Walking while my head is in the clouds, I wasn't aware of my surroundings so I accidentally bumped onto someone. "Oh, I'm sorry." I apologized.


"Geez, you should look where y- oh Yuji! It's you." I just realized that I bumped into Yuu. I've been coincidentally meeting him these recent days. "Ah yeah, sorry."


"It's fine, it's fine!" It caught me off-guard when he placed his arm on my shoulders. "Are you going somewhere? Wanna grab something to eat?"


"I uh, I gotta go back and do some homework."


"I see. Us third years are getting busier, huh?"


"Uh-huh." But it seems like Yuu has all the free time in the world, he looked like the guy who doesn't even do his homeworks and stuff. "So yeah, I got to go now. I'll see you around." I told him.


"Sure, let's hang out sometimes."


"M'kay." I wanted to decline him but I didn't want to be rude, I feel kind of creeped out by Yuu lately. He's unnecessarily clingy and too friendly with me, but I know he was always like that around other people.


When I got back to the dorm, I found Toma was already there. He was sleeping and it seems like he's very tired. Though I don't really know what he just did earlier, maybe I should ask him about it later.


I didn't want to do my homework right away, so I sat next to him and stared at him for a while. Then the memory this morning strucked me, causing me to feel embarassed infront of Toma even though he's sleeping.


"Ugh, this sucks." I mumbled to myself. When I was going to get something to eat, I was pulled into the bed and Toma was already hugging me from behind. "T-Toma?!"


"Mmm…" I could feel him burying his face on my nape. "…Yuji."


And that wasn't the only thing I could feel from him. His hands were touching my body. "T-Toma!"


"Yuji… I want… you." And there he pinned my wrists down to his bed and got on top of me. I could feel my heart strongly beating in my chest, and the only thing I could hear at the moment was both of us heavily breathing.


"I… I don't think I-I'm ready for this." I told him.


"Don't worry. I'll guide you." He whispered at my ear.


He let goes of my wrists and pulled both of my pants and boxers off, letting him see everything on my lower body. "T-Toma… n-no, please..." I closed my eyes and hid my face from him. I was too embarassed to look so fucking excited and horny infront of him, despite begging him to stop.






"Oi, Yuji."


"N-No, stop!"


"YUJI!" My eyes opened from hearing Toma's voice, realizing that I woke up from a dream... AAAAAAHHH! DID I JUST FREAKING DREAMED OF THAT!?


"Yuji? Hey?! You okay?" Toma asked, he was holding a tray of food. Seemed like he cooked something when I fell asleep.




I can't believe myself to dream of something so dirty! I hid my face from Toma so he wouldn't see my embarassed face again. "Okay? I'm making a bunch of sushi for dinner, I'll call you when I'm done." He said.


I just nodded and pretended to go back to sleep.


Aaaaargh! This day is just the worst!… and… and how the fuck do guys even do it!?